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“SILENTs” Violence among WLHIV International AIDS Conference Washington DC Baby Rivona Nasution. Indonesian Positive Women Network Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia (IPPI). HIV Epidemic.
“SILENTs” Violence among WLHIVInternational AIDS ConferenceWashington DCBaby Rivona Nasution Indonesian Positive Women Network IkatanPerempuanPositif Indonesia (IPPI)
HIV Epidemic • Recording UNAIDS Reports, Indonesia is one of the country who have the fastest epidemic in HIV & AIDS cases in Asia Pacific. • In 2006 on Indonesian Ministry of Health reports; • AIDS cases base on sex, male reach of 6.604 cases; female reach of 1.529 cases . • reports until June 30, 2011; • AIDS cases reach 26.483 with the dead cases of 5.056 between 19.139 of male cases and 7.255 of female cases. • From this data, there is significant rise of HIV transmission prevalence on female within the last 5 years.
Quote • Physical violence “I had that when my child was sick. My husband came home drunk and he promised me to take my child to the doctor. But he came home late that night, we fought, he strangled, beat, and even trampled me. Now I’m unable to use one of my leg.” (A.S, NTB) • Sexual violence “My husband had me to have sex with one of his friend where he usually buys drugs.” (M.M, Medan)
Quote • Psychological violence “My husband had these swearing’s, “Die you infidel”, “Dog” because I didn’t tell him how much do I earn if I secretly give money to my child.” (A.S, NTB) • Sterilization “I had been sterilized and they told me to sign up the agreement without any counseling”(A.M, NTB)
Engaging • NAC as the coordinating organization on AIDS issues has involved IPPI in the policy planning process and IPPI is one of NAC members as well. • IPPI partners of National violence against women commission (KOMNAS Perempuan) • IPPI is Members of CEDAW Working Group Indonesia (CWGI)
Challenges • The VAW issues and HIV issues not integrated yet • There is no HIV Information at Services on VAW • There is no clear information what is VAW among WLHIV • WLHIV can not able to speaking about they violence because their afraid the status will be open. • There is no referral services on VAW to HIV services etc. • Indonesia have many islands with different local culture and geographic issue and sometimes M&E did not understand about that so the results can not answer the whole problems. • In AIDS respond, IPPI always have contribution and involve with NAC team but at the same time there is no capacity building before so mostly there is a lack of capacity and there is no further information regarding the follow up process. Quote : “The result of this process (monitoring and evaluation) is always the same from year after year, nothing has changes.” (IPPI in www project)
Achievement • “NAC now is preparing for women and HIV/AIDS action plan that would create gender-perspective AIDS prevention program.” (Baby, IPPI) FGD with AIDS organization at www project • Succeed collaboration with CWGI to integrate violence WLHIV and WWW research into shadow CEDAW report. • The good news is Indonesia new Minister of Health committed to solve sterilization issues among WLHIV together with Women HIV group and other CSO.
Oral Statement on CEDAW 2012 “Recognizing the right of WLHIV it's not solely just providing them withaccess to care and treatment. We should respect their dignity and theirright to have a children as well as the other women. We still found many cases which WLHIV became victim of violences. It is our responsibility toaddress it because violence against WLHIV and severalforced sterilizationcases we found was not just VAW but it'sa violence against humanity. Weurge all state members of UN to take anappropriate commitment and actionto eliminate violence against women living with HIV.” (IPPI, for CWGI report)