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MISSION . The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is mandated by the National Oceanic
Stephen Del Greco
National Climatic Data Center
3. HISTORY Current In-Situ Networks are processed with Quality Assurance/Control, (QA/QC’d) based on network, not element
For example; The NOAA Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), Network Volunteer Cooperative Observers Network (COOP) & Climate Reference Network (CRN) are processed using systems unique to the individual network
This is also the case for the Global Climate Observing System Network (WMO) as well as other various Meso networks owned and operated by local and state governments or the military
The global Integrated Surface Hourly dataset, integrated from several sources has a unique QA/QC system.
Often current final QA/QC is performed when all data for the month are received
4. OBJECTIVE Today’s climate related issues dictate the need for high quality homogenous data sets, often in near real time
Towards that end, NCDC is designing new QA/QC processing systems to replace existing systems
The goal is to move towards fully automated QA/QC validation for hourly/daily/monthly weather data, keeping in mind that interactive QC will take place when situations warrant
The new system processes data on a daily or hourly basis instead of the current end of month time scale
Any QA/QC standardization needs collaboration among NOAA line offices, State and Regional Climate Centers (HPRCC, linear regression, FSL mesonets)
While similar, QA/QC rules and algorithms for like parameters from different observing networks are not standard
Current technology provides a means for integrating like data into one standard format and processing these data through standardized QA/QC algorithms & procedures
NCDC is designing a new QA/QC system - Integrated Surface Data Processing System (ISDPS)
ISDPS is an end to end system for processing in-situ data where QA/QC is network independent and based on reporting frequency (hourly, daily, etc..)
ISDPS integrates assessment techniques and links algorithms into one unified system (ISD input/output)
9. BENEFITS OF INTEGRATION Reduction of subjectivity and inconsistencies among data sets that span multiple observing networks and platforms
Standardize QA/QC based on reporting time (QC methodology for hourly temp data independent of network)
Standardized products are more easily developed
Collective experience and expertise leads to a better product
Software is modular for ease of modification
Conformance of data to documentation (reference manuals, FMH, etc.)
10. NCDC CONSISTENCY CHECKS Mathematical and meteorological
Maxima > minima with other values between maximum and minimum
Physically plausible ranges
Physically plausible combinations of data
Extremes (Wakeby probability model, empirical curve fitting, statewide extreme)
Source-specific rules
Original vs. original, replacement vs. original, replacement vs. replacement
Spatial checks (TempVal, PrecipVal)
12. ASOS Hourly QC Algorithms (Examples)
13. ASOS Hourly QC Algorithms (Examples)
14. Cooperative Observers Network
15. Cooperative Observers Network
16. Cooperative Observers Network
17. The Quality Control of the Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) Global Database 2 QC phases thus far
ISH is being renamed ISD – Integrated Surface Data, to reflect its usage in the Integrated Surface Data Processing System, and inclusion of hourly, daily, etc data
ISH Quality Control Phase 1
Data comparisons as part of merge process to ensure records are for same station-time
Inventory system to ensure no data loss from beginning to end of process
Test data to verify all software is working properly
Random checks of “Version 1” output data
Reprocessing as necessary
18. ISH Quality Control Phase 2 57 quality control algorithms (fully automated)
Validity checks for all data fields
Extreme value checks to eliminate gross errors
Temporal continuity checks
(2-sided) for elements such as temperature, dew point, wind,
& pressure
19. ISH Quality Control Phase 2 Internal consistency checks between elements
Checks for several known systematic problems
Test data verification
Random checks of “Version 2” output data
ISH Lessons Learned
Thorough test data are critical, and allow for the establishment of baselines for future comparison
Peer review is important—don’t be an “island”
Use phased approach—don’t insist on the “big house” initially; start with the foundation
Have a long-term plan, but be flexible
Expect to reprocess, but limit its frequency by following good design and testing principles
20. FULLFILLING USER NEEDS Unedited Local Climatological Data publication replaced with on-line final Climatological Data publication dynamically updated daily
Today’s end user need data that is processed daily instead of the current end of month time scale
High quality data that in the past were available 45 to 90 days after the end of the month will be available within days after receipt
Products based on preliminary or unedited data to be replaced with daily QC’d data on line (automated QC)
ISDPS will provide capability for dissemination of surface data into legacy data formats (ASOS, HPD, COOP, Global daily, hourly)
21. FULLFILLING USER NEEDS Complete a distributed network for both data and software
Integrate real-time and historical data so that any data can be provided to users within servicing time constraints