1. Understanding the Criminal Justice System CJUS 101
The Rediscovery of Justice in America
2. Rediscovery Criminal justice refers to:
a. The structure, functions, and decision processes of agencies that deal with the management and control of crime and criminal offenders.”
(1) Structure
- organizational hierarchy and staffing
- rank and file of employees
- ‘pyramid style’
3. Rediscovery (2) Functions
- day to day operations
- patrol / custody / investigation / etc.
(3) Decision processes
- assignment of personnel
- allocation of funds
- funding programs
- what to charge
- crimes to attack
4. Rediscovery b. Comprised of 3 primary components
(1) Police
- most visible
- first-line aspect of the system
(2) Courts
- judiciary functions
- prosecution / defense / trial process
(3) Corrections
5. Rediscovery - custody / security
- those convicted / awaiting trial
c. Found at all levels of government
(1) Federal
- variety of police organizations
- trial / appellate courts
- US Attorney General’s Office
- correctional institutions
- probation / parole
6. Rediscovery (2) State
- state police agencies
- state appellate courts
- state attorney general
- prisons / half-way houses
- community corrections
(3) Local
- city / county law enforcement
- city / county courts
- city / county jails
7. Rediscovery Levels of criminal justice
a. Police
(1) Federal
- FBI / ATF / Secret Service / DEA /
CIA / US Marshal / Capitol Police
- US Postal Service / BIA / US Wildlife /
US Fisheries / INS / Border Patrol
- Park Service / US Customs / IRS / MP
/ EPA / FAA / FDA / etc.
8. Rediscovery (2) State
- patrol / wildlife / liquor control / park
ranger / gambling / drug enforcement
- DNR / CPS / L&I / AG’s Office / tort
claims / support enforcement / etc.
(3) Local
- county sheriff / city police / park
police / transit police / airport police
- animal enforcement / code violation
officer / housing police / etc.
9. Rediscovery b. Courts
(1) Federal
- administrative courts / magistrate’s
court / district court / court of appeals
- US Supreme Court
(2) State
- superior court / court of appeals /
state supreme court
10. Rediscovery (3) Local
- municipal court
- district court
c. Corrections
(1) Federal
- maximum to minimum prisons
- probation / parole
(2) State
11. Rediscovery - maximum to minimum prisons
- probation / parole
(a) Walla Walla / Monroe / Shelton /
Clallam Bay / Airway Heights /
Stafford Creek / Coyote Ridge /
Purdy (women’s prison)
(3) Local
- county / city jail
- probation
12. Rediscovery Criminal justice in America
- history and development
a. 1700’s to mid-1800’s
- small town America
- little crime / local police
b. Rural America
- still on farms
- small communities
- people more involved
13. Rediscovery c. Late 1800’s
- moving to cities
- crime increasing
- criminal gangs / foreign gangs
(1) Corruption
- police / courts / corrections
(2) 1896
- Jim Crow Laws
- legitimized racism
14. Rediscovery d. Early 1900’s
- growing public concern
(1) Wickersham Commission (federal)
- interstate transportation
- crime / corruption
- state / local governments
(a) Concern faded
- interests diverted
- WW I
15. Rediscovery e. Cause / effect factors
(1) 1920’s
- prohibition
- prosperity
- ignored corruption
(2) 1930’s
- Great Depression
- public enemies
- (1939) start questioning again
16. Rediscovery (3) 1940’s (war years)
- WW II: concern diverted
- war ends: demand accountability
- racism
- drugs
(4) 1950’s (fabulous fifties)
- organized crime
- Korean conflict
- communism
17. Rediscovery - street crime
- juvenile delinquency / rock n’ roll
(a) Middle / upper-class
- not effected
- technology
- no war / riots / protests
- ignored civil problems
(b) “Leave It to Beaver”
- “Father Knows Best”
18. Rediscovery (c) Expected children to conform
- did as told
- punished
(5) 1960’s (Violent Sixties)
- enforced conformity
- Bill of Rights
- Johnson vs. Goldwater
(a) Racism continues
- Viet Nam
19. Rediscovery - Democratic Nat’l Convention
- ghetto riots
- demonstrations
- drugs
- counterculture
- freedom riders
(b) Crime
- murder: 76% / assaults: 117%
- robbery: 121% / rape: 224%
- theft: 245% / burglary: 144%
20. Rediscovery (c) Assassinations
- 1963: John F. Kennedy
- 1964: Malcom X
- 1967: George Rockwell
- 1968: Robert Kennedy
- 1968: Martin Luther King
(6) 1970’s
- crime rate
- “War on Heroin”
- Viet Nam
21. Rediscovery - Watergate
(7) 1980s
- crime
- drugs
- gangs
(a) Ronald Reagan (conservative)
- corruption (Meese / Donovan)
- militarism
- assassination attempt
22. Rediscovery (b) US Supreme Court
(8) 1990’s
- George Bush (conservative)
- drug war / Persian Gulf War
- US Supreme Court
(a) Bill Clinton (liberal)
- social reforms
- law enforcement
- Monica Lewinsky
23. Rediscovery (9) 2000’s
- George W. Bush
- 220 billion surplus = 175 billion deficit
- 9/11
- Afghanistan / Iraq war
- corporate tax incentives
- Patriot Act
- Homeland Security
(10) - Barack H. Obama
- $1.7 trillion deficit
24. - Iraq War
- Afghanistan War
- unemployment
- economy
- politics
- Supreme Court
- environment
4. Presidential strategies on crime / drugs
- primary concern prior to 9/11
25. Rediscovery - crime and disorder
a. Lyndon B. Johnson (1965)
- Senator Barry Goldwater
- law and order campaign
(1) Johnson’s Great Society
- work or welfare
- no crime / drugs
(2) Adopted law and order agenda
26. Rediscovery - more police
- Thurgood Marshal
(3) Established new programs
- Omnibus Crime Control Act
- Safe Streets Act
(a) Programs failed
- crime increases
- drug use increases
27. Rediscovery b. Richard M. Nixon (1969)
- “war on heroin”
- reason for crime
(1) Money to law enforcement
- DEA (1973)
- federal support
(2) Watergate
- resigned
- Gerald Ford appointed
28. Rediscovery - presidential pardon
- lost election
c. Jimmy Carter (1977)
- waged war on crime
- attempted Iran invasion
- lost election
d. Ronald Reagan (1981)
- law and order president
- increased funding
29. Rediscovery (1) US Supreme Court
- Reagan’s legacy
- first female justice
(2) Military into war on drugs
- allow to patrol streets
- involved with civilian enforcement
- violation of Constitution
e. George Bush (1989)
- international president
30. Rediscovery - ignored local issues
(1) War on drugs
- Drug Czar
- asset forfeiture
- “Weed and Seed”
(2) US Supreme Court
- conservative justices
- Clarence Thomas
31. Rediscovery - lost election
f. Bill Clinton (1993)
- liberal democrat
- supported welfare programs
(1) Supported law enforcement
- community oriented policing
- 100,000 new police officers
(2) US Supreme Court
32. Rediscovery - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Stephen Breyer
(2) Elected two terms
g. George W. Bush (2001)
- contested election
- 9/11
- supports law enforcement
- two Supreme Court appointees
- cutting health/welfare programs for war
33. US Supreme Court Current Justices:
a. John Roberts, (53) Chief Justice
- nominated by George H. W. Bush
b. Elena Kagen (50)
- nominated by Barack Obama
c. Samuel Alito (58)
- nominated by George H. W. Bush
34. Court d. Sonia Sotomayor (55)
- nominated by Barack Obama
e. Anthony M. Kennedy (71)
- nominated by Ronald Reagan
f. David Hackett Souter (68)
- nominated by George W. Bush
g. Clarence Thomas (60)
- nominated by George W. Bush
35. Court h. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (75)
- nominated by Bill Clinton
i. Stephen G. Breyer (69)
- nominated by Bill Clinton