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理論報告. Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto-u) 田中貴浩  (京大 理).

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  1. 理論報告 Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto-u) 田中貴浩  (京大 理)

  2. DETERMINATION OF THE EQUATION OF THE STATE OF THE UNIVERSE USING ~ 0.1 HZ GRAVITATIONAL WAVE DETECTORS.By Ryuichi Takahashi (Tokyo, Astron. Observ.), Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto U.),. Aug 2004. 6pp. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D e-Print Archive: astro-ph/0408547 GRAVITATIONAL WAVE MEMORY OF GAMMA-RAY BURST JETS.By Norichika Sago (Osaka U., Dept. Earth Space Sci.), Kunihito Ioka (Penn State U.), Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto U.), Ryo Yamazaki (Osaka U., Dept. Earth Space Sci.),. OU-TAP-230, KUNS-1916, May 2004. 10pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D70:104012,2004e-Print Archive: gr-qc/0405067 A NEW ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR SELF-FORCE REGULARIZATION. II. TESTING THE EFFICIENCY FOR CIRCULAR ORBITS.By Wataru Hikida (Kyoto U., Yukawa Inst., Kyoto), Sanjay Jhingan (Basque U., Bilbao), Hiroyuki Nakano (Osaka City U.), Norichika Sago (Osaka U., Dept. Earth Space Sci.), Misao Sasaki (Kyoto U., Yukawa Inst., Kyoto), Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U.),. Oct 2004. 21pp. e-Print Archive: gr-qc/0410115 LEADING ORDER CORRECTIONS TO THE COSMOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF TENSOR PERTURBATIONS IN BRANEWORLD.By Tsutomu Kobayashi, Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U.),. KUNS-1933, Aug 2004. 15pp. Published in 0410:015,2004e-Print Archive: gr-qc/0408021 THE COLLAPSE OF DIFFERENTIALLY ROTATING SUPERMASSIVE STARS: CONFORMALLY FLAT SIMULATIONS.By Motoyuki Saijo. KUNS-1931, Jul 2004. 15pp. ** Temporary entry ** Published in Astrophys.J.615:866-879,2004e-Print Archive: astro-ph/0407621

  3. The 14th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation Date : November 29 (Mon) - December 3 (Fri.)Place : Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

  4. X matter (dark energy) Ultimate Decigo

  5. Radiation reaction program • As for dEorbit/df,4PN order((v/c)8)might be sufficient. • As for dEGW/dt, convergence of PN expansion is too slow. We need to keep very high order. • But we found Ylm expansion can be truncated at l ~13. Energy balance ⇒ orbital evolution Both are the lowest order radiation reaction force. But, we require higher resolution for dEGW/dt. Estimate the required accuracy using scalar charged particle model.

  6. On-going project and future • Can we see interesting feature of GW wave form? A naive question(⇒Hikida-kun’s poster) l=2, m=2 only (used for template) + other modes • Gravitational self-force in Schwarzshild spacetime (⇒Nakano-kun’s poster) or gauge transforamtion Force itself directly depends on gauge choice. But, long time evolution of trajectory is approximately gauge invariant as long as xm stays small same order effect on trajectory

  7. Radiative radiation reaction to Carter constant, Q. • A pair of E, Lz, Q specifies an orbit in Kerr spacetime. • To discuss evolution of trajectory by using balance argument, we need dQ/dt. • h(ret) – h(adv) is regular from the beginning, and it gives <dQ/dt> correctly. • Second order correction to the wave form. • O(m2) in dEGW/dt.

  8. Namely, 2nd order perturbation Sorry, this part was erased. If you want to know more about this part, please contact with TT.

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