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Office Space Conversion for Building #28 and Phase II at SLAC

This project involves the conversion of existing spaces in Building #28 and Phase II at SLAC into office spaces to accommodate a total of 109 occupants. The project includes renovations, design, and construction within a budget of $4.94M.

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Office Space Conversion for Building #28 and Phase II at SLAC

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  1. Space Conversion to Offices Scope Schedule Budget

  2. SLAC Site Plan SLAC Main Gate Pep Ring Road MMF Sector 25 B028 B751 Sector 20 Upstream LCLS General Work Boundary Research Yard

  3. Existing space - 38 occupants BUILDING #28 Phase I - not part of LCLS Phase II – 45 occupants

  4. Office space for 24 occupants Ground Floor Existing offices to remain – 25 occupants Second Floor Office space for 14 occupants Third Floor

  5. Space Requirements (Scope) • Lab infrastructure renovation provides for 146 occupants • Building #28 - Phase II (8,500 sf) – 45 occupants • Offices – 36 • Conf/work area – 3 • Building #28 – existing space – 38 occupants • Offices – 27 • Conf/work area – 3 • CEH (11,785 sf) – 63 occupants • Offices – 27 • Conf/work area – 1 • Existing NEH offices to accommodate 15 occupants (already included as part of NEH) • Two story CLOC provided for 176 occupants • First floor (18,800 sf) • Offices - 56 • Conf/work area – 8 • Laser labs - 2 • Second floor (30,250 sf) • Offices - 120 • Conf/work area – 12 • Laser labs – 1 • Wet lab - 1

  6. Budget • WBS for B028 and B751 have a combined TPC of $4.94M • B751TPC $3.09M • EDI at $.49M • Independent cost estimate • Title I/II design • Construction at $2.6M • Title III • B028 TPC $1.85M • EDI at $.25M • Independent cost estimate • Title I/II design • Construction at $1.6M • Title III

  7. Schedule • B751 • Procurement Design July 08 • Design Commence Sep 08 (6 months) • Design Complete Feb 09 • Const Procurement March 09 • Const Commence May 09 (6 months) • Construction Complete Jan 10 • Beneficial Occupancy Feb 10 • Project Complete March 10 • B028 • Procurement Design July 08 • Design Commence Sep 08 (6 months) • Design Complete Feb 09 • Const Procurement March 09 • Const Commence May 09 (6 months) • Construction Complete Jan 10 • Beneficial Occupancy Feb 10 • Project Complete March 10 Schedule includes multiple design reviews and sufficient milestones

  8. Next 6 Months • Complete pre-design for both B028 and B751 June 08 • Develop SOW for Title 1 and Title 2 services Aug 08 • Commence design for both B028 and B751 Sep 08 • Const cost estimate for both B028 and B751 Jan 09 • Complete design for both B028 and B751 Feb 09

  9. Summary • Space programming is complete for both buildings to support the mission need for CD-4 • Laboratory has satisfactorily completed the electrical upgrade (800amp feeder) for Bldg #028 • Since work had been previously delayed, proposals for design need to be updated but no significant change is anticipated Schedule for start of design is aggressive but achievable • Estimated cost is in line with similar recent completed projects

  10. End of presentation

  11. Similar Projects • CEH (second floor) office space improvement, including chiller (for second floor) and boiler (for all CEH) upgrades:$190 per sf. turnkey cost. Project period: 2QFY05 - 1QFY06 • ISOC (in B084, first floor) office space conversion to GLAST Operations Center and electronics lab expansion: $250 per sf turnkey cost.  Project period: 1QFY06 - 1QFY07 • Directorate Office expansion with all new hard walled offices (in B040 first floor): $270 per sf turnkey cost. Project period: 1QFY06 - 2QFY07 

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