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Lawyer intervention for a traffic accident:
Lawyer intervention for a traffic accident: In the event of an accident, one wonders if it is necessary to hire Personal Injury Attorney Los Angeles to whom it is up to pay the fee. It is not easy to obtain what is due in the event of a claim, often it is necessary to fight against the bureaucracy and with the counterpart. The ideal would be to hire a lawyer right away. The damages deriving from an accident are many: we speak first of all of the material damages, therefore the damages to things, to the car, and to the personal effects. Then there are the physical damages that are to the people. These two damages are in turn specified in moral damages, damages due to the impossibility to carry out a working activity, damages for non-use of the vehicle, and finally the reimbursement for the expenses of the accident. What to do in the event of a claim? Let’s start from the moment the accident occurs. First of all, you need to make sure that other cars cannot collide with vehicles that are already damaged and increase the people and cars involved. Report the accident to motorists and then of course in the case of injured people you need to call an ambulance and help those who need help. If the accident is serious, it will also be necessary to alert the traffic police, or the police, or the fire brigade. This is the preliminary phase. After performing the most urgent tasks, you need to take information about drivers and vehicles, and the insurance companies involved. Naturally, the time for witnesses follows. If someone has witnessed the accident, take the name, surname, and contact in order to be able to later acquire their version, even if it would be better if this happened at the arrival of the traffic police. Compensation traffic accident lawyer: This happens because a professional is accustomed to interacting with the Insurance Company and the liquidators and effectively evaluates whether the quantum offered, as compensation, corresponds to the extent of the damage suffered. In short, it is not harnessed by bureaucratic mechanisms. In the event of a road accident, it is better to contact a Motorcycle Accidents Attorney Los Angeles, the matter of compensation is quite complicated and not all are prepared on these matters. The only thing, however, that is advised to do, given that the question of compensation to the lawyer in the event of a traffic accident, who should pay it is a bit doubtful, make a written agreement with the lawyer and make it clear that for you his fee as legal fees must be the amount paid by the insurance.