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COMPS263F. Li Tak Sing Lectures 23-28. Counting and Discrete Probability. Permutations The number of ways to arrange n different objects in a line: n(n-1)(n-2)....1=n! 0!=1 This is because there is only one way in arranging 0 items in a line.

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  1. COMPS263F Li Tak Sing Lectures 23-28

  2. Counting and Discrete Probability Permutations The number of ways to arrange n different objects in a line: n(n-1)(n-2)....1=n! 0!=1 This is because there is only one way in arranging 0 items in a line. The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is given by P(n,r)=n(n-1)...(n-r+1)=

  3. Permutations with repeated elements If a bag contains some objects in which m1 are of type 1, m2 are of type 2, .... mk are of type k. The number of permutation is:

  4. Example Worst-case lower bound for comparison sorting A list of n numbers can be arranged in n! ways. So a decision tree for sorting n numbers must contain n! leaves. Since a binary tree of depth d can contain at most 2dleaves, so we have: n!≤2d log2n! ≤d log2n! is approximately nlog2n nlog2n ≤d

  5. People in a circle • n different people are sitting arrange a circle table. • the number of way to sit is (n-1)!.

  6. Combination • The number of ways of taking r objects from n different objects so that the order is not import is: • C(n,r) is the coefficient of xr in the expansion of (x+1)n • C(n,r) can also be written in the form .

  7. Example Suppose we want to build a code to represent 29 objects in which each object is represented as a binary string length n, which consists of k 0's and m 1's and n=k+m. Find n, k and m, where n has the smallest possible value. (n=7,k=4, m=3)

  8. Bag combinations • Now we want to know the number of way to form a bag of k elements from a set of n elements. • This can be though of as arranging n+k-1 balls so that k of them are white balls and n-1 of them are black balls. The n-1 black balls divides the k white balls into n groups. We can then consider the first group as the elements from the 1st element of the set, the second from the second element and so on. So the number of ways= .

  9. Example • In how many ways can four coins be selected from a bags of $1, $2, $5 and $10 coins. () • n how many ways can a committee of 5 people be selected from a group of doctors and nurses. () • In how many ways can five people be selected from a collection of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents? Here we are choosing five-element bags from a set of three characteristics {Democrat, republican, Independent}. ()

  10. Discrete probability The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment is called a sample space or probability space. The elements in a sample space are called sample points or simply points. Any subset of a sample space is called an event. A probability distribution on a sample space S is an assignment of probabilities to the points of S such that the sum of all the probabilities is 1. Le S={x1, x2, ...xn} be a sample space. A probability distribution P on S is a function P: S[0,1]such that P(x1)+P(x2)+...+P(xn)=1.

  11. Discrete probability The probability of an event E is denoted by P(S)=1 P()=0 P(AB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(AB) P(E')=1-P(E)

  12. The birthday problem • Given n people in a room, what is the probability that at least two of the people have the same birthday (month and day)? • Assume that a year has 365 days. So the sample space consists of 365n elements. • Now, we want to calculate the number of cases where no two people have the same birthday. • The first person has 365 choices, the second has 364 choices, the last has 366-n choices.

  13. The birthday problem • The total number of choices are 365*364*...*(366-n). • So the probability is • For 40 person, the probability is 0.891. So it is very likely to have two persons having the same birthday.

  14. Conditional probability • P(A|B)=probability that event A would occur given that B has occurred= • If E1, ...En form a partition of S, then • If A and B are independent event, then P(A)=P(A|B)=P(A|B'). This means that the occurrence of B does not in any way affect the occurrence of A. • Therefore P(A)P(B)=P(AB)

  15. Repeated independent trials • Let there be a game so that the probability of wining is p. Then the game is played for n times. The probability of winning exactly r times is:

  16. Example • A team has probability 2/3 of winning whenever it plays. Find each of the following probabilities that the team will win. • Exactly 4 out of 5 games. • At most 4 out 5 games. • Exactly 4 out of 5 games given that it has already won the first 2 games of a 5-game series. • A student is chosen at random from a class of 80 students that has 20 honor students, 30 athletes, and 40 that are neither honor students nor athlets. • What is the probability that the student selected is an athlete given that he or she is an honors students. • What is the probability that the student selected is an honors student given that he or she is an athlete? • Are the events "honors student" and "athlete" independent?

  17. Solution • a) b)1-c) • S-all students,H-honor students, A-athletes. Therefore |S|=80,|H|=20, |A|=30, |HA|=40, |HA|=|H|+|A|-|HA|=10a)

  18. Solution • b)c) therefore can see that H and A are not independent.

  19. Examples • A computer program uses one of three procedures for each piece of input. The procedures are used with probabilities 1/3, 1/2, 1/6. Negative results are detected at rates of 10%, 20%, and 30% by the three procedures, respectively. Suppose a negative result is detected. Find the probabilities that each of the procedures was used. • A commuter crosses one of three bridges, A, B, or C, to go home from work, crossing A with probability 1/3, B with probability 1/6, and C with probability 1/2. The commuter arrives home by 6 p.m. 75%, 60% and 80% of the time by crossing bridges A, B, and C, respectively. If the commuter arrives home after 6 p.m., find the probability that bridge A was used. Also find the probabilities for bridges B and C.

  20. Expectation • expectation = average behavior • For example, in rolling a die, the probabilities of different outcomes are: 1: 1/6 2: 1/6 3: 1/6 4: 1/6 5: 1/6 6: 1/6So if a die is rolled n times, roughly n/6 of them would be 1, n/6 of them would be 2, etc. We can then calculate the average of the outcome: where P(xr) is the probability of event xr and V(xr) is the value of the outcome.

  21. Example • Find the expected score obtained by guessing all 100 questions of a true-false exam in which a correct answer is worth 1 point and an incorrect answer is worth -1/2 point. So would you suggest a student to do a random guess if he/she does not know the answer? • In a simple rolling die game, if a player bets $1 for a number 1 to 6, and if he wins, he will get 4 dollars. Is this game a fair game?

  22. Average Performance of an Algorithm • If in an algorithm, there are a number of possible inputs with different probabilities, and each input may result in different number of operations being executed, then we can compute the average number of operations accordingly. • Suppose the sample space is {I1, I2,...,Ik}, P(Ij) is the probability of the input being Ij, V(Ij) is the number operations executed if the input is Ij. Then, the average number of operations executed is: • To show that an algorithm A is optimal in the average case for some problem, we need to specify a particular sample space and probability distribution. Then we need to show that AvgA(n)AvgB(n) for all n>0 and for all algorithms B that solve the problem. • However, it is difficult to find the optimal algorithm. So we usually just find the best from known algorithms.

  23. Example • Analysis of sequential search • To search an element X in an array L The algorithm is: i:=n; while i1 and XL[i] do i:=i-1 od The even Ij, j=1,..,n represents the case when X is at position j. In+1 represents the case when X is not in L. So V(Ij)=n-j+1 for j=1,...,n. V(In+1)=n. Assume that q is the probability that X is in L. So P(Ij)=q/n for j=1,...,n. P(In+1)=1-q. AvgA(n)=E(V)=(n+(n-1)+...+1)(n/q)+(1-q)n=q(n+1)/2 + (1-q)n

  24. Example • So if we know that X is in L, then q=1, then AvgA(n)=(n+1)/2. If X is not in L, then q=0, AvgA(n)=n.

  25. Monte Carlo Method • Sometimes it is difficult to find a formula to a problem. We can use a statistical method called Monte Carlo method. • For example, in finding the area of a shape, we can draw the same on a piece of paper. Then, we can randomly put points onto the paper. The percentage of points inside the shape can then be used to estimate the area of the same. • In estimating the average performance of an algorithm, we need to have some random input and then find the average number of operations accordingly.

  26. Example • Assume that we have a sorted list of 15 elements, x1, x2, ..., x15. Calculate the average number of comparisons made by a binary search algorithm to look for a key that may or may not be in the list. Assume that the key has probability 1/2 of being in the list and that each of the events "key=xi" is equally likely for i=1..15. • Generalize the problem to find a formula for the average number of comparisons used to look for a key in a sorted list of size n=2k-1, where k is a natural number. Assume that the key has probability p of being in the list and that each of the events "key=xi" is equally likely for i=1,..,n.

  27. Chapter 11 Regular Languages and Finite Automata The regular Languages Regular languages are constructed from the letters of an alphabet by using the language operations of union, concatenation, and closure. , {}, and {a} are regular languages for all aA. If L and M are regular languages, then the following languages are also regular: LM, ML, and L*. There can be many regular Languages.

  28. The regular languages For example: A={a,b} The following are all regular languages of A:  {} {a} {b} {a,b} {aa,bb} Actually, any finite set that contains elements of strings that contain a, b are regular languages of A.

  29. Regular Expressions A regular language is often described by means of an algebraic expression called a regular expression. , , and a are regular expressions for all aA. If R and S are regular expressions, then the following expressions are also regular: (R), R+S, RS, and R* For example, A={a,b} The following are regular expressions of A: , , a, b, +b, b*, a+(ba), (a+b)a, ab*, a*+b*.

  30. Regular Expressions To avoid using too many parentheses, we assume that the operations have the following hierarchy: • * highest (do it first) • . • + lowest (do it last). So a+ba* is equivalent to (a+(b(a*))). In addition, we can omit . There, ab can be written as ab.

  31. Relations between regular expressions and regular languages • L()= • L()={} • L(a)={a} for each aA • L(R+S)=L(R)L(S) • L(RS)=L(R)L(S) • L(R*)=L(R)*

  32. Example L(a*+b*) = L(a*)L(b*) =L(a)* L(b)* ={a}*{b}* ={, a, a2, a3,....} {, b, b2, b3,....} ={, a, b, a2, b2, a3, b3, ..... }

  33. Problems Find a regular expression to describe each of the following languages. • {a,b,c} • {aa,ab,ac} • {a, b, ab, ba, abb, baa, ...., abn, ban,...} • {a, aaa, aaaaa, ...., a2n+1} • {, a, abb, abbbb, ..., ab2n, ... } • {, a, b, c, aa, bb, cc, ..., an, bn, cn, ....} • {ambcn| m,nN}

  34. Equality of two regular expressions • Different regular expressions may be related to the same regular languages.L(a+b)=L(b+a)={a,b} • Two regular expressions are said to be equal if they correspond to the same regular language.S=R if L(S)=L(R) • So we can say that a+b=b+a • (a+b)+(b+a)=a+b • abba

  35. Properties of Regular Expressions 1. (+ properties) R+T=T+R R+=+R=R R+R=R (R+S)+T=R+(S+T) 2. ( properties) R=R= R=R=R (RS)T=R(ST) 3. (Distributive properties) R(S+T)=RS+RT (S+T)R=SR+TR

  36. Properties of Regular Expressions (Closure properties) 4. *=*=. 5. R*=R*R*=(R*)*=R+R*. R*=+R*=(+R)*=( +R)R*=+RR* R*=(R+...+Rk)* for any k1, R*=+R+...+Rk-1+RkR* for any k1. 6. R*R=RR* 7. (R+S)*=(R*+S*)*=(R*S*)*=(R*S)*R*=R*(SR*)* 8. R(SR)*=(RS)*R 9. (R*S)*= +(R+S)*S, (RS*)*=+R(R+S)*

  37. Problems • Find a regular expression for each of the following languages over the alphabet {a,b}. • Strings with even length. • Strings whose length is a multiple of 3. • Strings containing the substring aba. • Strings with an odd number of a's. • Find a regular expression over the alphabet {0,1} to describe the set of all binary numerals without leading zeros (except 0 itself). So the language is the set {0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111,...}

  38. Example Write down the regular expressions for the following regular languages of the alphabet A={a,b,c} . (a) {abc} (b) {abc, acb} (c) {aibjck| i, j, k  N} (d) {ab, bc, ca, ba, cb, ac} (e) {aa, bb, cc}

  39. Solution (a) abc (b) a(bc+cb) (c) a*b*c* (d) a(b+c)+b(c+a)+c(a+b) (e) aa+bb+cc

  40. Example Write down the regular languages for the following regular expressions of alphabet A={a,b,c} (a) (a+b)b* (b) abc* (c) a+c* (d) b(ab)* (e) (a+b)*

  41. Solution (a) {abk, bbk| kN} (b) {abck|kN} (c) {a, bk| kN} (d) {b(ab)k|kN} (e) {}{r1r2…rn| r1, r2, …rn{a,b}}

  42. Finite Automata • This is a way of determining whether a string belongs to a language. • Deterministic Finite Automata • A deterministic finite automaton over a finite alphabet A can be thought of as a finite directed graph with the property that each node emits one labeled edge for each distinct element of A. • The nodes are called states. • There is a special state called the start or initial state, and there is a set of states called final states. • It can be abbreviated as DFA.

  43. Deterministic Finite Automata • The following figure represents a DFA over the alphabet A={a,b} • Start represents the start state. • Final state is presented by a double circle. • Each state emits exactly two arrows, one labeled with a and one labeled with b.

  44. The execution of a DFA • The movement along an edge from one state to another is called a state transition, and the input letter corresponding to the label on the edge is consumed by the state transition. • A DFA accepts a string w in A* if the execution path ends in a final state. Otherwise, the DFA rejects w. The language of a DFA is the set of strings that it accepts. • For example, the above DFA accepts the following strings: • abbaaba • baaabab • bbaa • The DFA rejects the following strings: • abbbb • baaa

  45. Examples • (a+b)* • a(a+b)* • State 2 acts as an error state because every state need to emits two arrows.

  46. Some simple rule: • a+b • a*b • ab*

  47. Problems Draw a DFA to recognize the language of each of the following regular expressions. • a+ba*. • a*b. • ba*.

  48. Nondeterministic Finite Automata • Similar to a DFA, but each state emits zero or more edges, and each edge is labeled either with a letter from A or with . • A state may emit more than one edge labeled with the same letter.

  49. The execution of an NFA • Similar to a DFA except that an edge labeled with the empty string is traversed without consuming an input letter. • Since a state may emit an edge labeled with  or it may emit more than one edge labeled with the same letter, there may be alternative paths to acceptance, which is why it is nondeterministic.

  50. Examples • a*a • aa*

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