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Weathering. Weathering is the process where rocks are broken into smaller and smaller pieces.Sediments such as sand, silts and clay make up some of these smaller parts. Soil formation depends upon the amount of weatheringWeathering can change a mountain to a hillWeathering can produce strange roc

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    2. Weathering Weathering is the process where rocks are broken into smaller and smaller pieces. Sediments such as sand, silts and clay make up some of these smaller parts

    4. Mechanical Weathering Occurs when rocks are broken apart by physical processes. The overall chemical makeup of the rock stays the same Growing plants, burrowing animals and expanding ice can cause mechanical weathering

    5. Plants Plants can grow in the cracks of rocks if the right nutrients collect there The roots will wedge the rock apart as shown here

    6. Animals Burrowing animals can also cause mechanical weathering As they burrow they loosen sediment and push them to the surface

    7. Ice Wedging/Frost Wedging Occurs in temperate and cold climates Water enters cracks in rocks and freezes The pressure can extend the cracks Freezing/thawing process works on roads and causes potholes

    8. Chemical Weathering Occurs when chemical reactions dissolve the minerals in rocks or change them into different minerals Changes the chemical composition of the rock which weakens the rock

    9. Natural Acids When water mixes with Carbon dioxide it forms an acid called carbonic acid. Carbonic acids mixes with limestone and form caves Also caused by naturally occurring acids come in contact with rocks Additional chemical break down of feldspar produces a clay called Kaolinite as an end product

    10. Plant acids Some roots and decaying plants give off acids that can dissolve the minerals in rocks This can be beneficial to the plant by creating more room to grow

    11. Oxygen/Oxidation Oxygen can cause chemical weathering OXIDATION occurs when metallic materials are exposed to oxygen and water over time. Rust is a common oxidation result

    12. Effects of Climate Climate is the pattern of weather that occurs in a particular area over many years. In cold areas mechanical weathering breaks down rock rapidly Chemical weathering occurs more rapidly in warm, wet areas Rock type can also affect the rate of weathering In wet climates marble weathers more quickly

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