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Testing Status Report in NTHU

Testing Status Report in NTHU. SOC Test Integration and Test Schedule Produce the DFT and TAM scheme automatically Automatically generate test schedule for the IP core Embedded Memory BIST and Diagnosis Automatically diagnosis according to test result Memory BIST with diagnosis function

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Testing Status Report in NTHU

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  1. Testing Status Report in NTHU • SOC Test Integration and Test Schedule • Produce the DFT and TAM scheme automatically • Automatically generate test schedule for the IP core • Embedded Memory BIST and Diagnosis • Automatically diagnosis according to test result • Memory BIST with diagnosis function • Embedded Memory Access Time Measurement • Concurrent measurement with the March Test

  2. STEAC: SOC Test Aid Console HDL Designs with DFT information Verilog Parser STIL Parser Core Test Scheduler TACS Generator TAM Generator Wrapper Generator Test Insertion Wrapper Pat. Trans. System Pat. Trans. Testable HDL Designs

  3. Core Test Scheduling • Objective • To schedule core tests for minimum SOC test time under given constraints • To assign optimized TAM resources for each IP core • Given constraints • TAM architecture and test controller • TAM width • Test power • Core test information

  4. TAM Architecture • Hybrid TAM architecture • Mixed multiplexed and distributed structure • Session-based test scheduling Test Width Test Time TAM Source TAM Sink

  5. CP Experimental Results • 1 RSA, 2 AES, 2 HMAC and 1 RNG cores • Scan chain is re-balanced • Area: 16 TAM Width RSA AES AES HMAC HMAC Test Time 235510

  6. Memory Diagnosis • Cause-effect analysis: • Fault simulator predicts the faulty responses of each fault and constructs March Dictionary • Looking up the actual responses in the March Dictionary E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10

  7. Diagnosis Support • The BIST circuit scans out the error information (operation, address, signature) during the diagnosis mode

  8. BRAINS GUI A BIST compiler for embedded memories

  9. Memory Access Time Measurement • Concurrent measurement with the March Test • Based on the March C+ algorithm • ↑(W0) (to initialize), ↑(R0, W1, R1), ↑(R1, W0, R0), ↓(R0, W1, R1), ↓(R1, W0, R0) • One measurement per three cycles …W1 R1 R0 W1 R1 R0 W1 R1 R0 Clock Enable Acc. time Meas.

  10. Result • The measurement range is 1~5ns • Record the maximum response time • The core area in a 0.35 m 1P4M CMOS technology is 262x92m2 8 bit ripple counter Capacitors

  11. Future Works • Test circuitry insertion and test pattern translation • SOC test integration tool chains: wrapper generator, core test scheduling, test controller generator, and pattern translator • Memory built-in self-repair

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