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Bible Study Techniques

This lesson provides an overview of the Biographical Method for studying characters, their lives, and their impact. Learn how to find relevant verses, observe the subject's life, write a biography, list characteristics, select key verses, write key thoughts, apply lessons, and check your understanding. Advanced steps such as researching the subject's time and culture are also covered. Recommended resources included.

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Bible Study Techniques

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  1. Bible Study Techniques Biographical Method

  2. Overview • Overview of the Biographical Method • Walkthrough • Subject and Scope • Find Verses • Observe the Subject’s Life • Write Subjects Biography • List Characteristics of the Subject • Select Key Verse • Write Key Thought • Apply • Check Yourself • Advanced Steps

  3. Overview • This lesson relies very heavily on the books Studying, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible by Walter Henrichsenand Gayle Jackson and The Navigators Bible Studies Handbook by The Navigators https://www.amazon.com/Studying-Interpreting-Applying-Walter-Henrichsen/dp/0310377811/ https://www.amazon.com/Navigator-Bible-Studies-Handbook-LifeChange/dp/0891090754/

  4. Biographical Method • Good for studying a character’s life • Can be adapted to cities and other entities

  5. Subject and Scope • Choose a subject • Limit scope to specific passages or a specific portion of the character’s life

  6. Find Some Verses • Using the principals of correlation, find verses that mention the character

  7. Observe the Subject’s Life • Using the principles of observation and application, write down observations for each verse as well as possible applications • Observation should include where the subject lived, when the lived, and what they accomplished • Be sure to select the relevant context for each verse • Avoid interpretation

  8. Write the Subject’s Biography • Write a few paragraphs detailing the subject’s life • Include all of the important observations from above

  9. List Characteristics of the Subject • Write a list of the character's strength and weaknesses

  10. Select Key Verse • From the verses you studied, select the key verse that best describes the character’s life

  11. Write Key Thought • Write the key thought of the character's life

  12. Apply • Choose one from the list of possible applications that you believe God wants you to work on • State the problem • Cite an example of the problem • State the solutions • Describe, in a specific way, how you will apply the solution

  13. Check Yourself • This is a good time to compare your study to a commentary

  14. Advanced Steps • Once you are comfortable with the biographical method, try adding these advanced steps: • Research the subject’s time and culture • Write a paragraph describing the subject’s philosophy of life • Chart out the subject’s life

  15. Materials and Resources Links to materials and resources mentioned, as well as the handouts, PowerPoint slides, and lecture notes, can be found at http://www.nbsbaptistchurch.org/resources/bible-study-techniques/

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