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People these days opt for learning different languages for full-time careers. People working at different businesses at different positions are required to speak more than one languages. This course is designed for people who are willing to learn different languages. This course will bring out to you the basic writing, speaking techniques and pronunciation in the languages. You will also learn about the most popular languages spoken around the world. You will also be provided with the tools and training on how to learn a foreign language.<br>See more.....https://bit.ly/2yZLxvz
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy LOGIN LOGIN Become a Linguist Become a Linguist Grasp the techniques required to master multiple languages and communication systems then hone in on Italian, Spanish and Chinese languages to gain a level 2 certi?cate in each. Enjoy learning about the people and places that originate from the languages concerned. Immerse Immerse yourself in diverse cultures Discover Discover the history of each language and the words also used in the English language Determine Determine how to use skilful language techniques in basic writing, speaking and pronunciation https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 1/7
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2 The origins of sign language date back to the early stone ages, as humans didn’t evolve enough to speak. They used to communicate using signs and drawings, and utilizing those principles the modern day sign language has resurfaced for the hearing impaired. The UK alone has more than 150,000 hearing-impaired individuals and in order to communicate with them, you can take this British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2 course. This course consists of various modules that are all geared towards helping you learn how to communicate using sign language. You start out with learning about family, following which you move onto describing people and animals where you look into stu? like ethnic groups, religion and clothes. Read More Diploma in Learning Foreign Languages People these days opt for learning di?erent languages for full-time careers. People working at di?erent businesses at di?erent positions are required to speak more than one languages. This course is designed for people who are willing to learn di?erent languages. This course will bring out to you the basic writing, speaking techniques and pronunciation in the languages. You will also learn about the most popular languages spoken around the world. You will also be provided with the tools and training on how to learn a foreign language. Read More https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 2/7
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy Level 2 Certi?cate in Italian as a Foreign https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ Language 3/7
Language 10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy Learning a new foreign language is very interesting activity and would be fun if you like their language. Learning new language is a way to emerge to the culture, and if you would like to learn a speci?c language like Italian, you need to study it. In this course, you will be able to know about the Italian language and its signi?cance and history. You will be able to learn the Italian words used in the English language and so many more. Read More Mastering Spanish Language Spanish is ranked the number two language in the world as it is spoken worldwide, where most speakers of the language originate from Latin America. If you are interested in learning Spanish, you have come to the right place, given that this Mastering Spanish Language course could help you in that endeavour irrespective of your geographical location. This course, like all good reading materials, starts with an introduction where you learn about its origins and other interesting facts. Then you get started with the greetings and basic expressions in Spanish. Following which you look at the di?erent letters and sounds of the Spanish alphabet. Read More https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 4/7
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy Level 2 Certi?cate in Chinese as Foreign Language Learning about anything has many advantages to a person as well as new languages. One of the languages of the world that is competing eagerly to become to world’s dominating language is Chinese. Many people are looking forward to learning this language not only for their career bene?cence but for the personal satisfaction as well. This course is designed for the people who are will to learn Chinese without any delay. In this course, you will learn about the advantages of learning Chinese. https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 5/7
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy Read More ABOUT US ABOUT US We are a company who is best known for o?ering awarding body accredited courses for anyone who wishes to take their professional life to the next level. 11 Floor, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB 020 3744 3990 info@johnacademy.co.uk CERTIFICATE CODE CERTIFICATE CODE Enter Certi?cate Code VALIDATE VALIDATE IMPORTANT LINKS IMPORTANT LINKS About Us FREE CV REVIEW For Business Redeem Voucher Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Policy FAQ Contact FREE CV REVIEW FREE CV REVIEW https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 6/7
10/25/2018 Become a Linguist - John Academy © JOHN ACADEMY. https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-linguist-learning-path/ 7/7