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TDC 2 – Writing : An introduction to writing essays. An effective introduction should :. Set the context – provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make and support
TDC 2 – Writing: Anintroduction to writingessays
Aneffectiveintroductionshould: Set the context– provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make and support State why the main idea is important– tell the reader why s/he should care and keep reading. Your goal is to create a compelling, clear, and convincing essay people will want to read and act upon State your thesis/claim– compose a sentence or two stating the position you will support Lookattheintroduction in thetextAgainstE-Votingandidentifythefeaturesabove. Nowlookatyourintroductionandidentifythefeaturesabove.
TheThesisStatement Theessay is controlledbyone central idea, thethesisstatement. It expresses theattitude, opinion, orideaaboutthetopicand it is broaderthan a topicsentencebecause it expresses thecontrollingidea for theentireessay. • A thesisstatement: • Shouldbeexpressed in a complete sentence; • Expresses anopinion, attitudeoridea; it does notsimplyannouncethetopictheessaywilldevelop; • Expresses anopinion; it shouldnotexpress a fact; • Shouldexpressonlyoneideatowardthetopic.
Are thesethesisstatements? • Theadvantagesofbeingbilingual. • I wouldlike to discusstheadvantagesofbeingbilingual. • Thetwogreateradvantagesofbeingbilingualiintoday’ssociety are that it is easier for people to getjobsandthattheycancommunicatewithpeoplefromall over the world. • Whatadvantagesmaybetakenfromthefactofbeingbilingual, consideringthecharacteristicsoftoday’ssociety? • Speaking more thanonelanguage is a plus in anyone’scurriculumnowadays. • Some advantagesofbeingbilingual are: to facilitatethe communication withpeoplefrom a differentculture; to access more opportunitiesof work; and to developknowledge in otherfields.
Nowgoback to youressayand underline thethesisstatement. Does it fulfillalltherequirementsdiscussed? Ifso, good! Ifnot, rewriteyourthesisstatementand show it to yourpartner.
Mainproblemsfound • Introductionswithonlyonesentence. • Vague, incomplete, orineffectivethesisstatements. • Thesisstatements as thefirstsentenceoftheintroductoryparagraph, ratherthanthelast. • Introductionswithmultipleparagraphsandthesisstatementonly in thelastparagraph.
Developmentalparagraphs • Theyexplain, illustrate, discuss, or prove thethesisstatement. • Eachparagraphdiscussesoneaspectofthemaintopic. • Thecontrollingidea in thedevelopmentalparagraphshouldechothe central idea in thethesisstatement. • Thedevelopmentalparagraphshouldhavecoherenceandunity. Thetrainofthoughtattheendofoneparagraphshouldbepickedupatthebeginningofthenext.
Developmentalparagraph 1: Topicsentence: Knowing a foreignlanguage helps youcommunicatewithpeoplefromdifferentcultures, whichcanbringmanyadvantages. Example Some advantagesofbeingbilingual are: tofacilitate the communication withpeoplefrom a differentculture; toaccess more opportunitiesofwork; andtodevelopknowledge in otherfields. Developmentalparagraph 2: Topicsentence: Another major advantageofknowing a foreignlanguageisthatyouwillcertainlyhavemany more workopportunitiesthan a monolingualcolleague. Developmentalparagraph 3: Topicsentence: Finally, a personwhohasgoodcommandof a foreignlanguage, especially English, hasaccesstoknowledgefrom a numberoffields, since English is the lingua franca of the social, natural andexactsciences. DDidyounotice the syntacticvarietyof the topicsentences?
Unity • The entire paragraph should concern itself with a single focus. If it begins with a one focus or major point of discussion, it should not end with another or wander within different ideas. • Coherence • Coherence is the trait that makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader. You can help create coherence in your paragraphs by creating logical bridges and verbal bridges. • Logical bridges • The same idea of a topic is carried over from sentence to sentence • Successive sentences can be constructed in parallel form • Verbal bridges • Key words can be repeated in several sentences • Synonymous words can be repeated in several sentences • Pronouns can refer to nouns in previous sentences • Transition words can be used to link ideas from different sentences
Mainproblemsfound • Onlyonedevelopmentalparagraph; thus, onlyoneargument to supportthethesisstatement. • Developmentalpagragraphsthatprovideinformationthat is notdirectlyrelated to thethesisstatement. • Differentparagraphsdiscussingbasicallythesameidea. • Developmentalparagraphswith a singlesentence. • Insufficientsupportinginformation.
Conclusion • Theconclusionwrapsupthediscussion, bringingthedevelopment to a logical end. • A conclusioncanbrieflyrestatethemainpointsdiscussed. • A conclusioncanrestatethethesis in differentwords. • A conclusion can address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position. • A conclusioncancall for action or overview future research possibilities. • A conclusionshouldnotbringup a newtopic.
Mainproblemsfound • No conclusion!
Writinganessay is verysimple: Tell what you're going to tell them (introduction). Tell them (body). Tell them what you told them (conclusion).