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This comprehensive guide covers common foot injuries in sports, including ankle sprains, turf toe, shin splints, and plantar fasciitis. Learn about causes, symptoms, and effective treatment strategies to help athletes recover and prevent debilitating injuries.
Common Injuries Sports Medicine I
Most often found on feet Friction causes separation Body responds with fluid formation Blisters can not be ignored Can be debilitating if not properly treated Blisters
MOI: inversion and plantarflexion (80%) ATF weakest and most commonly injured Eversion sprains less common PRICES and limit WB activity Ankle Sprains
Ankle Sprain Grades • Grade I: one or more ligaments are stretched; little or no swelling; no abnormal movement • Grade II: Portion of one or more ligaments is torn; pain, swelling, loss of function; may not be able to walk normally • Grade III: One or more ligaments completely torn, joint instability, extreme pain or little pain, loss of function; accompanying fracture is possible
Important in balance, movement, and speed Sprain of the first metatarsophalangeal joint Forcefully hyperflexed Use PRICES Limit motion and tape for support Turf Toe
Catchall term to describe anterior shin pain Inflammation of the interosseous membrane Poor blood supply, slow to heal Causes: Muscle weakness Lack of proper conditioning Improper or incomplete warm-up Poor flexibility or lack of stretching Running on hard surfaces Improper running form Improper shoes Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
Tissue that extends from anterior portion of calcaneus to heads of metatarsals XC and track are more prone BKB and VB also susceptible Pain and tenderness along heel Cause by: Overuse Unsupportive footwear Tight Achilles tendon Running on hard surfaces Plantar Fasciitis
Untreated: Bone imbalance leads to heel spurs Muscle strains Shin splints Other problems Plantar Fasciitis