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Today:. To What extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States Expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? Makeup Progressives quiz will be Thurs AFTER SCHOOL
Today: • To What extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States Expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? • Makeup Progressives quiz will be Thurs AFTER SCHOOL • Wed- Create 30 item Matching or Fill in the Blank test from handout of terms • Thurs- Lecture • Monday Test- Imperialism
US Becomes a World Power APUSH
The AP Outline • Foreign Policy, 1865-1914 • Seward and the purchase of Alaska • The new imperialism • Blaine and Latin America • International Darwinism: missionaries, politicians, and naval expansionists • Spanish-American War • Cuban independence • Debate on Philippines • The Far East: John Hay and the Open Door • Theodore Roosevelt • The Panama Canal • Roosevelt Corollary • Far East • Taft and dollar diplomacy • Wilson and moral diplomacy
What is the significance of this quote? • “We must have no scruples about exterminating this other race standing in the way of progress and enlightenment.” • American Officer in the Philippines
Racism and Expansion • Josiah Strong- book Our Country • Racist justification of imperialism • Asserted Anglo-Saxon’s had a genius for colonization • “God with infinite wisdom and skill is training the Anglo-Saxon race for the final competition of races.” • Implication:-weaker, “black, brown and yellow people were inferior to the Anglo-Saxon…”
The US will intervene in weaker nations when an economic/business/ Political interest is present and in danger. National Security (Bush) Hawaii Cuba Philippines China Columbia/Panama Nicaragua Mexico… Cold War War on Terror American Pattern of Imperialism
China and United States Relations • Why does the United States support an “Open Door” policy regarding China?
Pro-Imperialism Document • Secretary of State William Day reflects view- 1898 • “The output of the United States’ manufacturers, developed by the remarkable inventive genius and industrial skill of our people… • Has reached the point of large excess above the demand of home consumption. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that greater interest should be exhibited among our manufacturers and economists in the enlargement of foreign markets for American goods.”
Factors to Consider • American culture has spread throughout the continent of the US • US is industrialized, needs markets to sell goods • “Produce exceeded consumption” • Business interests want expansion- Steel industry will support (Navy) • Global Competition over land is present • France, England, Germany, Japan, Italy… • Industrial world vs. Non-industrial world
American Imperialism • Is the desire on the part of politicians and industrialists to acquire colonies in order to support trade and American power. • Two reasons for obtaining colonies include: • Natural Resources • Markets to sell American goods • Imperialism is driven by business interests • Racism in the form of Social Darwinism shape attitudes
Darwin justification • “Nations like species struggle constantly for existence… only the fittest survive.” • Pacific Islands • China
What does a country need in order to have an obtain colonies? • A strong navy to protect American investment and control the land • Alfred T. Mahan advocated strengthening of the American Navy. • Pro-imperialism- US needs • Coaling stops • Repair facilities • Permanent Bases
Alfred T. Mahan • In 1890 book, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783 • National greatness came from maritime strength • Very popular Roosevelt ordered a copy for every ship • By end of the century US is # 3 Navy in the world
Missionaries • US protestant missionaries will support imperialism • To convert the “heathen” • Reflect racist attitudes
Alaska, Hawaii, and Samoa • In 1867 President Johnson’s secretary of state William Seward purchased Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million • In 1878 the Samoans granted the United States the rights to the naval base at Pago Pago
How does the US Acquire Hawaii? • Hawaii had American planters and missionaries • To maintain their power and wealth and felt that they would benefit from being part of the US • The US government was interested: • Obtaining colonies • Increasing trade (Hawaii is a good point to support the navy and strategic for trade) • The whites on the islands revolted and in 1893 they seized power
Queen Liliukalani • In 1891 Liliukalani ascended to the throne and tried to regain power from the Americans • American marines were sent to the islands to support the coup • A new government was formed in Washington and so did a treaty of annexation • Democratic senators blocked ratification • President Cleveland sent a special team to the islands to investigate the events • They found that the coup had been organized by American planters • Hawaii was annexed in 1898
One American who supported Annexation of Hawaii • Sanford Dole • Was an advisor to the king then • Then the governor during the Coup de etat • His brother started the Dole Pineapple business
How does the United States get involved in a War with Spain? • McKinley • Yellow Journalism • Joseph Pulitzer- World • William Randolph Hearst- New York Journal • The USS Maine • De Lome Letter • Cuba • Rough Riders- San Juan Hill • Philippines • Aguinaldo
Spain • Spain was weak • Lost most of its former colonies in the early part of 1800s • Held Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam, and various other colonies in Africa • Americans begin their contact in Cuba first in the Sugarcane business.
Cubans wanted independence from Spain • Fought in 1860’s • And again in 1895 • Spanish repress Cuban rebels harshly • Americans sympathize with the Cuban Rebels
Jose Marti • Cuban poet and Nationalist wanted Cuban independence and begins a guerrilla war against Spain 1895 • “Man loves liberty, even if he does not know that he loves it. He is driven by it and flees from where it does not exist.” • Marti was afraid of American involvement • Later dies in the war.
President William McKinley • President 1896-1901 • Hesitated to go to war with Spain- • Bowes to public pressure- due to • Yellow Journalism • Maine Explosion • De Lome Letter • Assassinated by an Anarchist-1901 • Theodore Roosevelt takes over after…
Yellow Journalism • The Spanish-American War is often referred to as the first "media war." • During the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and sometimes even manufactured—dramatic events was a powerful force that helped propel the United States into war with Spain. • Newspaper publishers used melodrama, romance, and hyperbole (exaggeration) to sell millions of newspapers-
How do these pictures reflect the idea of Yellow Journalism?
Pulitzer and Hurst • Two of the greatest Yellow Journalists.. • Joseph Pulitzer- publisher of the New York World • William Randolph Hearst- publisher of New York Journal • “You Furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”
De Lome Letter • Spanish diplomat De Lome, wrote a letter insulting President McKinley • This letter was “Leaked” to the press and caused outrage among Americans. • Americans became more open to the idea of War with Spain.
Maine Explodes 1898 • Causes Americans to Blame Spain • Gives imperialists and excuse to take Spanish possessions
US calls for troops and invades Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
Roosevelt, Rough Riders, San Juan Hill • Theodore Roosevelt, former governor of New York, Former Secretary of the Navy,
Philippines • Pre-planned attack- in event of War Dewey was to attack • Americans under Dewey destroy the Spanish Fleet in Manila Bay
Treaty of Paris • Ends the Spanish American War • Cuba gets freedom from Spain (US will control Cuba for some time) • US gets Guam, Puerto Rico, and Buys Philippines for $20 million
Puerto Rico • Why is Puerto Rico important to the US even today? • Does not become a state • Is part of the US
Cuba • Was independent • Teller Amendment- stated US had no intention of holding Cuba (Before the War) • However- the US forced the Cubans to adopt the Platt Amendment- • Cuba could not make treaties with foreign countries to use its territory • US was allowed to intervene in Cuban affairs • Cuba could not go into debt • US could lease land on the island for Navy base • Cuba was a US Protectorate • “There is of course little or no independence left to Cuba.” Wood, American Commander in Cuba
Yankee Imperialism in Cuba • Once in “control” of Cuba • American business begins to assert power • Tobacco • Sugarcane • Fruit
The Philippines and Aguinaldo The Filipinos wanted independence too • Emilliano Aguinaldo • They will fight American control for three years • Aguinaldo will eventually be captured and give up the fight.
US Occupies Philippines • 70,000 -120,000 troops sent to pacify Philippines • 4000 Americans and 20,000 – 50,000 Filipinos die • Lasts 3 years • Bloody and Repressive
Brutal Counter-Insurgency War • Mass killings • Concentrations camps • “We must have no scruples about exterminating this other race standing in the way of progress and enlightenment.”
William Howard Taft becomes • The first American Governor of the Philippines. • Americans claim and control the Philippines until 1948
McKinley and Philippines • McKinley thought • Returning Philippines to Spain would be cowardly • US would not turn over islands to another Imperial country • Filipinos were not ready for independence • US needed to educate the Filipinos
Northeast-Urban Some women Andrew Carnegie Mark Twain Samuel Gompers William Jennings Bryan (will later advocate supporting Treaty of Paris- to bring debate to the presidential election) Undemocratic to hold colonies Empire founded upon force Make worse racial problems in US “Bringing large numbers of aliens into the United States would threaten the welfare of the nation” Morally wrong “No man was ever created good enough to won another. No nation was ever created good enough to own another.” Carnegie Anti-Imperialism League
Mr. President, the times call for candor. The Philippines are ours forever, "territory belonging to the United States," as the Constitution calls them. And just beyond the Philippines are China's illimitable markets. We will not retreat from either. We will not repudiate our duty in the archipelago. We will not abandon our opportunity in the Orient. We will not renounce our part in the mission of our race, trustee, under God, of the civilization of the world. And we will move forward to our work, not howling out regrets like slaves whipped to their burdens, but with gratitude for a task worthy of our strength, and thanksgiving to Almighty God that He has marked us as His chosen people, henceforth to lead in the regeneration of the world. Mr. President, this question is deeper than any question of party politics: deeper than any question of the isolated policy of our country even; deeper even than any question of constitutional power. It is elemental. It is racial. God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing hut vain and idle self-contemplation and self-admiration. No! He has made us the master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns. He has given its the spirit of progress to overwhelm the forces of reaction throughout the earth. He has made us adepts in government that we may administer government among savage and senile peoples. Were it not for such a force as this the world would relapse into barbarism and night. And of all our race He has marked the American people as His chosen nation to finally lead in the regeneration of the world. This is the divine mission of America, and it holds for us all the profit, all the glory, all the happiness possible to man. We are trustees of the world's progress, guardians of its righteous peace. The judgment of the Master is upon us: "Ye have been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many thing." From Congressional Record(56th Cong., 1st Session) Vol XXXIII, Senator Albert J. Beveridge on Expansion January 9, 1900
China • Trade with China was very important to US in the late 1800’s
Chinese government was weak France Germany Britain Japan Russia All had settlements along the coast “Spheres of Influence” Europeans had control of territory China “The Sick Man of Asia”
US wants to protect trade with China • 1899 John Hay- Secretary of State • Wrote of series of notes called the • “Open Door” notes- • All nations allowed to trade with China • The US would “Safeguard for the world the principles of equal impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese Empire”