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Chapter 2 Inorganic Solids in Soil continued

Chapter 2 Inorganic Solids in Soil continued. http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/graphic0/rockmin/ion-cov.gif. What holds a covalent bond together?. Nuclei repel, but are attracted by the pair of negative electrons. http://www.webchem.net/images/bonds/covale2.gif.

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Chapter 2 Inorganic Solids in Soil continued

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  1. Chapter 2Inorganic Solids in Soilcontinued

  2. http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/graphic0/rockmin/ion-cov.gif

  3. What holds a covalent bond together? Nuclei repel, but are attracted by the pair of negative electrons. http://www.webchem.net/images/bonds/covale2.gif

  4. Pauling’s Rules predict configuration of atoms into a crystal structure http://www.gly.fsu.edu/~salters/GLY1000/6_Minerals/6_Minerals_index.html

  5. Soil clay minerals Silica Tetrahedrons – one building block of soil minerals Crystal pictures are from Bob Harter at Univ. of New Hampshire http://pubpages.unh.edu/~harter/crystal.htm#2:1%20MINERALS

  6. Various linkages of the tetrahedra create classes of silicates www.indiana.edu/~geol116/ week2/sillmin.jpg www.winona.edu/geology/MRW/minrx.htm

  7. socrates.berkeley.edu/~eps2/wisc/Lect4.html

  8. Figure 1: Single silica tetrahedron (shaded) and the sheet structure of silica tetrahedrons arranged in a hexagonal network. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-80127

  9. clay mineral: hexagonal tetrahedral sheets http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-80127

  10. Aluminum Octahedrons – another building block or layer in minerals

  11. Single octahedron (shaded) and the sheet structure of octahedral units. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article-80127

  12. Primary Soil Minerals • Not chemically altered or significantly weathered • Inherited from original crystallization or deposition • Found mostly in the sand and silt fractions • Ex: Quartz, Feldspars/Plagioclases, Amphiboles, Pyroxenes, etc. (Sparks, Table 2.2 p. 46) • Source of Na, Mg, K, Ca, Mn, and Fe ions as they weather/decompose. • Also source of trace elements and heavy metals in soils.

  13. http://www.mineralogie.uni-wuerzburg.de/gallery/Seiten/quartz2.htmhttp://www.mineralogie.uni-wuerzburg.de/gallery/Seiten/quartz2.htm Photograph taken by Klaus-Peter Kelber

  14. Secondary Soil Minerals • Low-temperature weathering product of primary minerals • Structural alteration of primary minerals • Precipitation out of solution • Inherited from sedimentary rocks • Predominant in clay fraction (<2µm) • Very reactive chemically and physically • Source of readily available nutrient ions (Ca, Mg, K, NH4, S, Fe…) • Ex: Phyllosilicates (kaolins, smectites, illites); oxides and hydroxides, carbonates, sulfates, etc.

  15. Phyllosilicates or “layer” silicates • Most abundant in the clay-sized fraction (hence referred to as “clay minerals” • Very high surface area + unsatisfied charges = very reactive (both physically and chemically) • Composed of sheets of SiO4 tetrahedra + Al or Mg octahedra • Strong ionic/covalent internal bonding and weaker H or van der Waals bonding between the layers

  16. Ionic radius (size) determines the coordination with ligands (O or OH) -face- -edge-

  17. http://intro.chem.okstate.edu/1314F97/Chapter8/Ionic%20Radii3.Gifhttp://intro.chem.okstate.edu/1314F97/Chapter8/Ionic%20Radii3.Gif

  18. Isomorphous Substitution Substitution, during formation, of one ion for another of similar SIZE (but not necessarily the same charge) in an ionic solid without changing the structure (shape, morphology) of the crystal. Isomorphic = “sameshape”

  19. Schematic representation of 2:1 clay mineral such as montmorillonite, indicating locations of substitution sites on tetrahedral and octahedral layers and the hydrated interlayer cations. www.sandia.gov/geobio/randy.html

  20. Layer charge Results from isomorphic substitution with ions of different charge: Al+3 for Si+4 in tetrahedra = -1 Mg+2 for Al+3 in octahedra = -1 Fe+2 for Al+3 “ “ = -1 Li+ for Mg+2 or Al+3 “ = -1 or -2 Negative charge must be neutralized by cations adsorbed on the mineral surface or in the interlayer (between the sheets) region

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