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CheckPoint Check Point Certified Security Expert 156-915.77 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 156-915.77 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/156-915-77/
Version: 8.0 Question 1 Match the following commands to their correct functonn Each command has one functon only listedn An C1>F6; C2>F4; C3>F2; C4>F5 Bn C1>F2; C2>F1; C3>F6; C4>F4 Cn C1>F2; C2>F4; C3>F1; C4>F5 Dn C1>F4; C2>F6; C3>F3; C4>F2 Aoswern A Question 2 Which command displays the installed Security Gateway version? An fw printver Bn fw ver Cn fw stat Dn cpstat -gw Aoswern B Question 3 Which command line interface utlity allows the administrator to verify the Security Policy name and tmestamp currently installed on a frewall module? An cpstat fwd Bn fw ver Cn fw stat
Dn fw ctl pstat Aoswern C Question 4 Suppose the Security Gateway hard drive fails and you are forced to rebuild itn You have a snapshot fle stored to a TFTP server and backups of your Security Management Servern What is the correct procedure for rebuilding the Gateway quickly? An Reinstall the base operatng system (inen, GAiA)n Confgure the Gateway interface so that the Gateway can communicate with the TFTP servern Revert to the stored snapshot image, and install the Security Policyn Bn Run the command revert to restore the snapshot, establish SIC, and install the Policyn Cn Run the command revert to restore the snapshotn Reinstall any necessary Check Point productsn Establish SIC and install the Policyn Dn Reinstall the base operatng system (inen, GAia)n Confgure the Gateway interface so that the Gateway can communicate with the TFTP servern Reinstall any necessary Check Point products and previously applied hotiiesn Revert to the stored snapshot image, and install the Policyn Aoswern A Question 5 Which of the following statements accurately describes the command upgrade_eiport? An upgrade_eiport stores network-confguraton data, objects, global propertes, and the database revisions prior to upgrading the Security Management Servern Bn Used primarily when upgrading the Security Management Server, upgrade_eiport stores all object databases and the /conf directories for importng to a newer Security Gateway versionn Cn upgrade_eiport is used when upgrading the Security Gateway, and allows certain fles to be included or eicluded before eiportngn Dn This command is no longer supported in GAiAn Aoswern B Question 6 What are you required to do before running the command upgrade_eiport? An Run a cpstop on the Security Gatewayn Bn Run a cpstop on the Security Management Servern Cn Close all GUI clientsn Dn Run cpconfg and set yourself up as a GUI clientn
Aoswern C Question 7 A snapshot delivers a complete GAiA backupn The resultng fle can be stored on servers or as a local fle in /var/CPsnapshot/snapshotsn How do you restore a local snapshot named MySnapshotntgz? An Reboot the system and call the start menun Select the opton Snapshot Management, provide the Eipert password and select [L] for a restore from a local flen Then, provide the correct fle namen Bn As eipert user, type the command snapshot -r MySnapshotntgzn Cn As eipert user, type the command revert --fle MySnapshotntgzn Dn As eipert user, type the command snapshot - R to restore from a local flen Then, provide the correct fle namen Aoswern C Question 8 What is the primary beneft of using the command upgrade_eiport over either backup or snapshot? An upgrade_eiport is operatng system independent and can be used when backup or snapshot is not availablen Bn upgrade_eiport will back up routng tables, hosts fles, and manual ARP confguratons, where backup and snapshot will notn Cn The commands backup and snapshot can take a long tme to run whereas upgrade_eiport will take a much shorter amount of tmen Dn upgrade_eiport has an opton to back up the system and SmartView Tracker logs while backup and snapshot will notn Aoswern A Question 9 What is the syntai for uninstalling a package using newpkg? An -u <pathname of package> Bn -i <full pathname of package> Cn -S <pathname of package> Dn newpkg CANNOT be used to uninstall a package Aoswern D Question 10 Your primary Security Gateway runs on GAi
An What is the easiest way to back up your Security Gateway R77 confguraton, including routng and network confguraton fles? An Copying the directories $FWDIR/conf and $FWDIR/lib to another locatonn Bn Using the natve GAiA backup utlity from command line or in the Web based user interfacen Cn Using the command upgrade_eiportn Dn Run the pre_upgrade_verifer and save the ntgz fle to the directory /tempn Aoswern B Question 11 You need to back up the routng, interface, and DNS confguraton informaton from your R77 GAiA Security Gatewayn Which backup-and-restore soluton do you use? An Manual copies of the directory $FWDIR/conf Bn GAiA back up utlites Cn upgrade_eiport and upgrade_import commands Dn Database Revision Control Aoswern B Question 12 You are running a R77 Security Gateway on GAi An In case of a hardware failure, you have a server with the eiact same hardware and frewall version installedn What back up method could be used to quickly put the secondary frewall into producton? An manual backup Bn upgrade_eiport Cn backup Dn snapshot Aoswern D Question 13 Before upgrading SecurePlatorm to GAiA, you should create a backupn To save tme, many administrators use the command backupn This creates a backup of the Check Point confguraton as well as the system confguratonn An administrator has installed the latest HFA on the system for fiing trafc problem afer creatng a backup flen There is a mistake in the very complei statc routng confguratonn The Check Point confguraton has not been changedn Can the administrator use a restore to fi the errors in statc routng? An The restore is not possible because the backup fle does not have the same build number (version)n Bn The restore is done by selectng Snapshot Management from the boot menu of GAiAn Cn The restore can be done easily by the command restore and copying netconfnC from the producton
environmentn Dn A backup cannot be restored, because the binary fles are missingn Aoswern C Question 14 Which operatng systems are supported by a Check Point Security Gateway on an open server? Select MOST complete listn An Sun Solaris, Red Hat Enterprise Linui, Check Point SecurePlatorm, IPSO, Microsof Windows Bn Check Point GAiA and SecurePlatorm, and Microsof Windows Cn Check Point GAiA, Microsof Windows, Red Hat Enterprise Linui, Sun Solaris, IPSO Dn Check Point GAiA and SecurePlatorm, IPSO, Sun Solaris, Microsof Windows Aoswern B Question 15 You intend to upgrade a Check Point Gateway from R71 to R77n Prior to upgrading, you want to back up the Gateway should there be any problems with the upgraden Which of the following allows for the Gateway confguraton to be completely backed up into a manageable size in the least amount of tme? An database revision Bn snapshot Cn upgrade_eiport Dn backup Aoswern D Question 16 The third-shif Administrator was updatng Security Management Server access setngs in Global Propertes and testngn He managed to lock himself out of his accountn How can you unlock this account? An Type fwm unlock_admin from the Security Management Server command linen Bn Type fwm unlock_admin -u from the Security Gateway command linen Cn Type fwm lock_admin -u <account name> from the Security Management Server command linen Dn Delete the fle adminnlock in the Security Management Server directory $FWDIR/tmp/n Aoswern C Question 17 The third-shif Administrator was updatng Security Management Server access setngs in Global
Propertesn He managed to lock all administrators out of their accountsn How should you unlock these accounts? An Delete the fle adminnlock in the Security Management Server directory $FWDIR/tmp/n Bn Reinstall the Security Management Server and restore using upgrade_importn Cn Type fwm lock_admin -ua from the Security Management Server command linen Dn Login to SmartDashboard as the special cpconfg_admin user account; right-click on each administrator object and select unlockn Aoswern C Question 18 You are the Security Administrator for ABC-Corpn A Check Point Firewall is installed and in use on GAi An You are concerned that the system might not be retaining your entries for the interfaces and routng confguratonn You would like to verify your entries in the corresponding fle(s) on GAiAn Where can you view them? Give the BEST answern An /etc/sysconfg/netconfnC Bn /etc/conf/routenC Cn /etc/sysconfg/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethi Dn /etc/sysconfg/network Aoswern A Question 19 When using GAiA, it might be necessary to temporarily change the MAC address of the interface eth 0 to 00:0C:29:12:34:56n Afer restartng the network the old MAC address should be actven How do you confgure this change?
Opton A Opton B Opton C Opton D Aoswern A Question 20 Several Security Policies can be used for diferent installaton targetsn The Firewall protectng Human Resources’ servers should have its own Policy Packagen These rules must be installed on this machine and not on the Internet Firewalln How can this be accomplished? An A Rule Base is always installed on all possible targetsn The rules to be installed on a Firewall are defned by the selecton in the Rule Base row Install Onn Bn When selectng the correct Firewall in each line of the Rule Base row Install On, only this Firewall is shown in the list of possible installaton targets afer selectng Policy > Install on Targetn Cn In the menu of SmartDashboard, go to Policy > Policy Installaton Targets and select the correct frewall via Specifc Targetsn Dn A Rule Base can always be installed on any Check Point Firewall objectn It is necessary to select the appropriate target directly afer selectng Policy > Install on Targetn Aoswern C
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