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Israel and Palestine conflict. By: Caroline Moon. Can the teenagers of Israel and Palestine today recover from the violence they have faced all their lives?.
Israel and Palestine conflict By: Caroline Moon
Can the teenagers of Israel and Palestine today recover from the violence they have faced all their lives? • No, I do not think that teenagers of Israel and Palestine can recover from the violence they have faced all their lives. Teenagers that are mentally disabled or have parents that use violence too much will not be able to recover from all that violence. This boy has learned a inadequate lesson maybe his parents or strangers.
1. Left memories This little boy is aiming the gun at something. What will this teach him? • Memories- teenager’s parents dying= anger and rage for revenge • bombings, shots, killing innocent people= left in their minds • Ex) hard for teens to go to school-feelings or students think that they are different than others, in a bad way
2. Emotional Scaring • Ex) article-students were left with emotional scars after a deadly attack. Sothis war between Palestine and Israel- be same. • another article- children sat down on the street, drawing with crayons, saying “ I will die, I am sad that I lost my house.” • Teens- not be able to forget the bombings and losing their houses and parents= they would be lonely and have no friends This lonely girl was abused and now is under emotional scaring.
3. Affected by Illnesses • Gaza= 53% of children and tons of them are psychologically affected by acts of violence • Ex) hitting relatives or friends because of their anger • When teens return back to school, school will be full of violent actions because of what they saw during the war Pills are used to help recover, but will this do?
4. No self- control Rage can cause fights or even killings. • Teens- not be able to control their rage & violence towards others • can cause big fights or maybe even killings because of the violence seen in the war • Big problem in grades and studying= negative future
5. Violent thoughts Planning and thinking of violent things to do is very dangerous. • War-violent and bloody, teenagers’ minds- violent too • Use violence in public/ school/ home • Rebels against parents, friends , and relatives; can also kill or hurt them
1. Pg. 95- “ ANIMAL” • On this page, a Jewish man called Bassam an animal • This part of the story shows that Jewish people will always think that they are higher rank than Hebrews. • “ Why you bother with this animal?”
2. Omar and Liyana- pg 160 Liyana • Since meeting Omar= taboo, Liyana’smother= mad but Liyana begs her mom to let her go to this “Appointment” • cannot meet any friends during the war= teens and children = be not respectful & would not know what people are like. • return back to school= no one will know how to make friends= no one will have friends! How are they suppose to go to school without friends? • “Liyana! This is his country. It is a very conservative county. Haven’t you noticed?” Omar
Bibliography & Video! • http://www.examiner.com/a-1380611~Violent_attacks_leave_emotional_scars.html?cid=rss-Baltimore • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://israelsmessiah.com/terrorism/images/boy_firebomb.jpg&imgrefurl=http://israelsmessiah.com/terrorism/teaching_hatred.htm&usg=__EPVvu7erQwacznUXfFCCjXu52W0=&h=183&w=235&sz=13&hl=en&start=15&um=1&tbnid=1JiPKDdZqdrEMM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPalestine%2Bteens%2Bsee%2Bbombings%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28842944/ • http://www.warchild.org/projects/WC_Holland/Israel_Palestine/israel_palestine.html • http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/Static?p_product=Breaking&f_location=breaking&p_theme=current&p_action=doc&p_nbid=C64J5BEYMTIzNDM2MzgyOC40NTQzNzM6MTozOmtpcw&f_docnum=AP020309t2&f_topic=1&f_prod=&f_type=&d_refprod=SPECIALREPORTS • Thank you for listening and have a great day!