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Beyond usability:using metaphor and narrative Session 12 (19/11/03). interface.
Beyond usability:using metaphor and narrativeSession 12 (19/11/03)
interface “In its simplest sense, the word refers to software that shapes the interaction between user and computer. The interface serves as a kind of translator, mediating between the two parties, making one sensible to the other. In other words, the relationship governed by the interface is a semantic one, characterized by meaning and expression rather than physical force.” (Johnson, 14)
my proposals • Metaphor - not so far fetched as you might think - basis of all GUIs - shape the way we understand digital environments • Narrative
some definitions ARISTOTLE + classical rhetoric: Achilles is a lion Achilles is like a lion comparison/ deviation dichotomy: literal/figurative language truth? LAKOFF & JOHNSON: "metaphorical concepts as ways of partially structuring one experience in terms of another" cognitive theory “If metaphors are too literal, they don't work, what makes them powerful is "the gap between the two poles of the equation“ (Steven Johnson)
pandora’s box metaphors shape our understanding • - as digital library • - as electronic mail • - as marketplace • as digital worlds (Mark Stefik) the Internet metaphors reveal and conceal (Richard Coyne) - as a calculator (bookeeping,accounting...) - as a drawing tool (CAD, photoshop...) - as intelligence (human cognition, AI) the computer "Metaphors may create realities for us, especially social realities. A metaphor may thus be a guide for future action. Such actions will, of course, fit the metaphor. This will, in turn, reinforce the power of the metaphor to make experience coherent. In this sense metaphors can be self-fulfilling prophecies." (Lakoff)
digital metaphors could also sometimes... • Concentrate on the search for interesting new relationships and not on understanding and efficiency. • Concentrate on the process and not on the results. • Not be repetitive. examples: • Hypergenic WebNize (Handelshoejskolens Bibliotek)http://metro.asb.dk/webnize/metro/ • Metaphor guidelines by Bonnie Skaalidhttp://www.usask.ca/education/coursework/skaalid/site/metaphor/metaphor.htm
Beyond Usability and Design: The Narrative Web FEATURES DOWNLOAD PURCHASE SUPPORT CONTACT We want to see narrative everywhere. Stories are fun, exciting, comforting. This isn’t just a matter of bedtime stories and art. The saga of the Great Browser War, the Open Source tales, the stories of Bill (Gates) and Steve (Jobs), populate our work life and our weblogs. So, too, do tales of Rise and Fall – of individuals, companies, and websites. The point is not that we should add stories to our sites to ensnare narrative-starved readers. The point is that the reader’s journey through our site is a narrative experience. Our job is to make the narrative satisfying. (Mark Bernstein)
we want narrative • Memorable experiences • Stories adapted to the kind of product (not forced into it) • Characters attract people! (but not always appropriate) • Directly addressing the reader... (not just pretending) (Mark Bernstein)
some examples: • IKEA Lamps Catalogue. • Online Caroline. • About.com: an encyclopedia with characters • KILROY TRAVELS Newsletter
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