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Working towards a more inclusive Aotearoa by putting accessibility at the forefront. Join us in creating a barrier-free society for all citizens. Our initiatives focus on business engagement, advocacy, and social change. Let's build a Fully Accessible Aotearoa together!
Accelerating Accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand Mary Fisher and Dianne Rogers accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Working together to put accessibility at the heart of a more inclusive Aotearoa • New Zealand Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accelerating Accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand Mary Fisher accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Access Matters Campaign • Highlights Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Pre-election campaigning for party commitments Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Visiting Ministers Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Sharing our Stories Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Presenting our Stories Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Work Programme • Putting the lessons into action Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Work Programme Business Engagement - Answering the questions many businesses have about how accessibility legislation might impact them Bringing accessibility into the light - most of us won’t notice when something is inaccessible unless it directly affects us. Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Business Engagement We believe accessibility, diversity, and inclusion are at the heart of a thriving country, and at the heart of thriving businesses, too. We believe everyone should be able to fully participate in society, have the opportunity to learn, to get a job, to access goods, services, events and facilities, and to take part in community and social life. We’re backing a more inclusive and accessible Aotearoa New Zealand. Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Photo Library Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Thanks Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accelerating Accessibility in Aotearoa New Zealand Dianne Rogers accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Work Programme • The Access Alliance's contribution to the accessibility work programme will be to: • work jointly with MSD to develop a work programme towards achieving "full accessibility" and to agree policy objective(s). This will include contributing resourcing (which may be in kind) • collaborate with stakeholders • lead the contribution of data, information and advice to support the option of having a legislative action plan put into a Bill to create a barrier-free Aotearoa New Zealand so to achieve the desired policy objectives. Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Building Social License Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Barriers in Action Renata Kotua: • Told by a teacher when she was in her teens that she was wasting her time considering being a doctor • She used public transport for years before meeting a man with no arms and legs who told her he could drive with his chin • When Renata became pregnant with her daughter, strangers approached her in the street to ask her how that could have happened • Renata has cerebral palsy, a physical disability that affects muscle control, reflex, posture, gait and balance. But not her brain. • At 35-year-old she’s defied everyone and is a health science student, with a one year old daughter that has learnt to drive. • talks about how the lifetime of discrimination she has faced has been as great a barrier as many of the physical ones she tackles in her everyday life Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Accessibility Work Programme Consultations The Ministry of Social Development and the Access Alliance worked together to host discussions with a range of stakeholders to listen to their perspectives on accessibility. Key themes : • No common understanding of ‘full accessibility’. • There is support for change. • The problem we are aiming to address is multi-faceted. • There was no support for staying with the status quo. • Stakeholders provided feedback on how we should frame the way we think about and measure accessibility. • A large cultural and attitudinal shift, as part of meaningful change, is needed. • Some agreed markers of success are inclusiveness, flexibility, and a holistic, people-centred approach. • Stakeholders support government involvement being a combination of legislation, awareness raising and educational action. Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Parliamentary Champions for Accessibility Legislation Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
A Fully Accessible Aotearoa New Zealand • Accessibility means people can live independently and participate fully in all areas of life with dignity. • Making Aotearoa fully accessible for all New Zealanders means: • All New Zealanders understand that universal design is design for inclusivity and independence • Our homes are universally designed and accessible • Our public buildings and spaces are universally designed and do the job they are supposed to do • Our education system is universally designed • Our employers and businesses are accessible and inclusive • Our recreation activities, social groups and civic events are accessible and inclusive • Services and individual accommodations are provided wherever requested • Our media is accessible, inclusive and respectful of all people • Our Government and political life are accessible and inclusive • A fully accessible Aotearoa benefits all New Zealanders • Effective legislation is the pathway to making our vision for a fully accessible Aotearoa New Zealand a reality Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Access Alliance • What’s Next … Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Get Involved, Support the Campaign Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
THANK YOU Mary Fisher and Dianne Rogers accessmatters@accessalliance.org.nz Keep up to date with the campaign @AccessForAllNZ accessalliance.org.nz
Working together to put accessibility at the heart of a more inclusive Aotearoa • New Zealand Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Every New Zealander should be able to fully participate in society, have the opportunity to learn, to get a job, and to take part in community and social life. Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ
Access Alliance Members Access Alliance accessalliance.org.nz | @AccessForAllNZ