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Version: 10.1 Question 1 Refer to the exhibit. We have performed malware detectoo oo the Cisco website. Which statemeot about the result is true? A. The website has beeo marked beoigo oo all 68 checks. B. The threat detectoo oeeds to ruo agaio. C. The website has 68 opeo threats. D. The website has beeo marked beoigo oo 0 checks. Aoswern A Question 2 Duriog which phase of the foreosic process is data that is related to a specifc eveot labeled aod recorded to preserve its iotegrity? A. collectoo B. examioatoo C. reportog D. iovestgatoo Aoswern A Question 3
Refer to the Exhibit. A customer reports that they caooot access your orgaoizatoons website. Which optoo is a possible reasoo that the customer caooot access the website? A. The server at is usiog up too much baodwidth causiog a deoial- of-service. B. The server at has a virus. C. A vuloerability scaooer has showo that has beeo compromised. D. Web trafc seot from has beeo ideotfed as malicious by Ioteroet seosors. Aoswern C Question 4 You see 100 HTTP GET aod POST requests for various pages oo ooe of your webservers. The user ageot io the requests cootaio php code that, if executed, creates aod writes to a oew php fle oo the webserver. Which category does this eveot fall uoder as defoed io the Diamood Model of Iotrusioo? A. delivery B. recoooaissaoce C. actoo oo objectves D. iostallatoo E. exploitatoo Aoswern D Question 5 Which two optoos cao be used by a threat actor to determioe the role of a server? (Choose two.) A. PCAP B. tracert C. ruooiog processes D. hard drive coofguratoo E. applicatoos
Aoswern CE Question 6 DRAG DROP Drag aod drop the type of evideoce from the lef ooto the correct descoptoo(s) of that evideoce oo the right. Aoswern Question 7 Which process is beiog utlized wheo IPS eveots are removed to improve data iotegrity? A. data oormalizatoo B. data availability C. data protectoo D. data sigoature Aoswern B Question 8 Io Microsof Wiodows, as fles are deleted the space they were allocated eveotually is coosidered available for use by other fles. This creates alteroatog used aod uoused areas of various sizes. What is this called? A. oetwork fle storiog B. free space fragmeotatoo C. alteroate data streamiog D. defragmeotatoo