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Carthago. Herzlich Willkommen!. . . . mit Carthago in die Zukunft. CASE: Carthago Proizvodnja avtodomov d.o.o. Total planned investment: 3.032.000,00 Eur State subsidy funds: 1.217.000,00 Eur Nr. Of new employment: 150 Production of Chic C line model. Die Chic Familie.

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  1. Carthago Herzlich Willkommen! . . . mit Carthago in die Zukunft

  2. CASE: Carthago Proizvodnja avtodomov d.o.o. • Total planned investment: 3.032.000,00 Eur • State subsidy funds: 1.217.000,00 Eur • Nr. Of new employment: 150 • Production of Chic C line model

  3. Die Chic Familie

  4. Goals and benefits for Carthago • Odranci, Slovenia = Carthago’s 3rd production site • To increase the market share by creating production capacities for a new compact product line • one of few, increasingoutput during recession • Reduction ofmanufacturing costs • Access to a large pool of highly skilled and educated manpower • Benefit on local community support • Potential forfurther development • high manpower potential • available land

  5. Investment implementation • Challenges: • Fulfillment of the obligation to employ 150 persons in 3 years after receiving the subsidy (as the result of late start with production) • Support • National cost sharing grant scheme – Ministry of the Economy • Local community support • Regional development agency Mura • Employment service Murska Sobota

  6. Important elementsfor successful launch • Preparation of the project (CARTHAGO’s case: 1 year) • Selection of highly motivated initial employees • Preparation and training of employees • 25 employees were trained at the HQ, Germany • Surveillance and support for employees in the first days of their start-up • Selection of the employees to follow • criteria: experience and labor discipline

  7. Present stand of operation • Production of 700 vehicles planned for 2010 • 35 % of total production output of Carthago Group • 150 employees reached • Enlargement in planning phase

  8. Increasing production / output tendency

  9. Local Payroll

  10. Payroll – CARTHAGO Group Today the Carthago Group has more than 430 employees at 3 sites

  11. Benefits for the Pomurje region • 150 new employments • Development of sub-contracting activity in the region • Higher added value: product development done by local engineers • Synergies with the local community

  12. What’s next? Project 2 = Second investment project – new vehicle model Goal: to double again the production capacity • Total planned investment: 2.800.000,00 Eur • Building • Equipment, machines • State subsidy: 30% • Carthago will run on two calls for grant funds exploiting • the new Law of POMURJE: • Employment subvention, tax exemption • foreign investment incentives • State co-financing

  13. Project 2: objectives • Increase the output rhythm to 24 vehicles a week by the end of 2010 • Increase the production rhythm to 45 by 2012 • Increase total employment on 260

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