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Global Maritime Security: Oceans' Strategic Value

Explore the significance of ocean chokepoints and maritime piracy, alongside geopolitical implications. Delve into global energy security and trade challenges.

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Global Maritime Security: Oceans' Strategic Value

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  1. WJEC Focus 3.2.6 Eduqas Focus 2.2.6 Global Governance of the Earth’s Oceans Strategic value of the oceans

  2. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Learning objective: To understand the security issues affecting marine trade around the world.

  3. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Global oil transit chokepoints Oil transit chokepoints are narrow channels along key trade routes which need to be kept open if the movement of oil is not to be disrupted. They are critical for maintaining global energy security as half* of all the oil transported is moved by tanker. Three such key chokepoints exist in the Panama canal, the Strait of Hormuz and the Strait of Malacca. The ‘International Community’ work together to keep these chokepoints open, which reduces volatility in the oil market and reduces the risk of piracy, accidents and terrorist attacks. View the maps showing the chokepoints here.http://uk.businessinsider.com/worlds-eight-oil-chokepoints-2015-4 *The U.S. Energy Information Administration 2007 figures

  4. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Global oil transit chokepoints Task: On a blank world map, annotate to show the 8 major chokepoints, along with facts and figures to outline their strategic importance. View the maps and data showing the chokepoints here.http://uk.businessinsider.com/worlds-eight-oil-chokepoints-2015-4

  5. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Global oil transit chokepoints In 2012, Iran threatened to blockade the strait of Hormuz. If this had come to pass, it was suggested that oil prices could rise by 50% as a result, due to the perceived threat and the requirement for tankers to make huge detours. New York Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/05/business/oil-price-would-skyrocket-if-iran-closed-the-strait.html?_r=0

  6. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Global oil transit chokepoints Video – Iran's MPs debate Strait of Hormuz closure - Al Jazeera English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez3qM4txuao Task: Whilst watching this news report, answer the following questions: • At its narrowest point, how wide is the Strait of Hormuz? • According to 2011 figures, how many barrels passed through the strait? • What percentage is that of the oil traded worldwide? • What options do the other oil exporters have if the strait was closed?

  7. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Global oil transit chokepoints In August 2016 and January 2017 there were incidents where a US Navy destroyer fired shots at Iranian Revolutionary Guard vessels in the Strait of Hormuz during patrols. Video: CNNhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYVavL2kHaI (August 2016) RThttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk9Rr60GYJU(January 2017)

  8. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Marine piracy Task: Using the following materials and links, annotate a blank world map to show where the piracy hotspots are around the world. Add detail regarding the number of attacks, along with the social and economic impacts.

  9. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Marine piracy Since its peak in 2010 when 1090 seafarers were taken hostage, the numbers steadily decreased until 2014 when the number reached 17. However, 2015 saw the first increase in 5 years as speculation mounts that complacency could see a gradual increase again in piracy activity in the years to come. Video – The State of Marine Piracy 2015 https://youtu.be/59_OTlNuDLc The State of Marine Piracy 2016 report http://oceansbeyondpiracy.org/reports/sop/summary The world’s most pirated waters http://www.cnbc.com/2014/09/15/worlds-most-pirated-waters.html

  10. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? • Competition in the Indian Ocean • http://www.cfr.org/regional-security/competition-indian-ocean/p37201 • Using this resource from the Council on Foreign Relations, answer the following questions: • Why is the IOR of such important strategic value to both China and India? • What actions have each country taken to assert themselves in the region?

  11. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Homework Read the New York Times article entitled ‘The Panama Canal:The Strategic Importance of a Waterway’ http://www.nytimes.com/1988/02/14/weekinreview/the-world-the-panama-canal-the-strategic-importance-of-a-waterway.html Then answer this question: To what extent is the Panama canal still of strategic value to the United States of America? Additional sources: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/553979.stm http://fletcher.tufts.edu/Maritime/~/media/Fletcher/Microsites/Maritime/pdfs/Oceanic_Chokepoints.ashx

  12. In what ways do oceans have strategic value? Additional background reading: ‘Maritime security in the Indian Ocean: strategic setting and features’ http://dspace.africaportal.org/jspui/bitstream/123456789/33169/1/Paper236.pdf?1

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