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Consultation on the future development of North East Cambridge area, addressing transport, sustainability, employment, housing, supporting use, and place-making. Share your views and help shape the plan.
North East Cambridge Area Action PlanIssues & Options 2019 Parish Planning Forum 14 March 2018
Issues & Options 2019 • Consultation runs 11 Feb – 25 March • Online interactive map • Social media • libraries • Poster / Leaflet / Booklet • Drop-in events
Why now? • Consultation on earlier Issues & Options in Dec 2014 Since then: • North Cambridge Station & extension to Guided Busway • The Ely to Cambridge Transport Study undertaken • The Housing Infrastructure Fund bid
The purpose of this stage? • To establish the broad land use principles for the area • Begin to outline a shared aspiration and ambition for NEC as a place • Provide the context within which AAP is being prepared • Set out the key issues, challenges & opportunities • Not provide answers but asks questions • Not go into numbers rather about the principles
Vision & Objectives ‘Cambridge Northern Fringe - A socially and economically inclusive, thriving and low carbon place for innovative living and working; inherently walkable where everything is on your doorstep’ Number of Objectives around three headings: • A place with a strong identity that successfully integrates into Cambridge, bringing economic growth and prosperity that is delivered with social justice and equality. • A high quality, healthy, biodiverse place which will be a major contributor to achieving zero carbon in Greater Cambridge by 2050. • A City Innovation District which will deliver affordable homes, a diverse range of quality jobs and excellent neighbourhood facilities.
Transport • New and Very Different Place: Low car, walkable cycling neighbourhood, Trip Budget approach, strict parking policy/Hub car parking storage • Relationship to Milton Road: The AAP needs to reflect on the GCP Milton Road transport corridor proposals and wider Northern Access Study. • Site’s Self-containment: required to manage transport but how do we make it work? what are the implications? • Other initiatives: linking to transport projects to serve the area and beyond
Climate Change & Sustainability • Zero Carbon: Standards • Environmental Health issues: Need to consider short term, medium term and longer term – to what extent are these going to constrain development at each stage – air quality, odour, noise, contaminated land. • Flooding and high water table: outside of the flood risk areas, but the high water table might limit underground development and servicing • S106 strategy/agreed approach: how do we ensure delivery of infrastructure at right time in right place? Fair and transparent
Employment • Types of Employment Space: R&D, Office, Start-ups, hubs • Existing business uses: Retain compatible existing uses? relocate if necessary elsewhere with AAP boundary? Non-compatible existing uses relocated outside the AAP area.
Housing • Mix: Size, type and tenure including essential local worker and employment tethered, custom and self building; higher density family housing? • Affordable Housing: 40%, targeted towards essential local worker? • Private Rented Sector Housing: role and appropriateness. • Specialist Housing: Student, Older persons; Traveller • Housing Quality: design standards, accessibility
Supporting Use • Retail: What level and type (serving local needs) • Amenity Uses: How much and of what? Should we explore wider mix of D2 uses? Do we require a Cultural Strategy? • Social and Physical Infrastructure: Healthcare, Education • Wider Community Benefits: Explore how the CNF development could benefit the existing surrounding communities to the south, north and east, including walkable places, anti-poverty strategy?
Place Making • New City District: Mixed Use Intensify & potentially diversify employment areas; Significant potential for housing and supporting uses; Identity, Healthy Community; Milton Rd frontage • Transport movement & connectivity: tightly manage trip rates by car; promote the walking, cycling and public transport as preferred choice (not business as usual or nice to have); non-car bridge across Milton Road? High quality internal network, seamless integration with external; crossing the railway line • Green Space: standard, size and layout, corridors & green figures • Urban Form: density, scale, heights & Skyline
Next Steps • People’s views will inform next stage • Continue to develop the evidence base • Liaison with forums • Consultation on draft Area Action Plan Spring 2020
What is the Statement of Community Involvement? • Sets out how the public will have an opportunity to engage in the planning process • Joint SCI with Cambridge City Council, reflecting shared service and Joint Local Plan. • Required to be reviewed at least every 5 years.
What is in the draft SCI? • Introduction to the overall planning process • How stakeholders can get involved in the preparation of plans including Local Plans, Supplementary Planning Documents and Neighbourhood Plans. • How stakeholders can engage in the planning application process. • An overview of the process of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan or Order is provided, followed by the support available to community groups that are preparing such documents.
Consultation • There is no mandatory requirement for consultation on a draft SCI however, in the spirit of ensuring meaningful engagement in the planning process, Councils decided to consult • Consultation period - Monday 11 February to Monday 25 March 2019. www.scambs.gov.uk/sci or www.cambridge.gov.uk/sci
Next Steps • A summary of representations and the responses made, in addition to the final version of the SCI will be brought back to Members for adoption
Call for Sites 2019 • Key to understanding land availability and deliverability to support the next Local Plan. • Not just land to meet housing need but also to provide for economic growth and future jobs. • Government guidance requires us to look at sites at all scales down to ones for 5+ homes / sites of 0.25 ha (or 500sqm floorspace). • In 2011 we had around 300 sites proposed to us from small to large. • All submitted sites will be assessed and the outcome published on our website later this year. • Importantly only a fraction of the proposed sites are likely to be needed to meet identified needs in the next Local Plan. • It will be for the next joint Local Plan to chose which sites are included in the new plan and we will consult on the emerging draft plan so everyone can have their say.
Neighbourhood Planning • A community-led initiative giving local communities power to prepare a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ (NP). • Once ‘made’ (adopted), NPs will be used to determine planning applications for the neighbourhood area. • Neighbourhood Plans cannot promote less development that the Local Plan AND must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan.
Great Abington former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan First made neighbourhood plan in South Cambridgeshire Aim - to provided policies for housing whilst preserving special nature of estate. Small plan with only three policies
Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Cottenham Parish Council submitted their neighbourhood plan to the Council on 15 January 2019. Plan has 22 policies covering range of topics. Current stage: SCDC is carrying out 6 week consultation on this Plan from 11 February until 25 March 2019. Next stages: Examination of the plan by independent examiner