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Java WebStart

Java WebStart. Created by Bob Hays. What is Java™ WebStart?. Deployment technology for Java Applications Libraries/Components Implements JNLP – Java Network Launching Protocol, which was created via the Java Community Process (JSR-56) Java™ WebStart supports: Multiple JREs Code-signing

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Java WebStart

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  1. Java WebStart Created by Bob Hays

  2. What is Java™ WebStart? • Deployment technology for Java • Applications • Libraries/Components • Implements JNLP – Java Network Launching Protocol, which was created via the Java Community Process (JSR-56) • Java™ WebStart supports: • Multiple JREs • Code-signing • Sandboxing • Versioning and incremental updates • Desktop integration • Offline operation • Automatic installation of JREs and optional packages Application launcher • Java™ WebStart is currently at version 1.0.1_01 and can be found at http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/index.html

  3. Why use Java WebStart and JNLP? • Java provides a rich graphical interface environment, butapplets have problems • JNLP allows controlled and secure installation of remotelyprovided applications • Installation can be simplified and standardized • Installed files are cached locally and checked for update whenthe application is invoked • “The speed and responsiveness of the application does notdepend on the connection speed”1 • “Applications work offline, for example, in a plane when traveling”1 • Maintenance of multiple applications can be handled remotely • Web browser independent 1”Java™ WebStart Architecture”, http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/architecture.html

  4. JNLP depends upon standards • XML language to describe the installation • HTTP for transmission of executables • WAR file packaging • And Java, of course!

  5. What are the steps to use Java WebStart? • Set up your web server for delivering WebStart content • Configure the Web server so that all files with the .jnlp file extension are set to the application/x-java-jnlp-file MIME type • Pick an application and identify all the jar files required – everything delivered must be in one or more jar files • If the application will run in the sandbox: • Use the getResource() method to obtaining information always from within jar files • If an application is written to run in a secure sandbox, it must follow these restrictions: • No access to local disk. • All JAR files must be downloaded from the same host. • Network connections are enabled only to the host from which the JAR files are downloaded. • No security manager can be installed. • No native libraries. • Limited access to system properties. The application has read/write access to all system properties defined in the JNLP File, as well as read-only access to the same set of properties than an Applet has access to. • An application is allowed to use the System.exit call. • Or if the application will have full access to the customer’s system: • Sign all jar files with a common signature • You can request full access to the system, and the customer will be prompted to accept this at installation time.

  6. What are the steps to use Java WebStart? redux • Create a JNLP XML file to describe the installation • Create a web page to deliver the application via WebStart • <a href="MyApp.jnlp">Launch My Application</a> • JavaScript and VBScript is provided for identifying if WebStart is installed and going to an installation point at this URL: • http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/docs/developersguide.html#dev

  7. An example JNLP file, part 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- created on Tue Jul 10 06:30:10 CDT 2001 --><!-- created by Bob Hays Computer Ge on Windows 2000 --><!-- 1.3.0_01 --> <jnlp spec="1.0+" version="1.0" href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/TrackMyTime.jnlp"> <information locale="en"> <title>TrackMyTime</title> <vendor>Aleph Naught and the Null Set</vendor> <homepage href="http://alephnaught.net/~electricbob" /> <description kind="">Graphical tool to track time spent on work.</description> <offline-allowed /> <icon kind="" href="file:///Classes/com/rhays/fffields/32x32icon.gif" version="1.0" width="32" height="32" depth="16" size="224" /> <icon kind="selected" href="file:///Classes/com/rhays/fffields/32x32icon.gif" version="1.0" width="32" height="32" depth="16" size="224" /> <icon kind="disabled" href="file:///Classes/com/rhays/fffields/32x32icon.gif" version="1.0" width="32" height="32" depth="16" size="224" /> <icon kind="rollover" href="file:///Classes/com/rhays/fffields/32x32icon.gif" version="1.0" width="32" height="32" depth="16" size="224" /> </information>

  8. An example JNLP file, part 2 <resources> <jar href="file:///Classes/Jars/rhays.jar" main="false"download="eager" size="2279711" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/activation.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="45386" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/adc.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="15334" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/antlr.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="89325" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/jaccess.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="44853" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/jgl3.1.0.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="963513" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/xerces.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="1489678" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/xercesSamples.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="179270" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/jas.jar" main="false" download="eager" size="12463" /> <j2se version="1.3" /> <jar href="file:///Classes/WebStartBunde/jhall.jar" main="false" download="eager" /> </resources> <application-desc main-class="com.rhays.trackMyTime.TrackMyTime" /> <security> <all-permissions /> </security> </jnlp>

  9. What happens when you use WebStart? 2 1 3

  10. WebStart includes a launcher too

  11. An example - TrackMyTime You can go to:http://lobo.lasalle.na.abnamro.com/~bhays/WebStart/to see WebStart in action and to download any of four applications: • TrackMyTime – a simple time tracking application • TrackMyTime Reports – reports for the time tracking tool • TrackMyTime Time Editor – edit old and future time records • FlatFileFields – a tool to graphically create an XML file to describe a flat file

  12. Third parties are supporting JNLP and WebStart • OpenJNLP - http://openjnlp.nanode.org/ • Deployment tools: • VampHQ - http://www.geocities.com/vamp201/ • Sitraka DeployDirector Bundler - http://www.sitraka.com/software/deploydirector/bundler.html

  13. So, what are some of issues Bob has found? • You have to sign ALL jar files with the same signature if you want to play outside the sandbox • You have to resign all the Sun extension jars, for example, with your signature • Using tools to build the jar files, handle signatures, and create the XML driver files is very useful • I used DeployDirector Bundler and it worked well • When you move a WebStart application on the server, you need to change the JNLP file to contain the new self-pointer.

  14. Any Questions? Bob Hays Neogration, Inc. bhays@neogration.com (312) 904-4668 Please visit our web site at http://www.neogration.com

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