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Chapter 13: Extending Classes Object-oriented languages differ from other procedural languages because OOPLs offer inheritance This is done by extending a class Extending a class creates a subclass where everything in the parent class is available to the subclass This is inheritance
Chapter 13: Extending Classes • Object-oriented languages differ from other procedural languages because OOPLs offer inheritance • This is done by extending a class • Extending a class creates a subclass where everything in the parent class is available to the subclass • This is inheritance • your subclass inherits items from your parent class • You can control what gets inherited, but generally, most of or all of the parent class will be inherited • The advantage of inheritance is in class reuse • Why reinvent the code already written in a class when you have to do something a little different? • Instead, extend the class to include the new features desired • We have already seen this to a small extent in this course • Exceptions, and you may have also extended JFrame or Applet
What Does Inheritance Mean? • Inheritance is a process whereby a new class has access to (or copies) the items defined in a previous class • Data members • Methods including the constructor • Thus, a subclass is truly an extension to a previously defined parent class (known as the superclass) • the subclass contains everything* that the parent class had, but extends it • * – you can control what is inherited so that you can limit what the subclass begins with
Superclass – the parent class Subclass – the child class (also called a derived or extended class) Extend – the Java keyword to create a subclass Inheritance – using (obtaining) methods and data members of another class by extending the class Protected – a visibility modifier used to allow inheritance for data members or methods but to restrict these elements to being private otherwise Class Hierarchy – the relationship of classes viewed pictorially Polymorphism – the treatment of an object that can be the declared class or any subclass of the declared class Some OOP Terminology Historical notes: OOP and inheritance came out of Artificial Intelligence research of the 1970’s The first OOP was Smalltalk, released around 1980
Extending a Class • Extending a class is done by adding extends classname to the end of the class being defined where classname is the superclass • Example: public class Foobar extends Foo • The class Foobar now contains everything that Foo had, but we can add to it by defining new data instances and new methods • Members defined in Foobar are not available to Foo, but anything defined in Foo is available to Foobar • If Foo defines methods m1, m2 and m3, and we declare x to be a Foobar, then x.m1( ); x.m2( ) and x.m3( ) are all legal
Example Class Hierarchy • Here we have a hierarchy of people in the world • We might choose to implement them in different classes so that each class can be specialized based on the type(s) of information and processes utilized when reasoning about that particular class • How does an undergraduate differ from a grad student? • How does a worker differ from a student? • How does a manager differ from a drone? • We can represent these differences • Notice that the hierarchy might not properly reflect reality – what if you are a student and a worker? • This requires multiple inheritance, something that is not available in Java • We will consider multiple inheritance later in this chapter
Why is Inheritance Useful? • One of the most convincing examples of why we should use OOP and inheritance is in developing GUIs • Smalltalk was used to create the first GUI-based windowing environment • Create a window class • It contains data instances of size, location, contents, and methods to move, resize, shrink, etc • Now create specific window classes that extend window – such as a text editor, a CPU usage monitor, a dialog box, a game, etc • Each of these inherit the basic windows features – the drop-down menu, the commands to move, resize, etc but they all specialize their class to have more features and abilities • This is one example, but it clearly demonstrates that any defined class might not be complete and inheritance provides a mechanism for another programmer to extend it
OOP Keywords in Java:Protected and Final • protected is a visibility modifier, introduced previously to allow a class to share its members with another class defined in the same package • But protected is also used to control inheritance • If a member of a class • is public, it is available to everyone • is private, it is available to only other items of the class • is protected, it is available only to other items of the class, or to subclasses, or classes defined in the same package • final has been used as a modifier so that a variable cannot be changed making the variable a constant • In a class definition, final is used so that the class cannot have subclasses – a final class is at the bottom of the class hierarchy
Overriding Methods • Note that even if we inherit everything from the parent class, we don’t have to use everything from the parent class • If the parent class has a method that we want to change to be more specific to the child class, we can go ahead and redefine it in the child class as a new version of the method • The new method overrides the parent’s method, thus while it is still inherited, it is not used • We will do this, for instance, to override a parent class’ constructor • If our child class has a data instance not in the parent class, then the parent’s constructor will not initialize this data instance, so we define a new constructor • We similar define methods to override the parent’s methods as needed
Super • One additional keyword to note is super • We have already used this when trying to clone a class by calling the class’ parent class, which should be Object, and invoking its clone method • super.clone( ) – call this class’ parent class’ clone method • super will be used when we want to call some method of the parent class that has been overridden by the child class • Why would we have call the parent’s method if we have overridden it? • Because the parent’s method might be able to do part of or most of the work for us, and the new method might only have to add a little to the process • For instance, if a child class has an added data instance, count, which we want to add 1 to in some method, then we might do the following: public void somemethod( ) { super.somemethod( ); count++; } the parent class’ method does most of the work, here we call it and then add 1 to count
Now that we have explored what it means to extend a class and inherit a from a parent class, lets take a look at an example Here we will create a clock class and then extend it for more particular types of clocks Although the book presents this example, the author omits some necessary details Start with a Clock class that contains a data member of the current time (stored as a Time object) and has methods to construct a Clock, advance the clock by some minutes, get the hour and minutes, return if it is morning (boolean), and set the time to a new time Extend the class to create a CuckooClock class by adding an isCuckooing method (true if the time is exactly on the hour) Extend the Clock class again to create a 24 hour clock (using military time) which will require overriding the getHour method Example: Clocks
The Clock Class public class Clock { protected Time theTime; // made a protected data instance so that it can be inherited public Clock( ) { // instruction(s) to set theTime to be the time based on the system clock } public advance(int minutes) { // instructions to advance the clock by minutes } public int getHour( ) { // instructions to access the hour portion of theTime and return it } public int getMinutes( ) { // instructions to access the minutes portion of theTime and return it } public boolean isMorning( ) { // instructions to determine if am or pm, returning true or false } public void setTime(int hour, int minute, boolean morning) { // instructions to set theTime appropriately } } Details are omitted for space reasons
CuckooClock and Clock24 classes public class CuckooClock extends Clock { public boolean isCuckooing( ) { return (getMinute( ) = = 0); } } Extending the Clock class to create a CuckooClock merely requires adding 1 method (note: no new data instances) The Clock24 class again requires no new data instances but does require new methods for getHours, setTime and isMorning since hours will now range from 0-23 rather than 1-12. Notice that we do not reinvent the code to obtain the hours from 1-12, but instead call upon Clock’s getHours method to help us in the new getHours method public class Clock24 extends Clock { public int getHours( ) { int ordinaryHours = super.getHours( ); if(ordinaryHours = = 12) if(isMorning( )) return 0; else return 12; else if(isMorning( )) return ordinaryHours; else return (ordinaryHours + 12); } }
Consider the code below which declares c to be a Clock – what kind of clock can it be? At compile time, c is declared to be a Clock but it can be instantiated as a Clock or a Clock24 (or a CuckooClock) c.setTime(…) will call Clock’s setTime because it is the only version that has this method no matter what type of Clock c is But, which version of getHours( ) should be invoked? This is decided at run-time, not compile-time The idea that the variable c might either be a Clock or a Clock24 is known as polymorphism c is known as a polymorphic variable, it can change types Recall that in Java, the type of any variable is set at compile time and cannot change But, polymorphic variables are treated differently in that they can change types as long as they remain a type related to (descendant of) the declared type Using the Clock classes Clock c; if(userAnswer = = ‘M’) c = new Clock24( ); else c = new Clock( ); c.setTime(hours, minutes, morning); … int h = c.getHours( ); System.out.println(“The hour is ” + h); …
Widening and Narrowing a Clock • We saw in the previous example that a variable of type Clock can point to an object of type Clock24 • If we declare a variable to be one type of object, it can be instantiated as (or take on the value of) a child of that object class • Thus, c (from the previous slide) can point to a Clock or a Clock24 (or a CuckooClock) Following the above rule, which of these assignments is legal? we are taking a Clock object and assigning a wider classed object to point at it , this is a widening assignment which is permissible Here, however, we are narrowing the object pointed to by c to be pointed at by a Clock24 pointer, this narrowing is illegal unless we add an explicit cast Clock c = new Clock( ); Clock24 c2 = new Clock24( ); c = c2; c2 = c; c2 = (Clock24) c;
Comparing Clocks public boolean earlier(Clock c1, Clock c2) { if(c1.isMorning( ) && !c2.isMorning( )) return true; else if(!c1.isMorning( ) && c2.isMorning( )) return false; else if((c1.getHour( ) == 12) && c2.getHour( ) != 12)) return true; else if(c1.getHour( ) != 12)) && c2.getHour( ) == 12)) return false; else if(c1.getHour( ) < c2.getHour( )) return true; else if(c2.getHour( ) < c1.getHour( )) return false; else if(c1.getMinute( ) < c2.getMinute( )) return true; else return false; } • Polymorphism and the ability to change the type of object that a pointer is pointing too gives a lot of flexibility • Consider code to the right • It takes two Clock arguments and determines if the first is set to an earlier time than the second • Called with earlier(c, c2) • c is a Clock • c2 is a Clock24 • but it works fine
Lets focus on how we construct a subclass If a class’ data members are initialized in the class’ constructor and these members are all inherited and an extended class defines no additional data members Then use the parent’s constructor Note: you don’t have to provide the constructor the subclass’s constructor will default to super( ); if nothing is specified However, if the extended class has new data members then the child class should have its own constructor What if the parent class has data instances that are not inheritable? (I.e. they are private instead of protected) Then you may not be able to use the parent’s constructor if the constructor initializes private data instances that the child does not inherit, it will result in a compiler error! Subclass’ Constructor public SubClassName( ) { super( ); // call parent class constructor // initialize data instances unique // to this class here } public SubClassName( ) { super( ); // call parent class constructor }
Something to Remember • You might think: • “why extend a class, why not just rewrite the class? • In practice, you may not have access to the source code • Without the source code, you cannot rewrite the class • However you are still able to extend the class • Consider giving someone a .class version of one of your classes • They want to enhance your class to add more methods • They must use inheritance • Now, we have a tool that allows us to build upon other people’s software by extending their classes • Good documentation will help the next programmer extend your class – without the comments, the programmer may not know exactly how to use some of the inherited methods! • Also remember that you have to change your private data instances (and private methods) to be protected instead
Another Example • The book next provides a more detailed example of extending a parent class • In this case, the class parent class is called Organism and has children of Animal and Plant • Animal has children of Herbivore and Carnivore • Herbivore has a child class Elephant • Carnivore has children of BirdOfPrey and Tiger • This example provides more details than the Clock example • The book provides details of 4 of the classes, Organism, Animal, Herbivore and Carnivore • How might Elephant differ from Herbivore? • For instance, would Elephant include a “peanuts needed” data instance? • How might Bird of Prey and Tiger differ from Carnivore? • Would Bird of Prey include a “calories burned by flying” data instance? • How might Plant differ from Organism?
The hierarchy to the left reflects the book’s Organism class and its subclasses Organism has two data instances while Animal and Plant add two more data instances Animal, Herbivore and Carnivore have extra methods Bird of Prey has an extra data instance In this example, everything in a super class is inherited in the subclass but some methods are overridden See the example on pages 628 – 642 for more details Animal Class Hierarchy
Using Inheritance to Build ADTs • The book offers another example of using a linked list ADT to create a Stack ADT • The linked list has a current pointer that points to the current item of interest in the list, they use this to implement the Stack • In the child class, which extends the linked list class, add the methods for push and pop • Push: call the method to reset the current pointer to equal head (this method is called start), and then call the method addAfter( ) • Pop: if size < 0, throw an exception, otherwise do start( ), getCurrent( ) (returns the value of the current item, which is the first item after start), and then removeCurrent( ) • This approach is kind of ridiculous, the Stack ADT is easy enough to build, but it demonstrates how you might be able to take a class defined for a specific purpose and extend it for a very different application
Multiple Inheritance • As mentioned earlier, a subclass might actually be related to multiple parent classes • This creates a tangled class hierarchy • sometimes referred to as a graph • Java, unfortunately (or fortunately?) does not permit a class to inherit from multiple classes • Some OOPs do permit multiple inheritance • Such as C++ and Common Lisp • but most languages do not permit this, like Ada and Smalltalk • Multiple inheritance greatly complicates matters because you have to be very careful in controlling what is inherited • Without multiple inheritance, your class can only inherit from its super class making some applications more difficult to implement • Example: An undergraduate student who is also an employee – we want to determine the person’s style of living (e.g., lavish, poor, etc) • An undergraduate student would have one style, an employee another • Which should the combined student/employee have?
Earlier in the semester we looked at the interface, which allows us to implement an abstract class within a class that we are defining For instance, we may have created a GUI class that implemented ActionListener or a Bag that implemented Cloneable This is a form of multiple inheritance Our new class is inheriting the properties of the abstract class even though we have to implement the details We can extend one class and also implement others to inherit from both the class being extended and the abstract classes being implemented Consider a class that defines a Frame with buttons but does not do anything specific We extend the class to be a particular GUI, and implement ActionListener – thus, our class is inheriting from two classes, the Frame class and ActionListener This is a week form of multiple inheritance, unlike what is available in C++, but also a safer and easier form of multiple inheritance Interfaces: A Form of Multiple Inheritance
Another Example • To wrap up this material, lets consider another example • Lets create a class hierarchy of geometric shapes • Each class will have the data instances necessary to reason over that particular shape and each class will have methods to access and reason over that shape • All shapes will need constructors and all shapes will have a toString method • 2-D shapes will have areas and perimeters while 3-D shapes will have volumes • Different shaped objects will have different formulas to compute these values • Rather than providing classes for all possible shapes, we will limit this example to some of the basic shapes: square, cube, circle, sphere, cylinder
The Shape Hierarchy Here is one way to organize our classes. Is it logical? We could instead arrange the classes under Shape to be square- based and circular, and then place under square-based the classes square and cube, and under circular the classes circle, sphere and cylinder Even better might be to have cube extend square and have sphere and cylinder extend circle why might this make more sense?
Defining Shapes public class Shape2D extends Shape { protected double area; protected double perimeter; public Shape2D(double iSize, double iArea, double iPerimeter) { super(iSize); area = iArea; perimeter = iPerimeter; } public String toString( ) { return “2D Shape has size ” + size + “ area ” + area + “ perimeter ” + perimeter; } } public class Shape { protected double size; public Shape(double iSize) { size = iSize; } public String toString( ) { return “Shape has size ” + size; } } what would Shape3D look like?
Defining Shape2D Subclasses public class Square extends Shape2D { public Square(double length) { size = length; area = getArea( ); perimeter = getPerimeter( ); } protected double getArea( ) { return size * size; } protected double getPerimeter( ) { return size * 4; } } public class Circle extends Shape2D { public Circle(double length) { size = length; area = getArea( ); perimeter = getCircumference( ); } protected double getArea( ) { return length * length * pi; } protected double getArea( ) { return 2 * length * pi; } }
Defining Shape3D Classes • In our original hierarchy of Shapes, it was commented that the organization might not make the most sense • Should Shape3D inherit from Shape or would it make more sense to let Shape3D inherit from Shape2D? • Shape2D offers a Square and a Circle • Shape3D will have a Cube and a Sphere • Cube can inherit area from Square and then use it to compute volume • Thus, Cube extends Square and adds a data instances called volume, the constructor calls Square’s constructor and then sets volume to the value obtained by calling a new method getVolume, and the toString method is modified • Sphere and Cylinder can similarly inherit from Circle, as shown on the next slide
Defining 3D Shapes If we had made our 3D shapes subclasses of our 2D shapes, defining them would be easier Assume that Sphere and Cylinder are children of Circle, then their definitions can be as shown below public class Cylinder extends Circle { private double volume; private double height; public Sphere(double size, double iHeight) { super( ); height = iHeight; volume = getVolume( ); } private double getVolume( ) { return super.getVolume( ) * height; } private String toString( ) { return super.toString( ) + “height ” + height + “volume ” + volume;} } public class Sphere extends Circle { private double volume; public Sphere(double size) { super( ); volume = getVolume( ); } private double getVolume( ) { return 4 * length * length * length * pi / 3; } private String toString( ) { return super.toString( ) + “volume ” + volume;} }
Finally… • You will revisit the idea of OOP and inheritance throughout your CS career • In 364 (Data Structures and Algorithms), you will do similar things in C++ as to what you have seen here • CSC 444 Object-oriented software development obviously covers OOP • CSC 425 Artificial Intelligence – inheritance plays a central role in “default reasoning” and AI pioneered many of the concepts now found in OOP • CSC 440 Software Development – will require large software implementations which can be simplified through OOP • To end our discussion on inheritance and extending classes, we will take a look at some Applet examples • Examples will be made available on the instructor’s web site