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(Essential R_________ of Discipleship)

(Essential R_________ of Discipleship). Module 7. Merciful. ESPONSE. Matthew 5:6. “Blessed are the _______, for they will receive ______.”. merciful. merciful. mercy. Grace. (Gr. Eleemon / Eleos ). an __________ _____ or ____. undeserved. an _________ ___________ of ____.

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(Essential R_________ of Discipleship)

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  1. (Essential R_________ of Discipleship) Module 7 Merciful ESPONSE

  2. Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are the _______, for they will receive ______.” merciful merciful mercy Grace (Gr. Eleemon/Eleos) an __________ _____ or ____. undeserved an _________ ___________ of ____. outward favor gift manifestation pity

  3. “... and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24

  4. God created man totally p_______ and w____. He placed him in a p______ environment that was in absolute harmony with man’s being. Before the FALL erfect hole erfect

  5. Sin brought total d__________ to man’s world. Despite the devastation and disharmony that resulted from the fall, God’s basic attitude towards his creation still r________ m______. After the FALL isharmony emained erciful

  6. Let’s study the following: • Gen. 3:21 • Gen. 4:14-15 God provided a covering for Adam and Eve. God showed mercy to Cain, the 1st murderer.

  7. Let’s study the following: • Gen. 8:22 • Gen. 12:1-3 God sustained the earth physically. God took a step to redeem man from his fallen state by calling Abraham.

  8. What does to be merciful include? K______ to the poor and the needy C______ the spiritually down Willingness to f_______ unconditionally C___ for the unbelievers N____ to slander nor find fault indness omfort orgive are ever

  9. Those who view the world as God ______. Those who feel the world as God ______. Those who are _________to be merciful through the ________work of the Holy Spirit Who are the Merciful? does feels motivated renewing

  10. The Practical Illustration of Mercy (Luke 10:25-37) Distressed Traveller Mischief Priest/Levite Passes by the other side The Good Samaritan Poured Oil/Wine WE SATAN LAW OF MOSES OWES US NO RELIEF JESUS TOOK CARE OF US

  11. The merciful are those who act to heal the whole man (body, soul, spirit) following the good example of the Good Samaritan. Summary

  12. End of Module 7.... GOD BLESS YOU...

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