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Identification of G&T students

Explore the importance of identifying and supporting gifted and talented students, beyond traditional definitions. Learn about models like Renzulli's three-ring model and Gagné's distinction between innate abilities and developed talents. Discuss how to effectively identify and cater to gifted students in various subject areas.

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Identification of G&T students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Identification of G&T students

  2. Is it necessary? • We readily identify those with special educational needs- why not those that have gifts and/or talents? • The purpose of identifying a child with a gift or a talent is to provide appropriate learning experiences for them

  3. What does it mean to be gifted/talented or to possess a talent/gift? ACTIVITY In your groups list down what you believe to be the answer(s)…

  4. Conservative definitions of giftedness • High IQ • Academic • A small proportion of students • May act as a barrier to students fulfilling their potential. • May miss some very able students who are currently not fulfilling their potential

  5. Conservative definitions of talent • Sporting prowess • Accomplished musicians • Talented artists • Exceptional actors

  6. These definitions are not fixed! • Joseph Renzulli- he developed the three-ring model of giftedness, which promoted a broadened conception of giftedness

  7. Watch this…

  8. Multiple intelligences • Gardner’s model of multiple ways of learning- Spatial, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Existential

  9. Practice makes perfect • Gagné’s model of giftedness, first proposed in 1991, has been influential in Australian education • Gagné makes a distinction between innate or natural abilities (giftedness) and the superior mastery of systematically developed abilities in at least one field of human endeavour (talents).

  10. But where does that leave us? ACTIVITY How do we want to identify G&T students? How can we use this method to identify students as possessing G&T in your subject/tutor group? In your groups discuss and then please jot down your thoughts

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