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gLite SE(DPM) Installation

This guide provides an overview of the installation and configuration process for gLite Storage Elements (DPM), including testing and setup instructions.

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gLite SE(DPM) Installation

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  1. gLite SE(DPM) Installation ZHU Wei CC-IHEP zhuw@ihep.ac.cn 1 September 2010


  3. OVERVIEW • Heterogeneity • Data are stored on different storage systems using different access technologies • Distribution • Data are stored in different locations – in most cases there is no shared file system or common namespace • Data need to be moved between different locations • Need common interface to storage resources • Storage Resource Manager (SRM) • Need to keep track where data is stored • File and Replica Catalogs • Need scheduled, reliable file transfer • File transfer service The Grid DM Challenge

  4. OVERVIEW • Assumptions: • Users and programs produce and require data • the lowest granularity of the data is on the file level (we deal with files rather than data objects or tables) • Data = files • Files: • Mostly, write once, read many • Located in Storage Elements (SEs) • Several replicas of one file in different sites • Accessible by Grid users and applications from “anywhere” • Also… • WMS can send (small amounts of) data to/from jobs: Input and Output Sandbox • Files may be copied from/to local filesystems (WNs, UIs) to the Grid (SEs)

  5. OVERVIEW • Storage Element is the service which saves/loads files to/from local storages. These local storages can be both, a disk or large storage systems. • Functions: • File storage. • Storage resources administration interface. • Storage space administration. • gLite 3.1 data access protocols: • File Transfer: GSIFTP (GridFTP) • File I/O (Remote File access): gsidcap insecure RFIO secured RFIO (gsirfio)

  6. OVERVIEW • Classic SE: • GridFTP server • Insecure RFIO daemon (rfiod) – only LAN limited file access • Single disk or disk array • No quota management • Will not be supported anymore • Mass Storage Systems (Castor) • Files migrated between front-end disk and back-end tape storage hierarchies • GridFTP server • Insecure RFIO (Castor) • Provide a SRM interface with all the benefits • Disk pool managers (dCache and gLite DPM) • manage distributed storage servers in a centralized way • Physical disks or arrays are combined into a common (virtual) file system • Disks can be dynamically added to the pool • GridFTP server • Secure remote access protocols (gsidcap for dCache, gsirfio for DPM) • SRM interface

  7. OVERVIEW • The Disk Pool Manager (DPM) is a lightweight solution for disk storage management, which offers the SRM (Storage Resource Manager) interfaces. • Each DPM–type Storage Element (SE), is composed by a head node and a disk server on the same machine. • The DPM head node has to have at least one files system in the pool, and then, an arbitrary number of disk servers can be added by YAIM. • The DPM handles the storage on Disk Servers. It handles pools: a pool is a group of file systems, located in one or more disk servers. The DPM Disk Servers can have multiple files system in the pool.

  8. OVERVIEW • Usually the DPM head node hosts: • SRM server (srmv1 and/or srmv2) : receives the SRM requests and passes them to the DPM server. • DPM server : keeps track of all the requests. • DPM name server (DPNS) : handles the namespace for all the files under the DPM control. • DPM RFIO server : handles the transfers for the RFIO protocol. • DPM Gridftp server : handles the transfer for the Gridftp protocol.

  9. OVERVIEW • File Catalog Motivations • Users and programs produce and require data • Data may be stored in Grid datasets (files) • Located in Storage Elements (SEs) • Several replicas of one file in different sites • Accessible by Grid users and applications from “anywhere” • Locatable by the WMS (data requirements in JDL) • Data may be copied from/to local filesystems (WNs, UIs) to the Grid • Why File Catalogs are used? • They keep track of the location of copies (replicas) of Grid files • They provide DM tools and APIs through which users and grid services can deal with files

  10. OVERVIEW • Logical File Name (LFN) • An alias created by a user to refer to some item of data, e.g.“lfn:/grid/gilda/tutorials/zhuw/text_file.txt” • Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) • A non-human-readable unique identifier for an item of data, e.g. “guid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6” • Site URL (SURL) (or Physical File Name (PFN) or Site FN) • The location of an actual piece of data on a storage system, e.g. “srm://gilda03.ihep.ac.cn/dpm/ihep.ac.cn/home/gilda/generated/2010-08-29/filef7c237f9-15ff-4cd1-80d8-f2ae33199b51” (lcg-lr they can be many if the file has replicas somewhere) • Transport URL (TURL) • Temporary locator of a replica + access protocol: understood by a SE, e.g. “rfio://gilda03.ihep.ac.cn//storage/gilda/2010-08-29/filef7c237f9-15ff-4cd1-80d8-f2ae33199b51.31.0”


  12. Preliminaries • The instructions provided in this presentation assume that you are going to use a machine with Scientific Linux 5.4 installed. • we are using the Scientific Linux 5.4 x86_64.

  13. Repository settings • Specify the mrepo host: • export MREPO=http://grid-it.cnaf.infn.it/mrepo/repos/sl5/x86_64/ • Configure the repository as follows: • REPOS=“dag ig glite-generic lcg-ca glite-se_dpm_mysql” • Get repositories with: • for name in $REPOS; • do wget $MREPO/$name.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/$name.repo; done • Copy the gilda utils: • wget http://grid018.ct.infn.it/mrepo/repos/gilda.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/gilda.repo

  14. System requirements • Please check: • If you have a valid hostname • To verify, type: hostname -f • To edit the hostname: • vim /etc/hosts • vim /etc/sysconfig/network • hostname <pc_name>

  15. YUM install • Then update your host: yum clean all • Install CAs on ALL profiles: yum install lcg-CA • Metapackage installation: yum install ig_SE_dpm_mysql • Gilda utils: yum install gilda_utils

  16. site-info.def • Copy the ig-site-info.def script template • Open your own site-info.def and customize it: cp /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/ig-site-info.def /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/mysite-info-se-dpm.def vi /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/mysite-info-se-dpm.def

  17. site-info.def • USERS_CONF=${INSTALL_ROOT}/glite/yaim/examples/ig-users.conf • GROUPS_CONF=${INSTALL_ROOT}/glite/yaim/examples/ig-groups.conf • MYSQL_PASSWORD=123456 • JAVA_LOCATION="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-“ • SITE_NAME=my-site-name (haven’t defined it yet) • SITE_EMAIL=“your email address“ • PX_HOST=myproxy.ct.infn.it • DPM_HOST=“your DPM hostname“ • SE_LIST=“your DPM hostname“ • BDII_HOST=topBDII hostname • Add # before SITE_BDII_HOST=my-bdii.$MY_DOMAIN

  18. site-info.def • Maybe you need add these line below: • ######################################### • # StoRM backend configuration variables # • ######################################### • # More information here: http://igrelease.forge.cnaf.infn.it/doku.php?id=doc:guides:site-info-variables#se_storm_backend • # StoRM backend host • STORM_BACKEND_HOST=my-storm-backend.$MY_DOMAIN • # StoRM storage path • STORM_DEFAULT_ROOT=/storage

  19. CONFIGURATION In the machine of gilda**.ihep.ac.cn , the host certifcates locate at :/root/gilda12-28certs.tar #tar -xvf gilda12-28certs.tar Then your host certificates are in the directory named your hostname Install host certificate: Download your certificates in /etc/grid-security: # cd gilda12-28certs #mv gilda**/hostcert.pem /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem #mv gilda**/hostkey.pem /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem and set proper permissions: #chmod 644 /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem #chmod 400 /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

  20. CONFIGURATION #cd /opt/glite/yaim/examples #vi ig-groups.conf Add "/gilda/ROLE=SoftwareManager":: gm: "/gilda/grelc/das/*":gilda::: "/gilda":::: [root@gilda03 ~]# vi /etc/hosts.allow Add one line: slapd: all #cd /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/services #vi glite-se_dpm_mysql DPMPOOL="Permanent“ DPM_FILESYSTEMS="$DPM_HOST:/storage“ DPM_DB_USER=dpmdbuser DPM_DB_PASSWORD=123456 DPM_DB_HOST=$DPM_HOST DPM_INFO_USER="dpminfo” DPM_INFO_PASS=secret

  21. Configuring the SE for GILDA • Update the date • /etc/init.d/ntpd status • /etc/init.d/ntpd restart • Configure the UI with YAIM • /opt/glite/yaim/bin/ig_yaim -c -s /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/mysite-info-se-dpm.def -n ig_SE_dpm_mysql • If everithing is ok, the SE is now READY for testing


  23. TESTING Login UI with your account [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ dpm-qryconf POOL Permanent DEFSIZE 200.00M GC_START_THRESH 0 GC_STOP_THRESH 0 DEF_LIFETIME 7.0d DEFPINTIME 2.0h MAX_LIFETIME 1.0m MAXPINTIME 12.0h FSS_POLICY maxfreespace GC_POLICY lru RS_POLICY fifo GIDS 0 S_TYPE - MIG_POLICY none RET_POLICY R CAPACITY 32.99G FREE 26.98G ( 81.8%) gilda03.ihep.ac.cn /storage CAPACITY 32.99G FREE 26.98G ( 81.8%) [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ dpns-ls / dpm [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ dpns-ls /dpm/ ihep.ac.cn [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ dpns-ls /dpm/ihep.ac.cn/ home [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ dpns-ls /dpm/ihep.ac.cn/home gilda …………

  24. TESTING rfio [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ rfdir /dpm/ihep.ac.cn/home/gilda drwxrwxr-x 4 103 101 0 Aug 29 16:07 generated -rw-rw-r-- 1 103 101 115 Aug 23 00:28 malx-1.jdl -rw-rw-r-- 1 102 101 115 Aug 25 23:28 malx-21.jdl -rw-rw-r-- 1 102 101 115 Aug 20 18:34 malx.jdl -rw-rw-r-- 1 101 101 12 Sep 01 00:46 tutorials [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ rfcp /dpm/ihep.ac.cn/home/gilda/malx-1.jdl /tmp/zhuw.jdl 115 bytes in 0 seconds through eth0 (in) and local (out) [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ ll /tmp/zhuw.jdl -rw-rw-r-- 1 zhuw zhuw 115 Sep 1 01:04 /tmp/zhuw.jdl [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$

  25. TESTING [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ lcg-infosites --vo gilda se Avail Space(Kb) Used Space(Kb) Type SEs ---------------------------------------------------------- 38243284 20169054 n.a vega-se.ct.infn.it 97173177 6523022 n.a dgt02.ui.savba.sk ………… 299672322 94166511 n.a aliserv6.ct.infn.it 28968762 6459208 n.a gilda03.ihep.ac.cn 16243037 3462310 n.a se.hpc.iit.bme.hu 2391755671 95958513 n.a se1-egee.srce.hr 299672322 94166511 n.a aliserv6.ct.infn.it [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ [zhuw@gilda08 ~]$ ldapsearch -x -h gilda03.ihep.ac.cn -p 2170 -b mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid | grep AvailableSpace GlueSAStateAvailableSpace: 28968762

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