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Management Alice Carpentier, STI Innsbruck

Management Alice Carpentier, STI Innsbruck. Content. ADMIN Management structure and board creation PMB TMB SC Quality Assurance Report creation PD Ecosystem PD Programs Communication FINANCES. Management structure. GA: PC (chair) + 1 delegate of each core partner. PC Dieter Fensel.

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Management Alice Carpentier, STI Innsbruck

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  1. Management Alice Carpentier, STI Innsbruck

  2. Content • ADMIN • Management structure and board creation • PMB • TMB • SC • Quality Assurance • Report creation • PD Ecosystem • PD Programs • Communication • FINANCES

  3. Management structure GA: PC (chair) + 1 delegate of each core partner PC Dieter Fensel PMB: PC (chair), SC, PM + 1 rep of each core partner SC Elena Simperl TMB: PC, SC (chair), Activity 1-3 Leaders, WP1-7 leaders PM: Alice Carpenier FM: Leo Garcia Gregoris Antoniou Karl Aberer John Domingue Dieter Fensel WP1: CWI WP2: KIT WP3:FORTH WP4: FBU WP5: EPFL WP6: IJS WP7: STI2 WP8: UIBK WP9: KIT Steering Committee

  4. Board creationPMB • PC (chair) • SC • PM • 1 rep of each core partner • CWI: • EPFL: • FORTH: • FUB: • IJS: • KIT • STI2 http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Boards

  5. Board creationTMB • PC (chair) • SC • Activity Leaders A1-A3 • A1: Gregoris Antoniou • A2: Karl Aberer • A3:John Domingue • WP leaders WP1-7 • WP1: • WP2: • WP3: • WP4: • WP5: • WP6 • WP7 http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Boards

  6. Board creationSC http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Boards

  7. Quality Assurancedeliverables http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Quality_Assurance_procedure:_detailed_decription_of_roles_and_responsibilities#Schedule

  8. Report creation http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Creation_Schedule#Management_Reports

  9. PD ecosystem (1)

  10. PD ecosystem (2) • Organisations outside the PD network • Access to research, and data provisioning and management results • Ability to participate in training, dissemination and community building events • Access to open training infrastructure • Ability to submit proposals to PD Programs • Associate partners • All rights of organizations outside the PD network • Ability to submit proposals to PD Programs • Partner logo listed on PD website • Early access to ongoing PD results through participation in PD meetings • Opportunity to shape the results and topics of the PD Programs through contribution of requirements and use cases

  11. How to become an associate partner? • PD consortium issues invitation for associate partners on a yearly basis (with the first call being issued prior to the start of the project) • interested parties submit membership request to PC by submitting a membership application that documents the organization’s interest in large-scale data management and what they believe they can bring to the PD network • three-step approval process: • PC referees applications • PC makes recommendations to the PMB • PMB takes the final decision

  12. PD Programs (1)

  13. PD Programs (2) http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Planetdata_programs

  14. Communication • Mailing list • planetdata@lists.sti2.at • Wiki • http://planet-data-wiki.sti2.at/index.php/Main_Page • Website • http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl/PlanetData/

  15. Finances 1. Eligible costs of the project a) they must be actual b) they must be incurred by the beneficiary c) they must be incurred during the duration of the project, with the exception of costs incurred in relation to final reports or reports corresponding to the last period (financial audit certificates, final review travel costs, etc.) which may be incurred during the period of up to 60 days after the end of the project.

  16. Finances d) they must be determined in accordance with the usual accounting and management principles and practices of the beneficiary e) they must be used for the sole purpose of achieving the objectives of the project, consistent with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness f) they must be recorded in the accounts of the beneficiary

  17. FinancesEligible costs g) They must be indicated in the estimated overall budget in Annex I

  18. Financesnon-eligible costs • identifiable indirect taxes including value added tax, • duties, • interest owed, • provisions for possible future losses or charges, • exchange losses, cost related to return on capital, • costs declared or incurred, or reimbursed in respect of another project, • debt and debt service charges, excessive or reckless expenditure

  19. Financespre-financing payment • a pre-financing of 1.057.000 EUR was paid to the coordinator within the 45 days limit following the date of entry into force of the grant agreement. • 5% of the total project Financial Contribution (151.000 EUR) was kept by the Commission as a Guarantee Fund and will be distributed with the final payment. • Project partners were asked to provide their bank details and the transfers were processed as shown in the following table:

  20. Financespre-financing

  21. FinancesFinancial reporting - Financial reporting periods: P1: from month 1 to month 12 P2: from month 13 to month 24 P3: from month 25 to month 36 Final period: from month 36 to month 48 • Schedule: within 60 days after each reporting period end date, the coordinator will ask each beneficiary to provide the following financial inputs for the periodic management report: 1. Explanation of the use of the resources 2. Financial Statements – Forms C 3. Financial Certificates on the Financial Statement - The Financial Statement – Form C figures will be keyed by each beneficiary in the NEF system, a Web-based online tool for completing and submitting forms C via the Participant Portal: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal

  22. Finances Explanation of the use of the resources explanation of personnel costs, subcontracting and any major costs incurred by each beneficiary, such as the purchase of important equipment, travel costs, large consumable items, etc., linking them to work packages.

  23. FinancesFinancial Statements – Forms C

  24. FinancesFinancial Audit Certificate A certificate on the financial statements shall be submitted for claims of interim payments and final payments when the amount of the financial contribution claimed by a beneficiary is equal to or superior to EUR 375 000

  25. FinancesFinancial distribution payments • after each submission and approval of the Financial Statements (FORM C), the commission will transfer the amount accepted for the reporting period. • Shall the 90% ceiling Maximum community Financial Contribution be reached, a deduction will be made. • the final payment will take into account the pre-financing amount paid at the start of the project. For each beneficiary, the financial contribution cannot exceed in any circumstances the maximum amount of their agreed contractual financial contribution.

  26. Thank you!

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