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BUD ŽET ZA SRBIJU 6.3 00.000 € KOFINANSIRANJE 10% od ukupne vrednosti projekta – “ at least 10% of the total eligible costs of the project ” ROK ZA PRIJAVU 15 . f ebruar 2011 . godine , do 12:00 časova. PRIORITETI. Nacionalni prioriteti – JOINT projekti
BUDŽET ZA SRBIJU 6.300.000 € KOFINANSIRANJE 10% od ukupne vrednosti projekta – “at least 10% of the total eligiblecosts of the project” ROK ZA PRIJAVU 15.februar 2011. godine, do 12:00 časova
PRIORITETI Nacionalni prioriteti – JOINT projekti • CURRICULAR REFORM - Modernisation ofcurricula with 3 cyclestructure, ECTS anddegree recognition • GOVERNANCE REFORM – no priorities • HES - Training of nonuniversityteachers - Training courses forpublic services(ministries,regional/localauthorities) - Qualificationsframeworks
PRIORITETI Nacionalni prioriteti – STRUCTURAL MEASURES projekti • GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Equal and transparent access to higher education - Development of international relations • HES - Training of nonuniversityteachers - Development of lifelong learning in societyat large - Qualificationsframeworks
PRIORITETI Regionalni prioriteti – JOINT projekti • CURRICULAR REFORM - Modernisation ofcurricula with 3 cyclestructure, ECTS anddegree recognition • GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Introduction of quality assurance - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Development of international relations • HES - Development ofpartnerships withenterprises - Knowledge triangle:education-innovationresearch - Training courses for publicservices (ministries,regional/local authorities) - Development of lifelonglearning in society at large - Qualifications frameworks
PRIORITETI Regionalni prioriteti – STRUCTURAL MEASURES projekti • GOVERNANCE REFORM – University management and student services - Introduction of quality assurance - Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability - Equal and transparent access to higher education • HES - Development of partnerships with enterprises - Development of lifelong learning in societyat large - Knowledge triangle: educationinnovation-research - Training courses for public services (ministries,regional/local authorities) - Qualificationsframeworks
DOKUMENTA ZA APLIKACIJUhttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/funding/2010/call_eacea_32_2010_en.php • Application form (the eForm): (to be published by December 2010) • Declaration of Honour by Legal Representative of Applicant Organisation (to be published by December 2010) • Detailed Workplan and Budget tables (to be published by December 2010) • Logical Framework Matrix (to be published by December 2010) • Mandates (signed by a rector) • Legal Entity Form: (applicant organisation only).Downloaded from http://ec.europa.eu/budget/info_contract/legal_entities_en.htm • Financial Identification Form: (applicant organisation only). Downloaded from http://ec.europa.eu/budget/info_contract/ftiers_en.htm
PROCEDURE ZA APLIKACIJU Za potpisivanje mandata neophodno uraditi sledeće: • Prethodno uneti osnovne podatke o predlogu projekta u bazu Univerziteta (naziv i kratak opis projekta,kontakt osoba sa Univerziteta/fakulteta, ukupni planirani budžet i suma koju dobija Univerzitet, partnerske institucije). • Dostaviti mandate rektoratu Univerziteta • Rektor potpisuje mandate, ukoliko su svi traženi podaci dostupni preko baze podataka.