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A proud initiative of

A proud initiative of. With generous support from Dollar General Foundation and Mott Foundation. What is Raise Your Hand Tennessee?.

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A proud initiative of

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  1. A proud initiative of With generous support from Dollar General Foundation and Mott Foundation

  2. What is Raise Your Hand Tennessee? A statewide collaborative effort to recruit volunteers to read to, tutor, and mentor children and youth in our state into schools, out-of-school time, and other community settings. A proud initiative of With generous support from Dollar General Foundation and Mott Foundation

  3. What are the goals of Raise Your Hand Tennessee?#1.Bringing non-profit organizations, corporations and state agency partners together to recruit and place volunteer readers, tutors and mentors where needed in Tennessee such as schools and out-of-school time programs.

  4. What are the goals of Raise Your Hand Tennessee?#2. Educating the public and creating awareness about the initiative and the need for Tennesseans to volunteer to read to, tutor and mentor children and youth.

  5. What are the goals of Raise Your Hand Tennessee?With the primary goal of…#3. Retaining and generating new volunteers to tutor, mentor, and read to children and youth in our state.

  6. Volunteers can helpchildren… • Enter school ready to succeed • Read proficiently by 4th grade • Make a successful transition in and out of middle school • Accelerate learning in afterschool and summer school • Graduate from high school on time • Be ready for success in college, work and life • Establish positive relationships with adults that add to sense of safety, support, and success.

  7. A Volunteer Reader… • Engages children in storytelling, opens their minds, and unlocks their imagination • Supports literacy development • Helps children learn to read…so they can then read to learn! • Establishes an important adult-youth relationship that supports Social-Emotional learning.

  8. A Volunteer Tutor… • Instructs a child one-on-one or in small groups • Prepares children and youth as they transition toward high school, college and career success • Has a significant positive effect on academic success – especially with at-risk children who are most frequently active in afterschool programs.

  9. A Volunteer Mentor… • Lets a youth know someone believes in them • Supports and guides youth by providing them with a role model and positive outlet • Gives youth emotional support that fosters self control and self esteem • Results in improved academic performance and stronger relationships with family and friends • Encourages youth to make healthier lifestyle choices, reducing the likelihood that youth will drop out, abuse drugs or commit crimes

  10. Volunteering is also good for the volunteer… • Boost resume and network • Play an important part in improving our community • Enjoy the interaction and relationship you build with children and youth • Experience a tremendous personal sense of accomplishment, as well as appreciation from those you read with, tutor, or mentor. • Become important advocates for the needs of local children, schools, and afterschool programs.

  11. Volunteering is also good for employers • Employees who volunteer through the work place have a more positive attitude toward their employer and colleagues • Corporate citizenship is valued by customers and impacts an organization’s image and reputation • Generating volunteer readers, tutors and mentors helps build a better workforce for the future

  12. Employers can RaiseTheir Hand through… • Making a commitment to supply a minimum number of new volunteer readers, tutors or mentors • Willingness to allow employees to volunteer on a regular basis during work hours • Making a pledge to sustain a volunteer effort through a company-wide initiative or policy

  13. Schools and otherorganizations can help too If your school, afterschool, or organization has a need for volunteer readers, tutors or mentors, you can join the Raise Your Hand Coalition! We’ll drive volunteers your way through 2-1-1, our website, and other venues.

  14. For more informationabout how to… • Volunteer to read, tutor or mentor Link to http://www.tnafterschool.org/about/raise-your-hand-tn/or dial 2-1-1 • Start an organization-wide program as an employer OR • Join the coalition to help connect volunteers with volunteer opportunities in your school Contact Mary Graham at United Ways of TN at 615-495-9970 or mary.graham@uwtn.org

  15. 2-1-1 Big Brothers Big Sisters Boys and Girls Clubs Children’s Reading Foundation Eastman Chemical Company FIFTYFORWARD Fight Crime Invest in Kids First Lady’s Office Governor’s Books from Birth Hands on Nashville Love Helps, Inc. Oak Ridge National Laboratory PENCIL Foundation Signal Centers, Inc. Stand for Children State Collaborative on Reforming Education Tennessee Achieves Tennessee Afterschool Network Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children Tennessee Business Round Table Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tennessee Child Care Resource and Referral Network Tennessee Children’s Trust Fund Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare Tennessee Department of Education Tennessee Education Association Tennessee Parent Teacher Association Tennessee Principals Association Tennessee Retired Teachers Association Tennessee Scholars Tennessee School Boards Association Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Voices for Children United Ways of Tennessee Volunteer Tennessee YMCA Thank you from theRaise Your Hand TNCoalition!

  16. A proud initiative of With generous support from Dollar General Foundation and Mott Foundation

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