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PROFIL project: Airbus D&S current status and FMT scheme overview - Current status - FMT scheme definition - FMT simulation based on 3GPP LTE one. Laurent Martinod 07/10/2014. Current status. Deliverables:
PROFIL project: Airbus D&S current status and FMT scheme overview- Current status- FMT scheme definition- FMT simulation based on 3GPP LTE one Laurent Martinod 07/10/2014
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview Currentstatus • Deliverables: • L0.1: finalized and shared with partners. Waiting for official Template to update the final version. • L1.1: first draft available. Contribution from CEA to include. Review will follow. • L2.1: Airbus DS contribution on FMT to include. • FMT study current status: • FMT pulse shaping choice and design: specifications issued from our own contribution to Emphatic project • Tx/Rx modulator/demodulator parts implemented (C and Matlab) • Complete SISO Tx/Rx chain with BER performances metrics based on existing LTE simulator: developed, validated and now fully available in order to be able to compare results using similar structures (LTE vs FMT) • Dynamic propagation channel included (for both ideal and real channel estimation algorithms) – SISO case • Replace LTE OFDM scheme by FMT one without changing existing 3GPP LTE physical channels: OK • See next slides, … • FMT study future steps: • Add more complex antenna configuration cases (SIMO, MISO) • Compare performances in different configurations…
BB system introduction into NB worldTypical cases and generic one PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview • 3
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT characteristics: some maths • FMT BB signal: • M is the number of sub-carriers, • N is the number of modulated symbols on each sub-carrier, • T is the symbol duration on each sub-carrier • g(t) is the ideal symbol waveform, obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of a square root raised cosine spectrum G(f), defined as follows: • Thus:
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview 3GPP LTE and FMT main parameters • Classical 3GPP LTE figures, and new parameters: • Goal: keep 3GPP LTE parameters unchanged ! • FMT implementation is transparent for 3GPP upper layers.
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT advantage: spectrum behaviourexample – carrier blanking • As an example: one subcarrier is dismissed • Adjacent sub-carrier rejection = -49dB (FMT) vs -10dB (CP-OFDM) • Pulse shaping filter characteristics: L = 8, alpha = 0.35 OFDM Unused OFDM subcarrier FMT Unused FMT subcarrier
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT drawback: ICI / limited pulse shaping temporal supportexample – EVM at receiver side (no propagation channel) • Depending on temporal pulse shaping length and truncation, EVM could be not negligible (ideal case – no propagation channel):
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT: parameters choice (EVM and rejection criteria) • EVM depending on roll-off factor (asymmetric roll-off factor: Rx / Tx pulse shaping filters) • Filter length = 12 OFDM symbols (1 LTE sub-frame) • Optimal point: (AlphaTx: 0.22, AlphaRx: 0.18) => Rejection: 48.7dB, EVM: 1.0%
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT modulator - basics Subchannel 0 Subchannel k bits Pulse Shape Symbol Data Input 0 Filter h (t) Generator tx w j t 0 e Subchannel 1 Subchannel k bits Pulse Shape Symbol Data Input 1 Filter h (t) Generator tx Zero IF Modulation + w j t 1 e Subchannel N-1 Subchannel k bits Pulse Shape Symbol Data Input N-1 Filter h (t) Generator tx w j t N-1 e
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview Our FMT implementation: overlap-add in the temporal domain demultiplexing on M subcarriers M -1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. bits/ symbols 0 mapping IDFT +replication M symbols M.m bits IDFT + replication Filter h (t) tx Filter h (t) time time time tx overlap-addwith previous FMT symbols
BURST MAPPING PN seq. generator PHY-channel mapping Pilots insertion Databits CRC encoder Rando-mizer FEC encoder Inter- leaver Ratemat-ching QAM mapper MIMO encoder Frame structure CHANNEL CODING SYMBOL MIMO INIT IFFT OFDM AWGN Multiple paths summation Uncorrelatedfadings Multiple paths CPinsert. Delays CPremove OFDM PROPAGATION CHANNEL FFT Deinter- leaver Channel compensate Pilots removal PHY-channel demapping QAM Demod. Ratedemat-ching MIMO decoder & Channel estimation BER/FER calculation + EVM Received Data bits CRC decoder Derand-omizer FEC decoder PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview MATLAB LTE / FMT PHY simulation: overall synoptic (DL case) • Complete PHY layer simulation available: • Synchronization in time and frequency is perfect ! FMT FMT
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview MATLAB 3GPP LTE / FMT PHY simulation: 3GPP LTE DL physical channels overview (reused with FMT scheme)
PROFIL project: Airbus Defence & Space current status and FMT scheme overview FMT vs LTE simulation results – AWGN SISO
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