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T â i-ôan-j„ J…p-m£g

T â i-ôan-j„ J…p-m£g. Töe-it Khò Bó-im/Bú-im Töe-j„ Khò Chú-im Töe-sa n Khò J…p-sia n /Töan-im Töe-sì Khò Sian-tiäu.

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T â i-ôan-j„ J…p-m£g

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tâi-ôan-j„ J…p-m£g Töe-it KhòBó-im/Bú-im Töe-j„ KhòChú-im Töe-san KhòJ…p-sian/Töan-im Töe-sì Khò Sian-tiäu

  2. 【Tãh-öe-thâu】Chit ê powerpoint ch…t-khai-sí s„ beh chòe h³ gún kián:Chheng-chheng kap Ûi-lîm ê. M-kú,nä s„ ë-tàng h³ siün beh õh Tâi-ôan-j„ ê pêng-iú chòe chham-khó, mä s„ chin hó ê hoat-tián. Chit ê powerpoint ü chham-khó chin chöe chiân-pòe ê sim-hiat, bô pan-kôan ê bün-tôe, nä ü bô hãp-iöng ê s¯-chäi,lí ë-tàng t…t-chiap siu-kái.Teng Hongtin 2003.7Tâi-ôan-kok Tâi-tiong

  3. Õh Tâi-ôan-j„ , ài thàn-chá ¬ ~

  4. Pçh-öe-j„ (POJ) Lô-má-j„ (LMJ) Tâi-ôan-j„ (TOJ)

  5. Chú-im (子音) (聲母)(輔音)

  6. Ph M B T Th N Lp ph m b t th n l Ch Chh S J K Kh Ng G Hch chh s j k kh ng g h

  7. P p Ph phM mB b Chhùi-tûn phõk-khui im

  8. a: pa pha ma bae:pe phe me bei: pi phi mi bi ¬:p¬ ph¬ m¬ b¬o: po pho mo bou:pu phu mu bu

  9. P p

  10. pa pe pi p¬ po pu

  11. Ph ph

  12. pha phe phi ph¬ pho phu

  13. M m

  14. ma me mi m¬ mo mu

  15. B b

  16. ba be bi b¬ bo bu

  17. Pp a-pa/pà(阿爸) pë-bú(父母) pê--kòe-khì(爬過去) pi-ai(悲哀) chü-pi(自卑) ë-p¬(下晡)

  18. Pp ta-p¬(查埔) po-lê(玻璃) sio-po(相褒) sin-pü(新婦) pü-n¤g(孵卵)

  19. Ph ph pha-hng (拋荒) cháu-phau-phau (走拋拋) phî-khì (脾氣) phi san (披衫) tiàm-phò. (店舖)

  20. Ph ph ph¬-l³ (鋪路) phò-sán (破產) phö in/en-á (抱嬰仔) phû-tîm (浮沉) phü-nöa (哱瀾)

  21. M m a-má (阿媽) miâ-j„ (名字) miä-ün (命運) àm-mî/mê (暗暝) chháu-meh-á (草蜢仔) chhàu-m¬-m¬ (臭m¬-m¬)

  22. Bb bä thâu-l³ (覓頭路) koain/kuin h³ bä (關乎密) bé/bóe chhài (買菜) tiãh bí (糴米) chhiò-bi-bi (笑微微) bô chîn(無錢)

  23. Bb bö-á (磨仔) cha-b¯ (查某) b²-á (模仔) tà-bü (罩霧) a-bú (阿母)

  24. T t Th thN nL l Khí-höan phõk-khui im

  25. a: ta tha na lae:te the ne lei: ti thi ni li ¬:t¬ th¬ n¬ l¬o: to tho no lou:tu thu nu lu

  26. T t

  27. ta te ti t¬ to tu

  28. Th th

  29. tha the thi th¬ tho thu

  30. N n

  31. na ne ni n¬ no nu

  32. L l

  33. la le li l¬ lo lu

  34. Tt tà-bü (罩霧) chhàu-hóe/hé-ta (臭火焦) pò.-të (布袋) töa-ti (大豬) t¬-chh„ (都市) ti-t³ (豬肚)

  35. Tt chhài-to (菜刀) chhia-tó (車倒) tú-tiõh (拄著) töa-hàn (大漢) khò.-tòa (褲帶) tuh kóain-á (托拐仔)

  36. Th th e-the (挨推) kau-thè (交替) liâm-thi-thi (黏黐黐) thí-khui (搋開) th¯-lâng (土人) th²-kha (塗跤) ch…t-thò (一套)

  37. Th th thó-thàn (討趁) lâu-thui (樓梯) kha-thúi (跤腿) thoa-bôa (拖磨) thöa san (汰衫)

  38. N n chhiü-nâ (樹林) nâ-á (籃仔) tiong-giân-gçk-ní (忠言逆耳) ní-pò. (染布) n¯-lçk (努力) pçk-thiô-kai-n¯ (白頭偕老) jím-näi (忍耐)

  39. N n sai-nai (施旎) choan-nôa/lân (專欄) niû-s…t (糧食) sin-niû (新娘) soan-niá (山嶺) a-niâ (阿娘)

  40. Ll lãh-j…t (曆日) phah-lãh (扑獵) sit-lé (失禮) lê-chhân (犛田) lí / lú-hêng (旅行)

  41. Ll thâu-l³ (頭路) tàng-l³ (凍露) chhau-lô (操勞) lí/lú-sèng (女性)

  42. Ll lâi-á (梨仔) lâi-khì (來去) läu-lâng (老人) läu h³ (漏雨)

  43. Ch ch Chh chhS s J j Chhùi-ch…h mô-chhat im

  44. a: cha chha sa jae:che chhe se jei: chi chhi si ji ¬:ch¬ chh¬ s¬ j¬o: cho chho so jou:chu chhu su ju

  45. Ch chTs ts

  46. cha che chi ch¬ cho chu

  47. Chh chh

  48. chha chhe chhi chh¬ chho chhu

  49. S s

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