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Investment Property in West Palm Beach | joinbuyerslist.com | Wholesale Home Sales, LLC

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Investment Property in West Palm Beach | joinbuyerslist.com | Wholesale Home Sales, LLC

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  2. RULES InAmerica, many homesthatareworth morethanamillion dollarsaretermedas luxuryrealestate. Thus, wecansaya propertyinanyregion thatisacutabovethe othersandcostsabove thenormalrangeof homesisluxuryreal estate. Allproperties havinghighvaluesin termsofdollaramount areinthiscategory. Thesepropertiescanbe largeplotsoflandora thousandsquarefoot home. Thevaluemostly dependsuponthe locationofthe property, theamenities offeredinthehomeor condos, proximityto hospitals, malls, golf courses, highways, and otherimportant facilities.

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