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Promoting biodiversity conservation through waterbird protection in Saint Lucia with a national monitoring program and education activities.
MONITORING WATERBIRDS IN SAINT LUCIA and THE CARIBBEAN the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES/ WESTERN HEMISPHERE MIGRATORY SPECIES INITIATIVE PROJECT PROJECT PO#259197 Lyndon John Department of Forestry Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy Science and Technology (MSDEST)
GOAL • To promote greater appreciation for biodiversity through conservation and protection of waterbirds and wetland habitats in Saint Lucia, and to support the Caribbean Waterbird Census programme OBJECTIVES • To establish a national waterbird monitoring programme by January 2011 • To increase awareness among community groups, schools, and policy makers on the importance of waterbirds and wetlands in Saint Lucia
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Awareness Activities • Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Exhibition – Aimed at increasing awareness of the importance and value of birds and their habitats • Although this activity was not specifically listed in the original programme, it was seen as crucial to supporting the cause of waterbirds and their habitats • Two separate exhibition held over a 7 day period; One exhibition lasted for 5 days; Exhibition two held over two days • Exhibition featured the work of two prominent bird enthusiasts and conservationists • 15 bird species were featured; One major feature was the Caribbean Coot – water bird • There were photo displays of Saint Lucian and Caribbean endemics; photos were used to create posters • Targeted general public, particularly schools (mostly primary schools and 1 secondary school) • Press releases were done • The Various media houses (HTS – Helen Television System, Daher Broadcasting System, Radio St. Lucia) covered the event • Radio programme with Radio St. Lucia • Staff of Forestry were guest on a 2 hour calling programme dubbed “The Agenda”. • Topic was, St. Lucia Birds and their habitats • The discussion centred on the various groups of birds and the importance of their habitat
Training Workshop • One workshop was held to train field surveyors on the field protocols for surveying water birds. The workshop was held over a 2-day period. comprised of only lectures, with question and answer sessions. These lectures gave background on the development of the Caribbean Waterbird Census, Monitoring tools and methodology, Data recording, Site inventory and logistics, and techniques for identifying waterbirds. • A small competition was also held at the end of day one with the entire class being divided into groups. The focus was on identifying birds • The lecture sessions comprised mostly of power point presentations downloaded from the SCSCB’s website and additional presentations featuring the private work of the facilitators • Day two, started with a briefing and review of bird ID techniques followed by a 3 hour field period at the Eau Piquant Pond familiarizing with the field equipment, practicing bird counting methods, learning to id birds, and data recording. • There were 13 participants, 8 of which were members of the nearby communities. The other 5 were staff of the Saint Lucia Department of Forestry • Field surveyors exhibited different levels of competence from those who scarcely knew anything about waterbirds, to a few who were able to identify the species very convincingly
SCSCB Caribbean Waterbird Census(CWC) Monitoring Training Workshop23 - 27 February 2011Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES/ WESTERN HEMISPHERE MIGRATORY SPECIES INITIATIVE PROJECT PROJECT PO#259197
The original target with OAS‐WHMSI funding was to bring 10 persons to the workshop. Additional funds were requested and received from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, US Forest Service, and Optics for the Tropics and others that enabled us to bring an additional 12 participants to the workshop making a total of 22participants. • The funding provided by OAS/WHMSI was more than matched by cash and in‐kind donations to the project by third parties. • Two officers of the Forestry Department; AlwinDornelly and Adams Toussaint received training between the two regional workshops
Wetlands conservation education workshop conducted by the SCSCB in partnership with the Ministry of Education. • Training provided to teachers from the Secondary and primary school level islandwide • Field activities and class room techniques provided at two workshops