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Get to know Mrs. Nichole Hartig, Ms. Abbey Blythe, and Ms. Franzen - dedicated educators at Cline Elementary. Learn about their teaching experience, personal interests, and communication preferences. Discover the behavior expectations, rewards, and consequences in place to support student growth and success. Stay updated on classroom rules, daily routines, and grading scales.
Meet Your Teachers Hi! My name is Mrs. Nichole Hartig and I am excited to begin my 1st year as a Cline Panther. Prior to this year I have taught 7 years in Boone County Schools as a 5th grade teacher for 6 of those years and a 3rd grade teacher for 1 year. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary and Middle School Science Education from Thomas More College and my Master's Degree in English as a Second Language from Georgetown College. I just got married over the summer and my husband Danny and I are in the process of building a house on his family farm out by AJ Jolly. I have 3 brothers, 2 older and 1 younger along with 9 nieces and nephews. I am also an animal lover and have several pets at home including my dog, Daisy, lop eared bunny Freckles, hedgehog Salsa, frog Cannibal, and fish Cheeto, Jumper, Scales, and Dusty. My hobbies include anything that I can do outside such as camping, 4-wheelers, fishing, etc.
Ms. Blythe My name is Abbey Blythe. This is my eighth year of teaching and my 7th year of teaching fourth grade here at Cline. I grew up and still reside in neighboring Kenton County. I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Kentucky and my Master's Degree from Northern Kentucky University. My husband’s name is Michael DeMoss. We have a dog, Ralph, and are expecting our first child (a boy) in just a few weeks!
Ms. Franzen I am very excited to be teaching 4th grade again this year at Cline Elementary! This is my fifth year of teaching elementary school, and I am so glad to be here and to share this year with you and your child. I graduated from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and am currently working on my Master’s Degree in Instructional Computer Technology. I grew up in Alexandria, Kentucky and recently moved to Independence. I just engaged this past year and will be getting married at the end of the school year.
Behavior Expectations School Rules Classroom Rules Classroom rules may vary from teacher to teacher All classroom rules will be in accordance with school rules • Speak and behave respectfully. • Listen and follow directions the first time. • Turn completed assignments in on time. • Stay on task. • Follow all CHAMPs procedures.
Behavior Chart We celebrate ending on these 3 colors because it means that your child went above and beyond in the classroom throughout the day. Everyone starts their day on green and it's ok if they end there. You do not want your child to end on these 3 colors as it means that they received consequences at school for a choice that they made.
Behavior Management Rewards Consequences Students are asked to “move down” on the behavior chart Pay “fines” or lose Cline bucks Temporary loss of privileges Note, email, or phone call home Complete a Behavior Reflection for homework and get a parent signature Write up Visit to Mrs. Ryle Detention Suspension • Students are asked to “move up” on the behavior chart • Earn Cline bucks • Use Cline bucks to buy passes/rewards • Rewards are determined by students and teachers and may include things such as, no homework pass, switch seats for the day, extra recess, etc…
CHAMPs We use CHAMPs everywhere throughout the school. The CHAMPs acronym is a way of reminding the student of the expected behavior during an activity. The goal is to teach students directly how to be successful in specific class situations. It can be defined as the following: Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity?Help: How do students get the teacher’s attention and their questions answered?Activity: What is the task/objective? What is the end product?Movement: Can students move about during this activity?Participation: How do students show participation? What does participation look/sound like?
Daily Routines • Morning Procedures • Students unpack their backpack, use the restroom, and work on morning work • Specials • Please wear gym shoes on PE days • Switches • Students will have 3 switches throughout the day • Afternoon Procedures • Students pack up and wait for buses to be called
Communication Email is the best way to contact your child's teachers as we check email multiple times each day. Not all of our phones alert us of voicemails so for the quickest response please email. abbey.blythe@campbell.kyschools.us lauren.franzen@campbell.kyschools.us nichole.hartig@campbell.kyschools.us You will receive weekly newsletters on Fridays via email and students will be given a hard copy in class. Nightly science homework assignments will be listed daily after school on Mrs. Hartig's webpage to varify the assignments included in the agenda each night. The agenda can also be used to write notes to your child's teachers. We will check them daily and ask that you please check and sign your child's agenda daily as well.
ReadingTeacher: Ms. Blythe • We will be using the Kentucky Common Core Standards • Each week there will be a story, vocabulary words, a skill and a strategy • www.pearsonsuccessnet.com • Weekly homework assigned on Friday and due Wednesday • Weekly test on Thursday: • Vocabulary • Word analysis • Comprehension • Written response
Math Here are some things the students will be asked to do in Fourth Grade Everyday Math: • Increase their “number sense”, “measurement sense”, and estimation skills. • Extend their skills with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. • Find equivalent fractions. • Use their understanding of whole number operations to add and subtraction fractions and multiply a fraction by a whole number. • Learn about using letters to stand for unknown numbers and other beginning algebra concepts so they can write algebraic equations. • Increase their understanding of measurement in both the metric and U.S. customary systems. • Expand their ability to collect, organize, and interpret data. • Develop their skills with 2-dimensional geometry, working with angles, classifying polygons, and investigating symmetry.
Writing Teacher: Mrs. Hartig -We will be using the KY Common Core Standards for Writing to guide our instruction. These standards can be found on the KY Department of Education's website. -Students will have spelling tests weekly on Thursday's. Their words will correspond with what they are studying in Reading class with Mrs. Blythe. -Writing pieces will be completed entirely at school to help students develop their own craft. -We will also focus on improving grammar as well.
Science Teacher: Mrs. Hartig -We will be following the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for 4th grade which can be found on the KY Department of Education's webpage. -The students will be DOING science not just learning about it. -Homework will be limited to a few projects throughout the year and preparing for assessments. -We will also have visits from local science organizations such as the Cincinnati Zoo and will be completing hands on investigations with them as well. More information will be coming home soon regarding these opportunities.
Social StudiesTeacher: We’ll all be teaching S.S. to our homeroom classes • The primary purpose of social studies is to help students develop the ability to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. • Fourth grade social studies focuses on Kentucky studies and regions of the United States. • The district curriculum consists of five units: • Geography and Regions of Kentucky • Native Americans • Government and Civics • Economics • Geography of the United States.