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Enhance teaching practices to promote cultural diversity. Learn about policy initiatives, conflict resolution, and respectful communication. Practice empathetic listening to address prejudices. Develop methods to discuss cultural differences effectively.
Cultural Diversity and NVC Spring 2009
Aims and Outcomes Aim: To build on the introduction to NVC in previous module, this time in the context of promoting cultural diversity Outcomes: learners to be able to: • Understand the importance of quality measures for promoting cultural diversity • Have an awareness of recent policy initiatives for colleges to help prevent violent terrorism • Have practised methods of discussing difference without making judgements • Have explored responses to potential conflict in class
Policy Background • Speech_by_David_Bell_HMCI_further_education_The_first_Ofsted_inspection_cycle_and_the_way_ahead_(Word_format).doc • Common_Inspection_Framework_for_inspecting_education_and_training_(Word_format).doc • Cornwall College Ofsted monitoring 2009.pdf • Ofsted to inspect cultural diversity in schools.pdf • FE and terrorism from Guardian.doc
Link to this module • Examine and critically evaluate ways in which equality of opportunity and respect for diversity can be built into teaching and learning practice. (WPP 1.2) Paired activity – can you explain, as if to an Ofsted inspector, how you build respect for diversity into your teaching?
Reading exercise –Mixed blessings What strategies can/do you use to extract meaning from a fairly long and complex article like this? • Study picture • Skim read and then re-read • Look for key words/sentences • Read beginning and end first • Highlight important points • Make notes – summarise – mind map – flow chart
Communicating about cultural difference • Look at these three pictures • Jot down thoughts/reactions • Why do you think I have shown them to you?
Being criticised for your culture • Divide into two groups – one will be English and one will be ‘foreigners’ • Scenario is a social get together for people on a computers for beginners course • ‘Foreigners’ to go out and prepare – come in, find an English person to talk to and respond to their question • English people to start by asking: ‘So what do you think of England then?’ – then react to answer • Back to whole group – how did it feel to be criticised for basic cultural practices?
Respectful communication • Remember Non-Violent Communication? • How could it help here? • The first stage of the NVC process is to observe without judging • Can you re-phrase the comments on English hygiene habits so that they are non-judgemental? (but still explore difference)
How do we react to difference? • Look at these pictures • Note your reactions/thoughts • Why have I shown you these pictures? • What do we/our students find difficult to understand/accept about some aspects of cultural practices linked to some Muslim communities? • In groups of 3 practice asking someone from a Muslim community about their culture without being judgemental – How did you find this?
Using empathetic listening to tackle anger and prejudice • Read the extract by Marshall Rosenberg • In threes check you understand the method he is explaining • Can you see how using these techniques of empathetic listening and reflecting back could help deal with difficult situations in your classes?
Possible scenarios • Responding to a story in the news, one of your students says loudly ‘You can’t trust any of them, all Muslims are terrorists’ • An English born and bred student from a Pakistani background aggressively tells you they will support any team against England in the world cup