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School Performance & Budget Overview 2019-20: LCAP & Proposed Budget

Learn about the key features and budget overview for parents in the 2019-2020 LCAP, focusing on improved services for high-needs students, metrics adjustments, and stakeholder feedback responses. Goals include teaching & learning, stakeholder communication, and safety & wellness.

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School Performance & Budget Overview 2019-20: LCAP & Proposed Budget

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  1. Sonia Llamas, Assistant Superintendent, School Performance and Culture Manoj Roychowdhury, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services 2019-20 SAUSD LCAP & proposed budgetJune 11, 2019

  2. 2019-2020 LCAP New Features and Requirements Budget Overview for Parents (BOP) Simple budget overview Increased transparency Narrative to describe how  services for "High Needs" students are increased and improved Metrics adjustments Chronic Absenteeism includes Grades K-8 College and Career Readiness – CTE Pathway Completion based on successful completion of a full pathway rather than capstone class completion  

  3. 2019-2020 LCAP New Features and Requirements (Continued) Explanation of material differences between 2018-2019 Budgeted Expenditures and Estimated Actual Expenditures are reported by each goal  Scope of actions have been revised to reflect the State's definition of unduplicated student subgroups (English Learners, Socio-economically Disadvantaged and Homeless and Foster Youth) Primary services for Students with Disabilities are included in LCAP base funding and are also included in actions designated for the unduplicated student subgroups as applicable

  4. 2019-2020 LCAP Response to Stakeholder Feedback In response to Stakeholder input greater emphasis has been placed on: Early learning College and career readiness Systems alignment of systems focusing student achievement expectations Continued communication, collaboration, community engagement and clearer transparency at all stakeholder levels

  5. LCAP Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Goal 1:  All Students will have equitable access to a high-quality core curricular and instructional program. Ongoing professional development and coaching to support the adopted ELA/ELD and Mathematics curriculum and materials Expanded preschool and other early literacy efforts including preschool classrooms, extended day TK/Kindergarten with reduced class size and Early Edge Early Kindergarten program Expansion of early learning initiatives outlined in our Early Learning Framework through community partnerships and school site Early Learning Plans Expanded Grade K-12 pathways including CTE options, dual language immersion programs, AVID school sites, and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs Refined Key Performance Indicators to mirror California Dashboard and local Dashboard indicators Data Warehouse system to provide prompt, accurate and easily accessible data to support classroom, site and district level decision-making Restructure and align staff and resources in Educational Services to meet needs of Special Education, Teaching and Learning and School Performance and Culture

  6. LCAP Goal 2: Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Goal 2: Establish collaboration and communication across all levels to support and promote engagement and school connectedness amongst students, staff, families and community. •    Fully staffed wellness centers on all school sites •    Expand college credit bearing Dual Enrollment offerings •    Collaborate at the District level to foster cross-departmental communication to advance alignment of system •    On-going collaboration with Community and Higher Education partnerships to provide field trips, college recruitment opportunities,  CTE pathway development, and extended learning opportunities •   SAUSD specialized programs such as dual language, Speech and Debate, CTE pathways, IB, restorative practices, after school  programs, intramural sports, mental health services, preschool,  and wellness center resources •    Increase opportunities to develop biliteracy including dual immersion expansion and additional world language courses including American Sign Language  •    Maintain sports program at all intermediate schools to support student engagement in extra-curricular activities. •    Restructure extended learning program, based on parent and student feedback, to provide additional tutoring, homework assistance and extracurricular variety •    Establish "Ready 360" TK/Kindergarten extended learning program to provide developmentally appropriate enrichment and early learning opportunities 

  7. LCAP Goal 3: Safety and Wellness Goal 3:  Cultivate and maintain a healthy, safe, secure, and respectful school and working environment for all.  •   Continue alignment of board policy and administrative regulations to support safe and inclusive schools  •   Continue to build partnerships with community agencies to increase mental health, restorative practices and violence prevention in schools •   Embed trauma informed practices in all schools •   Sustain i3 Safe Schools grant strategies for effective implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and  Supports (PBIS) and restorative practices that support positive school climate and social emotional wellness •    Deliver social emotional learning curriculum to ensure Universal Tier 1 support for students •   Sustain professional development and preparedness in the area of  emergency response and procedures to support site to district communication in the event of a disaster or critical incident •   Train various support staff professionals in using Non-Conflict Intervention (NCI)  •   Continue cross collaboration with Educational Service departments (Special Education, Pupil Support, School Climate, Extended Learning)  and School Police to enhance positive relationships with students, parents and community 

  8. LCAP Goal 4: Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Goal 4:  Implement a robust Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework that provides timely and responsive support to targeted students within identified subgroups to meet individual academic, behavioral and social-emotional learning (SEL) needs. •    Implement MTSS Framework, vision and mission inclusive of academic, social-emotional and behavioral components with tiered educational program and student intervention flow charts utilizing evidence-based screening, progress monitoring and diagnostic measures and Tier 1/2/3 team structures, documentation, and procedures; SEL Framework with Core Competencies, vision and mission  •    Implement District level MTSS Action Plan with MTSS Leadership Team oversight and sub-committee teams to review  targeted evidence-based academic, behavior and social emotional structures, supports and resources that are informed by appropriate screening, progress monitoring and diagnostic tools •    Alignment of Student Success Teams (SST), Coordination of Services Team (COST), and Section 504 Service Plan within a digitized platform  •    Continue in California Scale UP MTSS Statewide Training Initiative (SUMS), Sustaining Cohort to restructure systems of support in the areas academic, behavior and social emotional learning •    Recruit and develop new partnerships with community agencies and internal health clinicians to provide student access  to restorative practices, violence prevention, and mental health counseling Tier 2/3 interventions •    Expand support to foster and homeless students and their families through tutorial programs, field trips, monthly leadership and establishing Youth Opportunity Leadership Organization (YOLO) at targeted elementary sites  •    Provide and maintain differentiated expanded services/supports for identified high need schools identified on the California Dashboard (CSI, ATSI) •    Use of tutoring hours to support targeted intervention with students in need of academic support

  9. Overview How are we doing? What’s in the future? How do we compare?

  10. Agenda Overview Our Vision and Budget Our Financial Positions Comparability Fiscal Outlook

  11. Our Vision and Budget • Work collaboratively and comprehensively with staff, parents, and the community to strengthen a learning environment focused on raising the achievement of all students and preparing them for success in college and career • Maintain district stability, solvency, and local control

  12. Our Financial Positions - Budget Reporting Cycle LCAP/Budget Adoption 2020-21 Second Interim Report 2019-20 • LCAP/Budget • Adoption • 2019-20 Governor’s Budget & 2020-21 First Interim Report 2019-20 Unaudited Actuals 2018-19 Governor’s May Revise 2020-21 Preliminary LCAP/Budget 2020-21

  13. Our Financial Positions – Budget Development STEP O1 STEP O6 Proposed Budget Board Priorities STEP O5 STEP O2 Governor’s May Revise 2019 - 20 Budget Development Enrollment Projections STEP O4 STEP O3 Staffing Projections LCAP Development

  14. Our Financial Positions – Revenue Components GF $ in Millions LCFF Sources79.44% Other Local Revenues 0.71% Federal Revenues 6.68% Other State Revenue 13.18%

  15. Our Financial Positions – LCFF Funding GF • COLA – 3.26%

  16. Our Financial Positions – Expenditure Components GF $ in Millions ClassifiedSalaries 15.12% BooksandSupplies 5.41% Capital Outlay and Others 2.25% Certificated Salaries 40.32% EmployeeBenefits 26.50% Services& OtherOperating 10.41%

  17. Comparability – General Fund (GF) Changes $ in Millions

  18. Comparability – Variances (2018-19 and 2019-20) $ in Millions

  19. Other Funds $ in Millions

  20. Comparability – Multiyear Revenues $ in Millions $671.41

  21. Comparability – Multiyear Expenditures $ in Millions $651.28 $696.79 $685.88 $692.17

  22. Comparability – Multiyear Balances $ in Millions

  23. Proposed Budget • Education Code 42103 requires the school district to hold a public hearing on the proposed budget • The 2019-20 Budget will be presented for Board adoption as required under Education Code 42122 and 42123 on June 25, 2019

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