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Project development And Program Design following the Tamale, Addis Ababa and Dar workshops

Project development And Program Design following the Tamale, Addis Ababa and Dar workshops Dar es Salaam, Tanzania workshop Feb 2012 Jerry Glover. Project organization: Version 1.0. High level impact: alignment, coordination, & integration Demand-driven: CAADP & country priorities

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Project development And Program Design following the Tamale, Addis Ababa and Dar workshops

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  1. Project development And Program Design following the Tamale, Addis Ababa and Dar workshops Dar es Salaam, Tanzania workshop Feb 2012 Jerry Glover

  2. Project organization: Version 1.0 • High level impact: alignment, coordination, & integration • Demand-driven: CAADP & country priorities • Alignment with development partner investments & activities • Prioritized alleviation of hunger & poverty Data assessment: prioritization, mngmt, M&E, impact... West African Sudano-Savannah Ethiopian Highlands East & Southern Africa • Concept note • Purpose • Objectives • Activities • Outcomes • Concept note • Purpose • Objectives • Activities • Outcomes • Concept note • Purpose • Objectives • Activities • Outcomes

  3. Project organization: Version 2.0 Project management, facilitation & communication Project purpose, objectives, & outcomes Data management & analysis Research & development model Management, facilitation & communication ET Highlands WA Savannah E & S Africa Purpose, objectives & outcomes Data management & analysis Objectives Objectives Objectives R & D model R & D Plan R & D Plan R & D Plan

  4. Program purpose (version 3.0): Provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families, particularly for women and children, through sustainably intensified farming systems. ? Nutrition captured? ? Explicit links to drivers? – markets; population? Need a strong hypothesis; policies, land tenure implications? ?Where the numbers?

  5. Priority value chains provide starting points (for example:) Maize Inputs and services Inputs and services Marketing Marketing Processing Processing Production Production Horticulture

  6. Sustainable intensification via a systems approach Maize Inputs and services Inputs and services Inputs and services Inputs and services Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Processing Processing Processing Processing Production Production Production Production Horticulture Livestock Legumes

  7. Research scope? Inputs and services Marketing Processing Maize Inputs and services Marketing Processing Horticulture Production Inputs and services Marketing Processing Livestock Inputs and services Legumes Marketing Processing

  8. Research scope? Maize Horticulture Production Livestock Marketing Milling / packaging Extension Seeds & Breeds Equipment / fertilizer Post-harvest storage Legumes

  9. Research scope Maize Horticulture Productivity / profitability Livestock Nutrition Natural Res. Mngmt. Gender issues Legumes

  10. Research scope Maize Horticulture Production Livestock Marketing Milling / packaging Extension Seeds & Breeds Equipment / fertilizer Post-harvest storage Legumes Strong, formalized linkages

  11. Program objectives (version 3.0): • Identify demand-driven sustainable intensification options that are socially acceptable, economically feasible, and environmentally sound. • Combine and adapt these options to address constraints and exploit opportunities. • Evaluate their effectiveness at multiple scales. • Catalyze ongoing sustainable farm intensification.

  12. Program outcomes (version 3.0) • Sustainable increase of whole farm productivity • Improved on- and off-farm natural resource management • Improved connectivity to and utilization of off-farm systems (e.g., markets, inputs suppliers) that support sustainable intensification • Increased nutritional and economic levels of the target populations, especially women and children • Reduced vulnerability and increased resilience of the target population and farming systems to adverse environmental and economic challenges.

  13. Demand-driven R & D at multiple levels • CAADP priorities – Africa owned and led (Countries, ASARECA, CCARDESA) • Opportunities for the project to address issues that may arise over the medium- to long-term (anticipatory) • Development partner priorities & allied activities (e.g., SIMLESA; Concern Worldwide-Zambia) • Opportunities for greater impact • Farmer priorities – options & decision making tools • Opportunities for the project to address issues important to farmers in the near-term

  14. Steering group Drafting group Concept note timelines Gaps ‘Early’ Wins (criteria) Management Plans and Actions [budgets] M&E and Site Selection Design workshop Goal Purpose Outcomes Boundaries ‘Outcomes’ Assumptions Systems Integration Indices Activities Outputs M&E why? Impacts? How and Who site selection

  15. Goal! Intensification gradient ghana Purpose enhance rural livelihoods Objective identify and enhance practices Objective deliver and scale out outputs Objective effective management and linkages Outcome: productivity Outcome: nrm Outcome: vulnerability Outcome: nutrition & incomes Outcome: management Outcomes: M&E, comms, learning Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output activity activity activity activity activity activity

  16. Goal! Intensification gradient ethiopia Purpose Outcomes Objective option baskets Objective deliver and scale out Objective effective management and linkages Outcome: management Outcomes: M&E, comms, learning assumptions Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output activity activity activity activity activity activity

  17. Program Purpose Program Targets Program Objectives x 4 Program Management, Coordination, M&E, Comms Program Outcomes x 5 Outcomes Program-wide Research Approaches research design - scale – scope – boundaries – R4D – assumptions – hypotheses – intensification gradient – site selection Outputs Activities West Highlands East & Southern

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