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МКОУ «Аракская СОШ». Multimedia project :. TABASARAN - 85. Executor : Djabrailova U. I. Direct : Rizaxanova E. B. Arak 2014 year. History and modernity Tabasaran district
МКОУ «Аракская СОШ» Multimedia project: TABASARAN - 85 Executor: Djabrailova U. I. Direct: Rizaxanova E. B. Arak 2014 year.
History and modernity Tabasaran district Tabasarans is one of the indigenous peoples of Dagestan. They live compactly in the South-Eastern part of the Republic in Tabasaran, Khiv, partly in Derbent areas. In the North their neighbors are Dargins, in the South - Lezgins, in the West - Agul, East Azeri. In 2009, Tabasaran district was 80 years old. Seventh Wedgestone Congress of Soviets 16 April 1929 made changes in the Constitution of Dagestan under the new zoning. Districts were abolished. Was formed Tabasaran district with a district center in s Balancent. Part of the district consisted of the villages of the present Tabasaran, and Khiv areas until 1935, i.e. before the formation of Khiva district. Since 1934, the centre is the village of Husni. During a long history on the territory of Tabasaran had various political education, tribal associations. From the fourth century BC to the P-III centuries BC, the territory of Tabasaran was part of Caucasian Albania. Since her breakup Tabasaran sources appears as a separate region, and Tabasarans known as one of the oldest and largest of the Dagestani peoples. The whole story Tabasaran people is the history of the struggle against the Sassanids, Khazars, Arabs, the Mongols and other foreign invaders for the freedom and independence together with the peoples of Dagestan.
Большое значение имела «Крепость семи Братьев и Сестры» , о которой ходило много легенд. Этот памятник является памятником культуры Табасарана.
In the XI-XVII centuries Tabasaranmiasto was one of the largest feudal estates of Dagestan. It included not only the territory inhabited by tabasaranski, it consisted of some modern Lezgin and Azerbaijani villages. About the power of the Tabasaranmiasta shows the following will AvarAndonic Ocala Bulachnozala, dated 1485, "In vilaye Dagestan 210 thousand men. Of these, 70 thousand at Tabasaran, 3 thousand at Hidaka, 100 thousand men in the army of Sultan al-Gumti and 20 thousand troops nazala al-Accident".This document reflected the political growth of Tabasaran ownership, the ruler of which in the fifteenth century could make 70 thousand armed men, second only samalu. However, at the end of the XV century - the beginning of the XVI century Tabasaran becomes an arena of constant attacks by foreign invaders. In 1487 and 1488, attacked Sheikh Haydar. Followed by tours of the Safari's and their vassals, and in 1509, Shah Ismail made a trip to Tabasaran, going further sec. TINIT, wanting to avenge the death of his father Sheikh Haydar. In 1511-1512, the Iranians have dealt another blow to the Tabasaran. In the mid-seventeenth century Tabasaran split into two fiefdoms - miasto and ownership of the Qadi. In the Northern part of Tabasaran with the center in the villages. Husni formed cadista, and in the South with the center in the villages. Jarrah - miasto. In addition to the feudal estates, there were unions of rural societies (Magaly), known as Devic-Elemi.In 1806 the Qadi and masum were adopted in Russia nationality. In connection with the administrative reforms of the 60-ies of the XIX century as part of the Dagestan region were established district: Northern Tabasaran became part of Chicago-Tabasaran, and South in Kurinsky district.
In the framework of the program "Gasification" in fact, 85% of the area is gasified. On the "Road construction" built and roads to settlements Sica, ARRA, Gulig, Sertel, repairs to the highway Husni - Sertich, bridges were built at the entrance to the district centre and on the road leading to the village Curdat, Kurek, Orig. The district administration is engaged in construction of paved roads, Husni - Sertich, Darvag - Husni, Husni - Torah - HIV, Husni - Janiski waterfall.
Given the special importance of the carpet in the living area, which is not only production, but also the history and culture of the people, the administration and the district Assembly adopted emergency measures to revive the industry.
"Agroproduct" in Sdunek, stone quarry "Friendship" in smart, LLC "Stone quarry "Spidah" in SNORAS.The planned restoration of JSC "Tabasaran cannery in sneige, as well as the construction of a bakery shop in shugni. The share of own revenues of the district is more than 3%. Given that half the population of the district youth, the administration has been promising youth policy, opening new jobs, creating conditions for the implementation of the energy and abilities of the youth.
Great attention is paid to the development of physical culture and sports. The most significant event in the sports life of the district has become an international meeting on free-style wrestling in June 2002 at the sports complex named Mcluckie in shugni.Tabasaran volleyball team took second place in the championship of Dagestan in 2007 B. Abasov - European champion in Wushu-Sanda, and his brother N. Abasov - time world champion. I. Ismailov - master of sports of the FMJD, Russian checkers
For the preservation and development of national traditions are 43 clubs and 41 library.In the cultural life of the area plays a big role vocal-instrumental ensemble "Tabasaran" is a complete package for high quality broadcast of the First channel. Since the first of may 2001 published by the local newspaper "the Voice of Tabasaran" after transfer to the capital of the Republic of the Republican newspaper "dawn of Tabasaran". The restored fortress of seven brothers and sisters. It became a tradition in the area to hold festivals of song and music "Ringtone Rabasa". Open municipal Museum, but the most notable event in the cultural life of the area was the discovery in 2001. state Tabasaran, theatre, Derbent. Because of the attractiveness of the local landscape and natural beauty Tabasaran called Dagestani Switzerland. Tabasaran, natural monuments is a unique, valuable in environmental, scientific, cultural and aesthetic relation to natural systems. These include showing durk, Janiski waterfall. Kuznicki natural bridge is an arched structure over the gorge, has a width of about 6 m, the length is more than 60 m, a height of about 50 meters, the Bridge is considered a sacred place. For recreation numerous pilgrims arriving here, the district administration plans to build a tourist camp near unique bridge. In recent years established a fundamentally new administration's approach to solving problems: "to consider All the problems in one complex according to the real financial opportunities. Not to take decisions that are not secured financial resources." All this has yielded positive results, there has been a growth of production. The most promising enterprises are LLC "Brick factory" in szitic, LLC "Brick factory" in C. Gurik, "Agroproduct" in Sdunek, stone quarry "Friendship" in smart, LLC "Stone quarry "Spidah" in SNORAS.
Social sphere represent 63 secondary schools with 13,000 children, their education and upbringing were more than 2 thousand teachers. The district has 29 kindergartens, which raised more than 1,200 children. The district administration is taking the education development programmer, has set itself the task is to strengthen the material base of schools to find the funds to purchase furniture, educational visual AIDS and technical training. In recent years, have been commissioned schools in the villages of Darvag, It, Hank, Sertich, Husni, Kurag, TatIl and additions to schools in Usluge, Virgile, Cornice, Aggie built children's health center. In the framework of the national project "Education" 5 secondary schools received the buses, 10 subject classrooms, 63 computer and the classroom teachers will receive a monetary reward. For the 2006/2007 academic year, three schools have won the competition "the Best school of the year" and received 1 million rubles 10 teachers received 100 thousand rubles, having won in the nomination "Best teacher of the year". Organized meals for children 1st-4th grade.In the area of more than 50 FAPs, Central regional hospital of 200 beds and two local hospitals, 9 outpatient clinics. In the service of public health employs about a thousand doctors and nurses. In 2007 commissioned a new two-storey clinic with modern equipment
Children and youth make up more than half of the population. The working-age population is 26 thousand people, of which produce only 5,800 people. The annual growth rate is 1050-1150 people. This is the highest rate in the Russian Federation. District international, live here in peace and harmony with representatives from 10 Nations. Until 1990, the economy and social sphere developed dynamically. The main branches of agricultural production was viticulture, horticulture, livestock, vegetable and grain production. 10 large specialized farms in the year it was made up to 20 thousand tons of grapes, which were processed at 4 wineries. Only in the carpet manufacturing employs up to 6 thousand women. The carpet was budget-industry district. However, in the period of reforms in the 90-ies all the achievements came to naught. The economy was in a severe crisis. Carpet company, JSC "Plant of resistors", JSC "Cannery" and Breweries ceased production. Large agricultural enterprises were broken up into small groups and then ceased to exist. The result is 98% of the budget was focused on subsidies from the budget of the Republic.
Ещё одним памятником культуры является водопад в селении Хучни, который впадает в реку Рубас, а оттуда в Каспийское море.
Red brick wall separates the Tabasaran district of Derbent region, as a border.