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Computer Simulation of Blood Flow with Compliant Walls

Explore fluid-structure interaction algorithm for blood flow simulation with compliant walls using advanced CFD/CSD solvers. Detailed finite element meshes model carotid artery bifurcation with key data on blood density and viscosity.

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Computer Simulation of Blood Flow with Compliant Walls

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF BLOOD FLOW WITH COMPLIANT WALLS  2004-2011 ITC Software All rights reserved.

  2. THE FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION ALGORITHM (LOOSE COUPLING) Load transfer INTERFACE Surface tracking Loads CFD Solver CSD Solver Geometry of interface surfaces and velocity Information exchange for the coupled fluid-structure interaction problem

  3. Finite element mesh for fluid domain of the carotid artery bifurcation Blood density =1.05 g/cm3 Kinematic viscosity =0.035 cm2/s Re=300

  4. Finite element mesh for solid domain (shells) of the carotid artery bifurcation • Young’s modulus E=3.61 x106g/s2cm • Density of wall =1.1 g/cm3 • Thickness:common carotid 0.031 cm • distal segment internal carotid 0.022cm • external carotid 0.020 cm • Geometrical non-linearity • (Updated Lagrangian)

  5. Velocity distribution for t/tp=0.1

  6. Effective stress distribution at the carotid bifurcation walls, t/tp=0.325

  7. Wall shear stress field at t/tp=0.1 (deformable walls)

  8. Blood velocity field in the carotid artery bifurcation for t/tp=0.1


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