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CCCs and AOD Prevention Programming: Challenges and Opportunities ”

CCCs and AOD Prevention Programming: Challenges and Opportunities ”. Susan Quinn, MSN, FNP Director, Student Health Services Santa Rosa Junior College. AOD Prevention Programs. Full Range of Prevention Activities include: Primary Prevention preventing problems before they start

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CCCs and AOD Prevention Programming: Challenges and Opportunities ”

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  1. CCCs and AOD Prevention Programming: Challenges and Opportunities” Susan Quinn, MSN, FNP Director, Student Health Services Santa Rosa Junior College

  2. AOD Prevention Programs • Full Range of Prevention Activities include: • Primary Prevention • preventing problems before they start • Secondary Prevention • preventing problems among those at risk • Tertiary Prevention – • preventing continued problems once they start

  3. AOD Prevention Programs • Full Scope of Preventive Goals: • Universal Prevention • directed at all segments of society • Selective Prevention • targeted at at-risk populations • Indicated Prevention • targeted at high-risk individuals

  4. Individual Behavior and behavior change Relationship between individuals and their alcohol-related problems Short-term programs People remain focused on self Individual as audience Professionals make the decisions Environmental Policy and policy change Social, political and economic context of alcohol-related problems Long-term policy development People gain power by acting collectively Individual as advocate Professionals help create avenues for citizens to develop and express their voice Prevention Strategies

  5. Individual “Make a difference in people’s lives one at a time” Targets at-risk and high-risk individuals to move them into a lower risk category Secondary and Tertiary Prevention Problems present in the healthcare setting, and the opportunity for individual intervention should not be missed Environmental Congruent with a Public Health model Behavior has an “environmental” context that needs addressing Primary and Secondary Prevention Problems present in a community setting, and the opportunity for collaborative intervention should not be missed The Dialogue

  6. Environmental Management Strategy for Reducing AOD Use on College Campuses The Three Spheres of Action


  8. Purpose To coordinate the state’s strategic efforts to achieve measurable reductions in the incidence and prevalence of the inappropriate use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) by youth and adults. The Council shall develop coordinated state prevention plans and provide them to the Governor with recommendations for the continued enhancement and improvement of our state’s prevention system.

  9. Current GPAC Membersa policy member and workgroup member from each agency • Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs • Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control • Attorney General’s Office • Department of Health Services • Department of Social Services • Department of Highway Patrol • Office of Criminal Justice Planning • Office of Traffic Safety • Superintendent of Public Instruction

  10. Current GPAC MembersHigher Education • Office of the President of the University of CA • Policy: Cathryn Nation, MD • UC Office of the President - Health Affairs • Workgroup: Michele Famula, MD • UC Davis Cowell Student Health Center, Director • Office of the Chancellor, CA State University • Policy: Mr. Allison Jones • Asst. Vice Chancellor, Academic Support • Workgroup: Shirley Uplinger, PhD • VP Student Affairs , CSU Sacramento State • California Community Colleges • Policy: Ed Connolly • Dean Student Services, CCCCO • Workgroup: Susan Quinn, • HSACCC representative, Director SRJC Student Health Services

  11. Grant Opportunities

  12. #1 - State Incentive Grant (SIG) • State Incentive Grant (SIG) program in California • Federally funded through the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) • $12 million over three years • GPAC is to function as the State Advisory Committee to oversee this grant • Environmental Prevention Strategy

  13. CA State Incentive Grant Binge Drinking Prevention • California is one of the last states to receive this funding • In other states, SIG grants targeted < 18 y.o. • California is first state allowed by the Feds to have the targeted population expand to < 25 y.o. • California decided to focus their SIG grant program on the reduction of binge drinking

  14. Strategic Planning Workgroup • Develop a Statewide Plan to reduce binge drinking for California so that the SIG grant RFA design can achieve specific goals • Met several times, telephone conferencing, facilitated by ADP and ABC with technical assistance consultants • Result: “Strategic Plan to Reduce Adolescent and Young Adult Binge Drinking in California”

  15. Community Colleges and SIG • There is minimal data on community college students regarding risk factors and binge drinking behavior, relative to the database on CSU and UC students • Perception is that community college students are lower-risk due to the following: • CCC students are older, work full time, have children, or live with their parents • Few CCCs have dorms, Greek life, or large athletics programs

  16. What was shared with the GPAC workgroup re: CCCs • Our recent NCHA and Core Survey data (2000-2001) about binge drinking in CCC students • Statistics on the numbers of students under 25 y.o. in the CCC system that are full-time and planning on transferring to UC/CSU • Other data indicating that perhaps some of the highest risk individuals attend CCCs. • Lack of infrastructure, comprehensive data, research and AOD prevention programs does not necessarily translate into less need for these programs for CCC students.

  17. College Sample Size % Binge drinkers past 2 weeks % ETOH use past 30 days Survey Crafton Hills Community College N=616 30.1% 51.8% CORE Cabrillo Community College N=586 31.8% 63.7% CORE Moorpark Community College N=565 36% 60.1% CORE Mission Community College N=408 18.9% 39.7% CORE Alan Hancock Community College N=724 24.2% 47.4% NCHA Santa Barbara City College N=836 49% 73% NCHA Fullerton Community College N=892 26% 64.7% NCHA Santa Rosa Junior College N=758 *45.4% past 30 days 66.3% Hybrid/NCHA CCC Binge Drinking Data

  18. A Few Tidbits from the 2001 SRJC Survey Break out data of 18-24 year olds that self-reported binge drinking (N=290) • The percentage of students planning on transferring that binge drink: 51% • The percentage of students living at home with their parents that binge drink: 63.8% • The percentage of students that binge drink that have felt suicidal in the past 12 months: 25.6%

  19. 5 goals of the strategic plan • Promote a cultural shift in understanding and acceptance of binge drinking so that public acceptance of binge drinking is reduced • Encourage and establish collaborations among systems • Reduce availability of alcohol to underage youth • Increase perception among adolescents and young adults that binge drinking is harmful and unacceptable • Identify and promote evidence-based practices in addressing binge drinking

  20. State Incentive GrantRequest for Proposals • Due to be released in April, 2004 • County Prevention Agencies are the preferred lead agencies to submit proposals • Focus on environmental strategies with an emphasis on collaborative relationships • Collaboration with a higher education institution is a requirement of the proposal • $150,000 to $300,000 / year for 3 years • Community colleges considered in need of developing capacities

  21. “County AOD offices are eligible to apply, or have first right of refusal if electing not to apply, whereupon an organization (I.e. local government, UC, CSU or community college) with the support of the county can respond to the RFA.”

  22. #2 -CASBIRT Grant Program • California Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment Program • Federally funded from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) • $17.4 million ($3.5 million / year for 5 years • 4 California Counties will receive grants • Individual prevention strategy

  23. CASBIRT’s Purpose • Reduce substance abuse by intervening early with nondependent users and referring dependent individuals to community treatment services • Based in healthcare settings, through routine screening and providing appropriate interventions. • Medical visits are considered “teachable moments”

  24. Other CA Counties Being Considered for this Grant • Kern • San Francisco • San Mateo • Santa Barbara • Santa Clara • Sutter-Yuba

  25. Lessons from Higher Education • College health centers are more likely to be already doing this on some level • Awareness of alcohol problems in college students that prompt student health centers to routinely screen • Smaller health centers – easier to train medical providers (versus urban emergency rooms) • National Alcohol Screening Day – April 8th • Part of the mental health screening initiative in higher education settings • Uses the AUDIT tool for screening, the same used in the CASBIRT system

  26. The California Community College System, The Role of HSACCC, and Pursuing Collaborative Possibilities

  27. The CCC system has been identified as an entity in the State that needs to develop its capacities to reach the 2.7 million students within it

  28. There are community colleges in areas that do not have a CSU or UC college nearbyRural counties looking to collaborate with higher education centers have only community colleges to consider if applying for SIG grants

  29. Other State agencies are approaching us as a system to collaborateand develop MOUs

  30. Skilled technical assistance is being offered, looking for a group of CCC individuals to work with towards developing an infrastructure and to train people on prevention program planning

  31. CCC System Assistance • Offers: • Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) • Marin Institute • UC/CSU system • California Alcohol Issues Partnership • Chancellor’s Office • Other sources of assistance • High Education Center • American Association of Community Colleges • The Network

  32. GOAL for the CCC system:A centralized group of individuals representing the CCC system to act as a steering committee for AOD prevention program development for our community collegesmodeled after the CSU and UC system

  33. Ideas • Use the statewide Student Services Council group as a starting point. Would the SSC group be interested in being involved with this? • Identify key programs statewide that could contribute individuals with expertise to the group • Identify key stakeholders in AOD prevention at community colleges • Identify key groups that can provide leadership and authority for the system

  34. Potential membership • Health Services professionals/ HSACCC • Nurses, Psychologists, Health Educators, etc • CSSOs – CSU model/all CSSO’s on committee • CEOs • College Law Enforcement • Student Affairs • Faculty/Academic • Especially those teaching in Drug and Alcohol Studies • Student Peer Health Educators • Americorps • Athletics

  35. Thoughts?Interested HSACCC members to assist in this project?Other suggested approaches …

  36. Upcoming Activities • March 18th, 2004 Fresno, California • Office of National Drug Control Policy is holding a Regional Summit • Issue: President Bush’s announcement to spend $23 million fro student drug testing programs through the Dept. of Education • Goal: inform community leaders about drug testing and promote discussion on the local level.

  37. April 8th, 2004 • National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) • Theme: Alcohol and Your Health: Where Do You Draw the Line? • National media campaign, college student binge drinking an identified target population • www.mentalhealthscreening.org

  38. April 23, 2004 • CSU conference on AOD prevention programs in their system • In Long Beach • Anyone interested?

  39. Friday May 21, 2004 • Next GPAC meeting in Sacramento • 9:30 to 12:30 • Meets quarterly • Anyone can attend • After this meeting, the UC and CSU representatives will be meeting with the CCC representatives for an informal discussion. Anyone welcome!

  40. Web Resources • http://www.edc.org/hec/ • Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention • http://www.atc.ucsd.edu/hec/caip/index.htm • California Alcohol Issues Partnership • http://casat.unr.edu/westcapt/ • Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies • http://www.marininstitute.org • Marin Institute • http://www.thenetwork.ws • The Network

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