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DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB. Officer Training Conference 2011. Saturday, April 23, 2011. SECRETARY (Sharketary) 2011-2012. Workshop: Secretaries. Presented By: Andrea Cenon. DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB. Officer Training Conference 2011. Saturday, April 23, 2011. Duties Record minutes
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 SECRETARY (Sharketary) 2011-2012 Workshop: Secretaries Presented By: Andrea Cenon
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Duties • Record minutes • Keep track of members hours • Attend Club Events and meetings • Keep members updated and informed • MRFs (Monthly Report Forms) • Work with the treasurer Workshop: Secretaries Presented By: Andrea Cenon
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Minutes • State if it's a Board/Club Meeting • Date, time,and location. • Outline format • Facts ONLY, no opinions • Must be in sentence form • Type minutes • Make then available to officers and members Workshop: Secretaries Presented By: Andrea Cenon
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Minutes (cont.) • Time of call to Order and Adjournment, and who it is led by. • Include speakers and motions or decisions made as a club. • Number of members present • Names of guests and absentees • Speaker and subject • Dues collected (if applicable) • Committee reports • Announcements • Votes Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Example of Board Meeting Minutes Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Roster • Officer • Members • Full name • Home address • Screen name (if applicable) • E-mail address • Telephone number • Date of birth • Grade • Committee assignments and offices held in Key Club. Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Reminders! • Please make sure you receive the correct information form the new members. • Keep the roster updated! • Keep the information in the directory • Work with the treasurer and update the roster on the Member Update Center. Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 SUBMISSIONS What to Send: • MRFs • Minutes Labels: • MRF: SN_MRF_1112 (School Name_MRF_2011-2012) • JM_MRF_1112(John Marshall_MRF_ 2011-2012) • MRFs are separated into Monthly Tabs Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 • Minutes: • Club: • SN_CM_Mins##_09 (School Name_Club Meeting_Meeting number_Meeting Month) • Example: • HVR_CM_Mins01_11 • → (Hoover's first club meeting of the month of November) • Board: • SN_BM_MINS##_1211 (School Name_Board Meeting_Meeting Number_Meeting Month) • Example: • LC_BM_MINS02_10 (La Canada's Second club meeting minutes of October) Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 E-mail subject line: • School Name Secretary Work • Example: • Crescenta Valley Secretary Work Who to Send it to: • LTG • President • Kiwanis Advisor • Faculty Advisor • Regional Advisor • Divisional Secretary Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 T A S K 1 Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 C L U B R O S T E R - D I R E C T O R Y Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 S E R V I C E R E C O R D Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 D A T A S E C T I O N M R F Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Attendance Club) General Meeting: Click on the cell, scroll, and select a date. Members Present: Enter an exact number. Kiwanis/Guests/Program/Speaker: Either select Yes or No. Board Meeting/Social/Special Mtg/Kiwanis Mtg/DCM: Enter a Date. Always fill out the date of the Kiwanis Mtg/DCM regardless if your members attend. If they do attend, select yes. Interclub Codes: S=With Sponsor, KF = With Kiwanis Family (not sponsor), KC = With another Key Club *Note: The number of members present should only be for current dues paid member.. Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Attendance Club) cont. LTG Communication: Has your Lt. Governor been in contact with your club? If yes, select one of the method in which this was done. Meetings and Conferences: Simply select Yes if the event was held this month. If members attended from your club, fill in the number present. OTC’s occur sometime in Spring/Summer and RTC’s occur in the Fall. in this count are members that paid dues last year. Everyone else, who has not Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Special Events) Fall Rally: Occurs in October (North) and November (South). Kiwanis Special Function: Any event other than a meeting (such as a BBQ, a banquet, etc). Division Conclave: Election of your Lt. Governor in February. Key Leader: Varies by location CNH Convention: In April KCI Convention: In July Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Member Relations) Newsletters: Number of newsletters that your club publishes (not the ones created by your Lt. Governor or by the district). Member Inductions: Did you welcome any new members to the club? Member Training: Any sort of training where your club informs the members. Club Elections Report filed: Not done until February 2012. Club Directory: Always update this (the roster)t through the year. Articles: Articles are submitted to cnharticle@gmail.com. Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Projects Section) Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 MRF (Projects Section) Total # of Paid Members: Only Paid Members are counted Total Member Hours: Total number of hours completed by all members that attended this event. Service Project: Any type of volunteer project Project Benefits Club: Many projects can benefit your club. For example, a fundraiser for your club. Division Project: A project hosted by your Lieutenant governor District Project: Project that Project Shine Project w/other Organization: March of Dimes, UNICEF, American Cancer Society, etc. Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Major Emphasis Program: The Major Emphasis Program includes the Service Initiative (Live 2 Learn) and the Service Partners (March of Dimes, UNICEF, and Children’s Miracle Network). Project w/Kiwanis Sponsor: This is a project with your Sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Joint Kiwanis Project: A project including your club and one or more Kiwanis Clubs. Project w/Kiwanis Family: A project consisting of your club and any branch of the Kiwanis Family(i.e. Kiwanis, Aktion Club, K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, KIWINS, Circle K). Foundation Project: Project that benefits the Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Foundation(including programs such as PTP and PEM). Funds Raised for Service: All profits are donated to a cause. Funds Raised for Club: Profits go to your club (does not count for service hours). Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 N A R R A T I V E Provide a description of your successes, further explanations, or comments of the monthly activities. Your club may be selected to be showcased on the CNH CyberKey. S E C T I O N Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Abbreviations School Name: SN President's To Do List: PTDL Point Records: PR Officer Recognition: OR Member Recognition: MR Important Dates: ID Monthly Report Form: MRF Board Meeting: BM Club Meeting: CM Minutes: Mins Club News: CNEWS Budget Records: BR Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 Abbreviations for School Names Herbert Hoover = HVR Hollywood = HWD Holy Family = HF John Marshall = JM La Canada = LC St. Francis = SF Verdugo Hills = VH Village Christian = VC Apex Academy = AA Benjamin Franklin = BF Clark Magnet = CM Crescenta Valley = CV Eagle Rock = ER Flintridge Prep = FP Glendale = GLD Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries
DIVISION 3 | KEY CLUB Officer Training Conference 2011 Saturday, April 23, 2011 GOOD LUCK SECRETARIES! HAVE FUN! :D from your Divisional Secretary, Rachel Su Presented By: Andrea Cenon Workshop: Secretaries