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Branching Strategies and Restarts in SAT Solvers Ashish Sabharwal

Branching Strategies and Restarts in SAT Solvers Ashish Sabharwal. Talk Outline. The SAT Problem, SAT Solvers Conflict-Driven Systematic SAT Solvers Dramatic Progress Contrast with CP/MIP solvers “Everything” influenced by Learned Clauses and Conflict Analysis

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Branching Strategies and Restarts in SAT Solvers Ashish Sabharwal

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  1. Branching Strategies and Restartsin SAT SolversAshish Sabharwal

  2. Talk Outline • The SAT Problem, SAT Solvers • Conflict-Driven Systematic SAT Solvers • Dramatic Progress • Contrast with CP/MIP solvers • “Everything” influenced by Learned Clauses and Conflict Analysis • Traditional Branching Heuristics • CDCL Solvers: Dynamic Heuristics and Associated Techniques • Clause Learning • Lazy Data Structures • VSIDS Variable Selection Heuristic • Restarts • Summary

  3. SAT: Problem and Solvers

  4. Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) : Basics • Variables with Boolean domain {T,F} or, equivalently, {1,0} • Constraints specified in the Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)E.g. (a or b) and (c or d or f) and (a or c or d) • SAT Solver: An algorithm (typically with an implementation) that, given a CNF formula F, finds a satisfying assignment for F, if there is one • Complete SAT Solver: must terminate and output “unsatisfiable”, if F is unsat. • Dozens of (mostly Open Source) SAT Solvers available on the Internet • 35+ solvers participated in SAT Competition 2006 • 65+ in 2011 a : variable a, a : literals clause = disjunction of literals

  5. SAT Solvers: 3 Dominant Approaches • Local Search based stochastic algorithms • Incomplete (do not prove unsatisfiability) • Very effective on satisfiable Random instances, esp. near phase transition • Look-Ahead Based systematic solvers • Complete search with careful selection of variables/values to branch on • Spend time exploring “reduction” in complexity with various branching possibilities • Local Learning: some local inference within a subtree is learned as “implication arrays” • Theoretical Studies: autarkies, “reduction” measures based on probability distributions • Very effective on unsatisfiable Random instances • Also effective on Crafted and some Industrial instances • Conflict Directed Clause Learning (CDCL) solvers • Complete search producing General Resolution proofs of unsatisfiability • Very effective on Industrial instances, esp. large and highly interconnected ones

  6. Look-Ahead vs. CDCL SAT Solvers Credit: Heule & van Maaren,Handbook of SAT • Complementary Regimes of Strength • Plot shows dominating solver on Crafted and Industrial instances + March: typical Look-Ahead solver Minisat: typical CDCL solver Low Diameterof Resolution Graph [two clauses have an edgeif they clash in 1 literal] Low ConstraintDensity

  7. CDCL SAT Solvers

  8. Systematic SAT Solvers as Search Engines Dramatic Progress in 20 Years • Started out with ~100 vars, ~200 constraints in early 1990’s • Now often easily handle over 1Mvars, ~5M constraints • Instances with 30M clauses being used in competitions! • Was it all just Moore’s Law? It helped, but not much… • 2x faster computer does not solve 2x larger SAT instance • Search difficulty does not scale linearly with problem size! • Key Development Drivers • Academic: “Open” SAT Competitions, Races, and Challenges:Germany ’89, Dimacs ’93, China ’96, SAT-2002, …, SAT-2013 • Industrial: Verification: Backend of Model Checkers, SMT solvers • Applicationsto Test Pattern generation, Optimal Control, ProtocolDesign, Routers, Cryptography, E-Commerce (E-auctions &electronic trading agents), Bioinformatics (Haplotype Inference), etc

  9. SAT vs. CP/MIP Search: A Contrast SAT Solvers, esp. CDCL Solvers, work in a very different setting and with very different design principles/goals: • Blackbox approach • No notion of designing custom search / decompositions as in CP Opt. or CPLEX • Expected to work “out of the box” with perhaps a little parameter tuning • Very little structure available to exploit • Binary domains, CNF form – very “flat” representation • Advantage: Standardization, Competitions, Simplicity • No objective function to estimate for guidance or use to assess progress • Number of unsatisfied clauses can be a highly misleading indicator • Reliance on LOTS of branching, backtracking, learning, restarting, …all performed extremely fast. How fast? But Note: 1M variable CNF formula given to CP or MIP solver will not fly 

  10. SAT Solvers as Fast Search Engines • CDCL SAT solvers have become really efficient at searching fast • E.g., on an IBM model checking instance from SAT Race 2006, with ~170k variables, 725k clauses, solvers such as Minisat and Rsat roughly • Make 2000-5000 decisions/second • Deduce 600-1000 conflicts/second • Learn 600-1000 clauses/second(#clauses grows rapidly) • Restart every 1-2 seconds (aggressive restarts) • Leading solvers such as Glucose have pushed Restarts even further • Extremely aggressive restarts! • Rely on techniques such as phase saving, “intelligent” clause deletion (based on LBD level), and dynamic context-based freezing of restarts to achieve success

  11. SAT vs. CP/MIP: Branching “Tree” Structure • CP & MIP solvers traditionally explore a well-defined underlying search tree, albeit in different heuristic orders • CP: typically binary/multi-way tree with DFS or LDS exploration order • MIP: typically best-first style tree search with a frontier of Open nodes and “diving” to obtain feasible solutions quickly • Modern CDCL SAT solvers very far from building a traditional search tree! • Branching is “uneven” • Restarts are extremely frequent(context is retained using various techniques) • Under current context,X=0 UPY=0 • Y is 1-UIP variablein last conflict analysis • Note: Y=1  X=1but not necessarilyY=1 UPX=1 Normal: X=1 Y=1 X=0 X=0 “smaller” X=1 ?

  12. The Importance of Learned Clauses • “Everything” is influenced by Conflict Analysis and Learned Clauses! • No need to “flip” value of the branched upon variable: 1-UIP learned clause automatically implies flipped value of the 1-UIP literal • Enablement of Aggressive Restarts • Safe, as context is preserved by learned clauses • Conflict-directed Backjumping • Necessity of Lazy Data Structures due to ~1000 clauses learned per second • Fast but with a drawback: incomplete knowledge of current state of all clauses • E.g., can no longer determine how many clauses are not yet satisfied! • Branching heuristic: typical state-basedheuristics cannot be computed anymore with lazy data structures: missing information about current state of all clauses • VSIDS and variations for variable selection (more later)

  13. It Wasn’t Always the Case…Traditional, State-Dependentand History-IndependentHeuristics in SAT

  14. Traditional Branching Heuristics • SAT Solvers, before Clause Learning became a must-have, had many variations of state-dependent heuristics similar to CSP solvers, e.g.: • DLCS: Dynamic Largest Combined Summaximize CP(x) + CN(x) (#unresolved clauses with literal x occurring pos and neg, resp.) • DLIS: Dynamic Largest Individual Summaximize max {CP(x), CN(x)}

  15. Traditional Branching Heuristics… contd. • BOHM[Buro & Klein-Buning, 1992]lexicographically-maximizewhereIntuitively, satisfy most small clauses or further reduce their size #unresolved size-iclausescontaining literal x

  16. Traditional Branching Heuristics… contd. • MOMS: Maximum Occurrences in clauses of Minimum SizeMany variations, e.g.:maximize • Jeroslow-Wang [1990]maximize Two-sided version: maximize #unresolved smallestclausescontaining literal x preference also to vars thatappear as bothpos & negin smallest clauses number of unresolved clauses literal lappears in, weighted inverselyproportional to exp(clause size)

  17. Key Techniques InsideModern CDCL Solvers

  18. DPLL Search as Implemented in Modern Solvers Note: No “search tree” style search where we set x=0 andthen later “flip” to x=1

  19. Clause Learning: Conflict Graphs, etc. Search tree behavior: • Branch: p=0, q=0, b=1 • Detect conflict; learn, say, 1-UIP clause (¬a or t) • Backtrack to depth=2: assignment stack has p=0, q=0 • Flip value of b to get b=0 • Do nothing (not even state update) and simply observe t=1 is implied!  further, t=1 implies b=0(under the current context) p=0 (¬a or t) q=0 b=1 t =1

  20. Lazy Data Structures • SAT solvers (used to) spend 80% of their time doing unit propagation • Must make unit propagation efficient • as more and more clauses are added (clause learning) • as longer clauses are added (initial clauses tend to be mostly short) • Observation: Watching two un-falsified literals is sufficient,no matter how long the clause is! • With 2 un-faslified clauses, clause guaranteed to not unit propagate or be falsified • Can ignore processing most clauses unless the literal under consideration is being watched in them • Head and Tail Lists: SATO solver [1997] • Watched Literals: zChaff solver [2001]

  21. H/T Lists vs. Watched Literals Credit: Marques-Silva, Lynce,& Malik; Handbook of SAT WL structure needs • No pointer “trail” maintenance • No work when backtracking But can mean exploring the whole clause to detect unit literal

  22. Dynamic Variable Selection Heuristics VSIDS: Variable State Independent Decaying Sum (zChaff solver) • Fast heuristic: not extremely accurate but adaptive and informed by conflicts! • A key ingredient to make SAT solvers work well on industrial instances • Necessitated by lazy data structures: accurate information about reduced clause size no longer available • Maintain one score for each literal • Increase score of literals appearing in the conflict clause • Periodically divide all scores by 2 Several variations, e.g., Berkmin solver: • One score for each variable, incremented for all vars appearing in 1-UIP analysis • More importantly: variable chosen from most recently learned and yet-unsatisfied conflict clause!

  23. Power Law Decay Exponential Decay Standard Distribution (finite mean & variance) Restarts: Without Clause Learning • Originally motivated by observations about runtime distributionsof SAT solvers without conflict learning [Gomes et al, 1998] • Really effective when “heavy-tailed” behavior is presentwith many short runs (“backdoors”) and many very long runs • The easy to grasp concept: key is the role of the exponential distribution (geometric distribution, really, for the discrete case) • If probability of failure after time T(a) decays faster than exponentially hurts to restart(a)decays exponentially doesn’t matter (easy solution strategy: keep restarting!)(c) decays slower than exponentially  should restart

  24. Restarts: With Clause Learning • No clear empirical runtime distribution study (to my knowledge); however, large runtime variations often observed in practice and rapid restarts help! • Safe: Context is kept through learned clauses and associated heuristics • Theoretical Justification/Intuition: Do we really need restarts? • Stems from characterization of Clause Learning Proof System (CL) and its relation to General Resolution (RES) • Full simulation of RES by CL known only in the presence of restarts! • CL (specific learning scheme, no restarts) exponentially more powerful than any “natural and proper” fragment of RES [2003] • CL** + lots of restarts = RES [2003] • F has a short RES proof  F’ has a short CL proof w/o restarts [2008] • CL + lots of restarts = RES [2009] • CL has short proofs of natural candidate formulas for separation [2012]

  25. Summary • Dramatic Progress in CDCL SAT Solvers • High Contrast with CP/MIP solvers w.r.t. “tree” structure • “Everything” influenced by Learned Clauses and Conflict Analysis • Traditional Branching Heuristics • Exist but no longer common (except in Look-Ahead SAT Solvers) • CDCL Solvers: Interesting Search Design, no clear “tree” • Clause Learning • Lazy Data Structures • VSIDS Variable Selection Heuristic • Aggressive (but careful) Restarts • Reference: Handbook of SAT • 27 chapters: Everything from historical perspectives,theoretical foundations, practical solvers, applications, …

  26. Extra slides

  27. Goal of This Talk Highlight key advances in the design of DPLL-based SAT solvers that have made this scaling feasible • Note: it is not just the “simplicity” of the constraints per se • E.g., a CNF formula F given as a set of “clause constraints” to IBM/ILOG CP Solver or to a MIP solver would not scale up! • Several fundamental techniques make modern SAT solvers behave very differently from the traditional branch-and-backtrack search; e.g. • there isn’t anymore a clearly defined “search tree”, or even a search data structure that “tries both branches” / “flips variable value” • they don’t even look at most of the clauses when branching and propagating • they literally do nothing upon backtrack besides un-assigning variable values (no “state” to revert back to)

  28. Basic DPLL Search for SAT

  29. Key Techniques in Modern SAT Solvers • Clause learning (no-goods) • Requires a “conflict analysis” mechanism: implication graph, graph cuts • Motivates/necessitates efficient data structures (e.g., watched literals) • Enables getting rid of traditional search tree • Takes “restarts” to another level: very rapid and less risky • Helps guide the solver in many ways • Conflict directed backjumping / non-chronological backtracking • Conflict directed variable selection: VSIDS • Lazy data structures: watched literals • Motivated by SAT solvers spending ~80% of their time doing unit prop., and new clauses being added at a very rapid rate! • Enables very efficient propagation: allows ignoring most clauses • Enables “no work” upon backtracking • Very aggressive restarts • Assignment stack shrinking • Conflict clause minimization • Clause deletion (to save memory) [have to be careful about search tree]

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