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What is Civics?

What is Civics?. - Civics -Study of Citizenship and Government -Citizen- a member of a community with certain rights and responsibilities. -Government- ruling authority of a community that makes and enforces rules. The Common Good.

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What is Civics?

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  1. What is Civics? -Civics -Study of Citizenship and Government -Citizen- a member of a community with certain rights and responsibilities. -Government- ruling authority of a community that makes and enforces rules.

  2. The Common Good • --The ultimate role of the government is to do the greatest good to the greatest number of people without harming others • A successful government needs people to participate

  3. Why We Need Gov’t? • -Make laws- • we must follow. Allows for order • Establish courts • -Keep Order- • safety, organized system • -Provide Services- utilities, government programs, schools, parks, etc. • -prevent anarchy • -the absence of any form of government =CHAOS • You have two cows, either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors take the cows and kill you! • Ahhhh, no laws, no safety, no order. And what’s considered fair price?

  4. Levels of Government -National- Highest level Aka federal (located in DC) -State- decide matters of citizens -Local- government closest to people 1. County- geographical area (larger than a city) 2. City- aka metropolitan Umbrella represents: federalism- a form of government in which power is divided b/w federal government and the states.

  5. Levels of Government AKA expressed powers -National -State -Local County City Shared powers

  6. These cows are going to help you understand certain governments! YAY!

  7. Democracy -republics-- rule by the consent of the people -democracy -direct democracy: a form of government where each citizens has an actual say in the affairs of government **Mayflower Compact -representative democracy:a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them **House of Burgesses - United States Popular Sovereignty- the idea that power lies with the people • We (the people) RULE b/c we? • VOTE! • We vote people in to REPRESENT us, hence: REPRESENTATIVE DEMPOCRACY. 

  8. Monarchy -monarchy- -form of government led by a king or a queen -Power is inherited -absolute monarchy- A monarch that has complete and unlimited power to rule his or her people -limited monarchy- aka "constitutional monarchy,”- a system of government in which a king or queen stood as head of state, but his or her power was limited by real power lying in a legislature and an independent court system (like 3 branches)

  9. Socialist Pure socialism- You have 2 cows, the government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need -socialist- similar to communist Type of government where individuals and government share ownership in major businesses and government takes on a greater role in citizen’s lives. --property returned to people -You have 2 cows, the government takes one and gives it to your neighbor

  10. Socialist countries (ever been one and current) Red-over 60 years Orange-over 50 year Yellow-40-50 Green-30 -40 Blue- 20-30 Black 10-20

  11. Communist You have 2 cows: The government seizes both and provides you with milk but you got to do all the work. • -communist- • Type of government where the government owns and controls all aspects of life for its citizens • Why would gov’t want this? • To create equality • Suppress individuality • Suppress Individual advancement • Russia/China 1950s: fear of communism

  12. Authoritarian -dictatorship-Type of government that is usually controlled by one person who allows very little freedom or opposition -totalitarianism-Form of government where little freedom or opposition is allowed -oligarchy-Government that is ruled by a small group of people • Dictatorship: you have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you

  13. Religious • -theocracy- • Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders • You have two cows, they are ruled by god and so are you. Go to church! • Authority for gov’t is given by god • State religion you must follow • Vatican -Catholic

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