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The Gilded Age: White Supremacy Reigns

The Gilded Age: White Supremacy Reigns. Suffrage. Disenfranchisement Tactics:. Literacy Test. Poll Tax. Property ownership . Grandfather Clause. INtimidation. Convict Lease System. Lynching. “ S trange Fruit”…. Strange fruit. Billie Holiday (1939).

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The Gilded Age: White Supremacy Reigns

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Gilded Age: White Supremacy Reigns

  2. Suffrage Disenfranchisement Tactics: Literacy Test Poll Tax Property ownership Grandfather Clause

  3. INtimidation Convict Lease System Lynching “Strange Fruit”…

  4. Strange fruit Billie Holiday (1939) Southern trees bear strange fruitBlood on the leaves and blood at the rootBlack bodies swinging in the southern breezeStrange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastoral scene of the gallant southThe bulging eyes and the twisted mouthScent of magnolias, sweet and freshThen the sudden smell of burning flesh Here is a fruit for the crows to pluckFor the rain to gather, for the wind to suckFor the sun to rot, for the trees to dropHere is a strange and bitter crop

  5. Jim Crow Laws Segregation

  6. The Supreme Court Homer Plessy The Civil Rights Cases (1883): Declared the Civil Rights Act of 1875 Unconstitutional (The 14th Amendment doesn’t really apply if a non-governmental organization discriminates) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court ruled that SEPARATE IS CONSTITUTIONAL AS LONG AS IT IS “EQUAL” …this basically made Jim Crow laws constitutional and segregation became the rule of the land.

  7. …. And thus is born the Solid South

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