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The ‘Unione Industriali’. The ‘Unione Industriali’ Founded in 1917, the ‘Unione Industriali’ of Naples has been re-established as association on the 18th of january, 1944.
The ‘Unione Industriali’ Founded in 1917, the ‘Unione Industriali’ of Naples has been re-established as association on the 18th of january, 1944. The ‘Unione’ is the central point of reference for all those good and service-producing companies which have an organization situated in the province of Naples, and is agent for them in the relationships with the institutions and administrations, such as economic, political, union and social organizations. The ‘Unione’ takes care of the general interests of the partners and those of every registered company or group of associated companies.
Aims of the ‘Unione’ • To represent and safeguard the interests of the associated companies towards all the institutional, political and social interlocutors. • To promote enterprise culture, ideas, proposals, and plans for the development of the industry and of the territory. • To promote the competitiveness, the innovation, and the internationalization of the Neapolitan machinery. • To promote the economic and cultural image, values, and specificities of the local enterprise. • To promote members participation in the definition of the interest aims for the enterprise and the territory and in the realization of the related projects. • To supply services to the associated companies (for ex.: economics, work, credit, internationalization, utilities, training, etc.)
The ‘Unione’ has its own Organs, Sections and Groups and an organizational Structure which counts 4 Services Areas. The ‘Builder Association’ of Naples (ACEN) also joins the ‘Unione’. It groups together the building companies of every kind.
The ‘Unione’ is part of the system of the ‘General Confederation of Italian Industry’, briefly indicated as ‘Confindustria’. It is organized in 18 Regional ‘Confindustria’ 105 Territorial Associations 15 Sector Federations 109 Category Associations 14 Associated Members 261 Associated Organizations On the whole the ‘Unione’ represents: 115.000 Companies 4.300.000 Employees
Associative Organs of the ‘Unione’ The ‘Unione’ Organs, with various tasks and functions: President: Vice Presidents and Delegate Councillors Arbiter Board Auditors Board Directorate Auditors Council Assembly
The internal activity of the ‘Unione Industriali’ of Naples develops both in common activities and in actions promoted by ‘Sezioni di categoria’ which gathers the associated companies in relation to their activity and with the functions provided for by the ‘Unione’ Charter
Sections (Sezioni di Categoria) Agricultural, alimentary, others Shoe Industry Metal Structural Work Packaging Chemists and Pharmaceutics Fanners Confectioners Publishers Printers Tourist Trade Several Industries/Trades Installers Wood Metal/Engineering Workers Mugnai and Pasta Makers Naval Repairers Health Board Industrial Services: Engineering Company Cleaning Services Executive Advice Company Telecommunication & Informatics Textile & Clothing Industry Transports, Logistics, (Intermodalità) Builders Association of Naples
The internal activity of the ‘Unione Industriali’ of Naples also develops activities promoted by the ‘Groups’. In fact, besides some ‘Vertical’ Sections, there are also some ‘Horizontal’ aggregations between associated companies which are
Gruppo Piccola Industria(Small Industry Group)(associated companies with no more than 50 employees) operates on a transversal level and it represents those small-sized companies belonging to one of the above-mentioned Product Sections, except the building companies. It represents the interests of the small-sized companies and at the same time it carries out enterprises and opportunities for them.
Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori (Young Entrepreneur Group)(entrepreneurs and managers of the associated companies, which are less than 40 years) promotes the enterprises to develop the knowledge of the economic, social, political and technical problems of the Industry, in order to increase into young people the consciousness of the ethical and social function of the free enterprise and of the associative spirit.
Gruppo Imprenditori Portuali (Port Entrepreneur Group) associated companies and trade associations which join the ‘Unione’, with interest in harbour activities) examines the harbour problems in order to point them out to the competent Organs of the ‘Unione’.
Organizational Structure The organizational structure of the ‘Unione’ is composed by the Chief Executive/General Manager who is the point of reference for the ‘Centro Studi’ and for all the services and departments of the ‘Unione’. They can be grouped in four Areas: Enterprise Economy Territorial Economy Work and Union relations Internal Relations
The services coordinated by these Areas and by the ‘Centro Studi’ can be summed up as follows:
1) Environment and Ecology:Technical assistance for the companies on the community, public and regional regulations on the matter of environment, assistance and advice on the efficacy of environmental management systems, the relations with the Public Authority as those with the judicial and administrative organs for the control and the security of the territory about/on ecological subjects, event organization and institutional activities on the evolution of the regulations and the relative procedures in the field of Environment and Ecology.
2) Industrial Areas (Territorial Marketing):Promotion of productive areas and company assistance for their employment, development of actions containing a proposal in order to create “programmazione negoziata”(bottom up) brought into action on the territory (financial facilities, streamlining of bureaucratic and administrative procedures, infrastructural interventions, etc.), development of specific assistance actions ( for loans, support infrastructure for productive activities, etc.) in favour of companies and/or syndicate/(company pools).
3) Enterprise Economy, Credit andFacilities Finance:Information and assistance on facilities and regional, national and community incentives, assistance on subsidized credit, information and assistance on European loans for the support of (the) entrepreneurial development, development of the relations with the bank world and the promotion of innovative finance and the strengthening of the short-term debt.
4) Revenue:Information and assistance on fiscal, tax (regulations) and enterprise right (regulations).
5) Internationalization:Information and assistance on regional and national regulations for the development of the internationalization of the PMI, assistance on subjects concerning foreign trade, information and assistance on European financial measures in support of internationalization, information and promotion of international exhibitions, mission operators(delegation of entrepreneurs/entrepreneur delegation), business meetings in Naples and abroad.
6)Work and Union Negotiation:The representation and negotiation of the collective national, territorial and company labour agreements, assistance for legislative and contractual rule interpretation and application, assistance on the employment right, assistance on organization of personnel management from the start, to the course/progress until the severance of the employer relationship, assistance for the associated companies about company disputes and individual disputes, assistance for the plan concerning area contracts, territorial agreements, representation of the companies by Local Governments, assistance for the consultation procedures regarding the company parts transfer, social security cushion(unemployment), representation and management of the board of arbitrators for the industrial company managers, assistance for the management of the employees retirement funds, periodic organization of informative meetings/conferences about the evolution of the regulations and negotiations.
7) Public Welfare:Information and assistance on public welfare matters, assistance on tariffs and insurance premiums, charge placements and relative recourses, assistance on welfare shares(contribution), assistance on administrative arguments in relation to welfare, insurance and supervisory bodies, assistance on ordinary and obligatory employment and work-training contracts, representation for the Companies in relation to public welfare bodies.
8)Relations with the associates (Marketing and Associative Development):Register maintenance of the Associated Companies, about the related procedures concerning the ‘Unione’ Organs and the social books, development of the relations with the Associated Companies and with the ‘Confindustria’ Companies, support for the activity of the ‘Sections’ and ‘Groups’, customer satisfaction, development of the quality system and of the service development, management and development of the conventions concerning the associates, management of the data transmission for the associated companies, information, internal and external communication through news agency, web site editing and periodical news editing for the associates, organizational structure, quality and internal training management.
9) Education and TrainingArea takes care of the relations with the companies, the school, and the university. In particular it promotes: 1. continuous training projects for the company employees 2. training projects for students, graduated as well as/and unemployed 3. inquiries into company training requirements 4. starting up of trainings and courses 5. starting up of master’s degrees and specialization courses 6. starting up of guidance projects
10) Industrial Safety:Information and Assistance on working environments prevention, health and safety, assistance organization for company problems regarding the observance of the regulations, coordination of the ‘Organismo Paritetico datori di lavoro’ – union work organization concerning the training of the union representatives about safety.
11) Press:Relation with the mass media about communication and support for congresses, meetings and press conference organization, promotion activity for the ‘Unione’ initiatives, spreading of news concerning the Board of Directors activities and those of the other Associated Organs as well as the Sections, Groups and engineering areas department activities.
12) Utilities:Promotion, Formation/Constitution/Setting up and coordination of (purchase) pool (consorzio di acquisto) for the company access to the electric energy and gas free market, promotion of informative actions for the Institutions in charge of electric energy transmission and the distribution, technical assistance about the purchase/supplying terms, information, assistance and promotion of infrastructures, transport (by road, by rail, by sea) and logistics, organization of study days and other initiatives concerning the aforesaid subjects.
In order to obtain and preserve the associate position, the associates have to pay a share. The ‘Unione’ is a non-profit-making Association.