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Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy

Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety, daily workplace safety tips, workplace safety awareness tips, workplace safety definition, health and safety in the workplace, safety in the workplace tips, workplace safety articles, importance of safety at workplace<br>safety at workplace course<br>

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Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy

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  1. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy LOGIN LOGIN HOME / COURSE / BUSINESS / LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN WORKPLACE SAFETY LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN WORKPLACE SAFETY Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety   ( 8 REVIEWS ) ( 8 REVIEWS ) 381 STUDENTS Do you want to make work safer, healthier and more sustainable for all your employees? Do you want to gain … TAKE THIS COURSE TAKE THIS COURSE £ £197.00 197.00 £ £10.00 10.00 Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you               1 YEAR https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 1/13

  2. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy  LEVEL 2 - CERTIFICATE LEVEL 2 - CERTIFICATE  COURSE BADGE COURSE BADGE  COURSE CERTIFICATE COURSE CERTIFICATE 19 19 NUMBER OF UNITS NUMBER OF UNITS 2 2 NUMBER OF QUIZZES NUMBER OF QUIZZES  12 HOURS, 55 MINUTES 12 HOURS, 55 MINUTES     HOME HOME CURRICULUM CURRICULUM REVIEWS REVIEWS Do you want to make work safer, healthier and more sustainable for all your employees? Do you want to gain the knowledge to implement a fully functioning health, safety, and environmental management system suited to the needs of your organisation? If yes, then this course is just tailored for you. Description Description: Working environment security and well-being strategies are essential components of any cutting edge business or association. They can help guarantee worker prosperity and also cultivate a productive workplace. Our Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety course directs you through the vital viewpoints required in work environment security and well-being and is perfect for anybody wishing to attain certi?cation or gain a greater understanding of the topic. You will pick up a thorough knowledge of the main viewpoints, for example, risk investigation, hazard identi?cation and control, well-being instruction and preparing, and best practice strategies for implementation of important security programs. Who is the course for? Who is the course for? Managers, supervisors and sta? from various types of organisations who need a broad understanding of health and safety issues. Students and business professionals who are interested in knowing more about the ?eld of health and safety. Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Entry Requirement: Entry Requirement: https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 2/13

  3. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the quali?cation. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment:  Assessment:  At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your ?nal exam you will have the opportunity to test your pro?ciency with a mock exam. Certi?cation: Certi?cation: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certi?cate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certi?cate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certi?cates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certi?cate’s turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certi?cate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Why choose us? A?ordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; E?cient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognised accredited quali?cation; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The bene?t of applying for NUS Extra Discount Card; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: Career Path: Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety is a useful quali?cation to possess, and would be bene?cial for the following professionals: Health and safety advisor. COURSE CURRICULUM COURSE CURRICULUM Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 3/13

  4. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy  Why Workplace Health & Safety are Important  01:00:00 01:00:00  It Takes Team E?ort!  01:00:00 01:00:00  Some Rules are Compulsory  00:30:00 00:30:00  Rewarding Compliance  00:30:00 00:30:00  You Need a Backup Plan Always  01:00:00 01:00:00  Dealing with Issues and Concerns  00:30:00 00:30:00  How to Deal with Noncompliance  00:15:00 00:15:00  Remember What the Workplace is for  01:00:00 01:00:00  Make Your Workplace a Good Place  00:30:00 00:30:00  Con?ict Resolution  00:30:00 00:30:00  Are Dress Codes Appropriate?  00:30:00 00:30:00  Minimizing Distractions  01:00:00 01:00:00  People Who Work After Hours  01:00:00 01:00:00  Your Fire Safety Plan  01:00:00 01:00:00  Being Organized  00:30:00 00:30:00  Plan for Emergencies  00:30:00 00:30:00  Promoting a Safe Environment  00:30:00 00:30:00 Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything?  Do You Need Security Guards?  00:15:00 00:15:00 https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 4/13

  5. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy  Special Situations: The Handicapped  00:15:00 00:15:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam - Mock Exam- Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety  00:20:00 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam - Final Exam- Level 2 Certi?cate in Workplace Safety  00:20:00 00:20:00 COURSE REVIEWS COURSE REVIEWS 4.6 4.6   8 ratings 0 0 5 STARS 5 STARS 0 0 4 STARS 4 STARS 0 0 3 STARS 3 STARS 0 0 2 STARS 2 STARS 0 0 1 STARS 1 STARS NO REVIEWS FOUND FOR THIS COURSE. NO REVIEWS FOUND FOR THIS COURSE. Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 5/13

  6. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy RELATED COURSES RELATED COURSES Property Law Level 2 £ £199.00 199.00 £ £10.00 10.00 327   Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 6/13

  7. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Financial Management and Business Accounting Diploma £ £249.00 249.00 £ £14.00 14.00 419   Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 7/13

  8. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Finance and Accounting Level 1 and 2 £ £199.00 199.00 £ £10.00 10.00 534   Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 8/13

  9. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Developing a Re?ective Practice Culture Level 3 £ £249.00 249.00 £ £14.00 14.00 581   Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 9/13

  10. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Construction Management Diploma £ £249.00 249.00 £ £14.00 14.00 340   Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 10/13

  11. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Business On the Road £ £199.00 199.00 £ £10.00 10.00 353   381 STUDENTS ENROLLED 381 STUDENTS ENROLLED HAVE YOU ANY INQUIRY? HAVE YOU ANY INQUIRY? Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 11/13

  12. 9/6/2018 Level 2 Certificate in Workplace Safety - John Academy Full Name Full Name * * Your Email Your Email * * Telephone Telephone Message Message * * By submitting your information, you agree to the terms and conditions stated in our Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Submit Submit ABOUT ABOUT We are a company who is best known for o?ering awarding body accredited courses for anyone who wishes to take their professional life to the next level.  11 Floor, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB  020 3744 3990  info@johnacademy.co.uk CERTIFICATE CODE CERTIFICATE CODE Welcome back! Can I help you with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? with anything? Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Welcome back! Can I help you Enter Certi?cate Code https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/course/level-2-certificate-in-workplace-safety/ 12/13

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