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Das Risiko einer Erkrankung ist extrem hoch, wenn sauberes Wasser und ausreichende Hygiene nicht zugänglich zu sein scheinen. Verunreinigtes Wasser enthält Bakterien und Viren, die Krankheiten verursachen und giftige Chemikalien enthalten können. Schwebstoffe, kleine Partikel von Schmutz oder Erde, die Wasser bewölkt oder braun machen, sind wahrscheinlich, solche Schadstoffe zu halten, sind daher unerwünscht. Bestimmte Metalle und Mineralien, d.h. Pb (Blei) und Arsen (As) sind giftig und andere sind in hohen Konzentrationen gefährlich. Chemikalien kehren häufig aus der Auslaugung von Dünger und Pestiziden zurück. Krankheit wie: Wasserbasierte Krankheiten, Wassergewaschene Erkrankungen, Wasser-basierte Krankheiten, Wasser-assoziierte vektorübertragene Krankheiten. Um hier mehr zu erfahren: https://www.kentrosystems.eu
Kent RO System https://www.kentrosystems.eu/
Disease caused by water The risk of disease is extremely high when clean water and adequate sanitation don't seem to be accessible. Contaminated water contains bacteria and viruses that cause diseases and may contain poisonous chemicals. Suspended solids, little particles of dirt or earth that make water cloudy or brown are likely to hold such pollutants are therefore undesirable. certain metals and minerals i.e. Pb (Lead) and Arsenic (As) are toxic and others are dangerous in high concentrations. Chemicals often return from the leaching of fertilizer and pesticides. Disease like: Water-borne diseases, Water-washed diseases, Water-based diseases, Water-associated vector-borne diseases.
Water purificationYou can buy online water purifier, Air purifier, Bed cleaner and TDS meter.
DescriptionWater Purification Most, if not all, water purification systems enclose a filter stage. These filter out large things from sewerage water, like cotton wool and condoms that ought to not have been thrown down the bathroom in the first place. Filters can even remove smaller particles like silt and suspended solids; dissolved ions and a couple of filters catch bacteria and viruses. Filtration is the most usually used technique in developing countries. one of these filtration ways in which is that the sand filter. as the name implies, sand filters filter water through sand and gravel, thus mimicking nature as groundwater percolates through the ground. There are 2 kinds of sand filters: a speedy sand filter and a slow sand filter. Speedy sand filters filter water through sand, however speed up the strategy by using chemicals equally. Buy online water purification system at kentrosystem in Germany.
Contact information: Calls us @ 08001812372 Log on to: https://www.kentrosystems.eu