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Learn about successful commercialization of oil palm biomass, future potentials, issues, and recommendations from MPOB expert Abdul Aziz. Topics include biomass availability, R&D programs, commercialization strategies, biomaterials production processes, plant products like MDF and plywood, and challenges like nutrient recycling and biomass supply logistics.
Presentation Outline: • Introductions: MPOB • Oil Palm Biomass Availability • Successful Commercialization • Future and Beyond Biomass • Issues and Challenges • Recommendations • Conclusions
Introduction: MPOB • Custodian of the well being of the Malaysia palm oil industry. • Research, Development and Commercialization • Three pronged strategies: Zero Waste, Value Addition and Higher Income • Till date MPOB introduced about 40 technologies on oil palm biomass. Commercialization still low.
BIOMASS R&D PROGRAM (MPOB) Mulch* BIO-FERTILIZER Compost* Heat & Power* RENEWABLE ENERGY Solid, liquid and gas bio-fuels ** Oil Palm Biomass MDF**, Plywood, Fibremats , bio-char and activated carbon etc. BIO COMPOSITE & BIO-PRODUCTS BIO-BASED CHEMICALS Sugars/Cellulose, ** lignin, Vitamin E, Carotenes, Squalene. etc * Developed ** Emerging
Generates RM 59 billion in gross national income Types of oil palm biomass: CPO and CPKO Palm shell Palm Fronds Mesocarp fibers Fresh Fruit Bunch Not fully tapped for value added products Empty fruit bunches 10% Oil 90% Biomass POME Palm Trunk
Commercial production Of sound dampening sheet Comply: PROTON (ESX-62223/6), Hyundai (MS-731-06) dan Nissan (NES M 9001 (2007)
Oil Palm Biomass Chipping Refining Glue blending Drying Forming Cold & Hot pressing Conditioning Storage Medium Density Fiberboard
Commercialization of MDF – Dongwha Fiberboard Malaysia Splitting of over-diameter OPT (> 17 inch) OPT chips – diverted outside reclaimer Feeding of OPT chips via double screw
Palm Plywood There are about 3-5 palm Plywood plant in Malaysia In general, one OPT bole of 18 feet long produces around 40 pieces of veneers (size: 2 by 8 feet) of 4 mm thick, which in turn, can make into 7 pieces of 12 mm plywood.
Solid Fuels from Oil Palm Biomass(EFB Fibre, Briquettes & Pellets) Palm biomass briquettes – piston press technology Biomass Pellet Charcoal briquettes Palm Biomass Briquettes – Screw Extrusion Technology Fibrous EFB & Bale Torrefied Pellet
COMMERCIALIZATION OF CELLULOSE AND CMC (WarisNoveSdn. Bhd.) • Both cellulose and CMC plants were fully commissioned in early 2012 • Commercialized the Technical grade CMC for detergent (TL55) – eg. To Pakistan (5MT/month) • Cellulose product obtained the ‘Free For Sale’ certification from MOH, complied with the Food Act 1983 and Food Regulation 1985 • Product CMC was launched during the MPOB International Oil Palm Biomass Conference 2012. • Patent for CMC was granted.
FUTURE AND BEYOND BIOMASS (GREEN CHEMICALS) Hemicellulose (30-35%) rhamnose xylose galactose arabinose Cellulose (35-42%) Lignin (17-21%)
Chemicals Obtainable from Biomass Gas (CO, CO2, H, hydrocarbons) Liquid (methanol, acetic acid, acetone, phenol derivatives, charcoal/activated carbon Pyrolysis Gas (hydrocarbon) Phenol and cyclohexane derivatives Hydrogenation Alcohols, polyols, ketones and acids Hydroxymethylfurfural, levulinic acid Polyols, Glucose OIL PALM BIOMASS Hexoses Yeast, furfural, alcohol, polyols (xylitol) xylose Pentoses Hydrolysis Cresol, phenol, catechols, vanillin, Thermosetting resin, dispersant, Antioxidant, rubber reinforcement Lignin
ISSUES AND CHALLENGES a) Nutrient Re-cycling to the soil • The total biomass from the whole tree is about 85 t/ha dry matter above-ground and additional 16 t/ha below ground roots. • From this 101 t/ha dry biomass, a significant pool of nutrients equivalent to 642 kg N, 58 kg P, 1384 kg K, 156 kg Mg. Source: Khalid et al., 1996. • Study also showed that by implementing the organic recycle from the OPT, it can reduce the fertilizer application up to 50%.
There are issues on the mobilization of the OPF, in which the agronomist • would not allow to take away the OPF…. Soil organic materials…. • Probably agreeable on taking 50% or less of the OPF and leaving the • rachis part in the plantation. 4-5 ft >5 ft • Example of Revised calculation: • Per petiole is about 6-7 kg; standard palm per hectare is 148 • Harvesting / pruning activity is 2 times per tree per month • Therefore per hectare will be getting 1.78- 2.07 tones of OPF petiole per month • Note: Different areas give different weight sand lengths of petiole and rachis. • Depending on the age, location and species.
b) Difficulties in getting constant supply of biomass • Different entity and owners of plantation and mills • Smallholders are scattered and logistic will be a problem. • Industry reluctant to sign up long term contract for EFB supply • No formula or guidelines/regulations on mobilization of biomass, especially from plantation. Over pruning of fronds.
c) Selection of technology • Chemical, physical or microbial technology. • Cost and environmental impact of each technology • International or outside technology; or home-grown technology. • Technology has to be tested in pilot plant scale and demo plant scale. • Economic feasibility of the technology; to include risk analysis d) Mobilization and pricing of biomass • High moisture and non-woody portions, transportation cost per fibers tonnage is higher. • No control of pricing, middle-man and logistic
MOBILIZATION OF PALM TRUNKS • Lists of machinery • Load loader • Log in-feed conveyor • Hydraulic chain saw • Technical Data • OPT bole length: 5.5 m to 6.0 m • Average diameter of OPT bole: 39 cm • Volume of OPT bole (18 feet long): 0.71 cubic meter • Cross-cutting operations: 34 OPT boles per hour • If transported by trailer, can accommodate 10-15 OPT bole, • which is about 16-22 tonnes per trailer. Price to smallholder is RM 3-5 per trunk. Middle man selling RM40 per trunk
e) Competing with other applications • Mills with plantation would recycle the EFB for mulching and bio-compost. • Mill process the EFB into clean long for export • Bio-fuel: Briquettes and pellets. • Bio-composite: plywood, particleboard, MDF, plastic fiber-composite etc.
TIMBER BASED SECTOR • Timber based products contributed about RM22.5 billion in 2008, targeting for RM53 billion in 2020 (National Timber Policy 2008, NATIP). • The main contributors to this targeted growth will be furniture and panel products such as the MDF and plywood. • These industries are facing the issue of supply of wood and logs • One of the Policy Directions of the NATIP is to utilize the alternative raw materials such as biomass and Kenaf. • This is a matured sector and should include this in the National Biomass Policy / Strategy Malaysia: Major Export Earning (Source: NATIP 2008)
RECOMMENDATIONS (MPOB) • Quantification of actual biomass available. Mapping/remote sensing on the distribution of mills, replanting area and matured oil palm plantation. • Long term study of mobilization of biomass (OPT & OPF) towards the soil fertility. • Advanced study on fertilizer replacement to the plantation. Encouragement of compound or organic fertilizer. Utilization of POME sludge and EFB (value addition with effective microbes) as source of organic fertilizer. • Smart partnering on R&D for setting up pilot or demo plant to test the identified technology. • Facilitating the EPP 5 for biogas trapping from the POME. RE to self sustain the economics of the project.
BIOGAS FROM POME EFFLUENT • More than 80% of palm oil mill using pond system for treatment of POME • Methane generated at the anaerobic pond are not captured and escape into the atmosphere. No utilization of biogas. • Some attempt has been made to tap the methane gas by using blanket system (Golden Hope Plantations, Malaysia)
Status of Biogas ProjectsNo of Mills : 439 Covered lagoon digester Digester tanks
RECOMMENDATIONS (Government) • To formulate the Oil Palm Biomass Policy or Roadmap; distribution of biomass amongst sectors (wood based, bio-fuel, bio-fertilizer or bio-based chemicals). • Biomass consortium or Biomass Collection center. • Certification and controls on the quality of products, compliance with International standard (MPOB, SIRIM). • Financial mechanism. Example: Funding on the pilot or demo plants study. • Leveraging in engaging the stakeholders.
CONCLUSIONS • Huge potential to fully utilize the oil palm biomass in Malaysia • Successful efforts mainly in energy and fertilizer applications, complementing the wood-based industry. • Promising initiatives being pursued in higher value areas e.g. fine chemicals. • MPOB will try to support the agenda towards National Biomass Strategy/Policy or Roadmap. • The industry is on the way to achieving optimal value addition and zero waste by 2020. 27 27